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» NEW - Sheikh Muhammad ibn Haadi and Questions on innovations and innovators - Yesterday 29/3/2010 - 13/4/1431
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Posted By Topic: NEW - Sheikh Muhammad ibn Haadi and Questions on innovations and innovators - Yesterday 29/3/2010 - 13/4/1431

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30-03-2010 @ 11:14 AM    Notify Admin about this post
. Abdulilah Rabah Lahmami (Al Madeenah, S. Arabia)
Posts: 327
Joined: Sep 2002

Yesterday there was a siiting with Sheikh Muhammad bin Haadi al-Madhkhali hafidhahullaah in his masjid by a group of brothers from 'Iraq. He replies to menhaj questions regarding innovators and innovations. Also defence of some doubts against Sheikh al waalid Rabee' ibn Haadi al-Madkhali

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30-03-2010 @ 6:07 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdillaah Zubayr bin Mohammad (Ash-Shariqah, U.A.E.)
Posts: 15
Joined: Jul 2009
As-Salaamu 'Alaykum

Jazaka-Allaahu khayr brother 'Abdul Illaah, may Allaah preserve you, me and all to what He loves and is pleased with.

I am attaching the mp3 audio here where shaykh Mohammd bin Hadee - hafidhahu-Allaah -  speaks about the kadhaab!

And the shaykh also said he will soon release a detailed radd on kadhaab!

May Allaah preserve the shaykh and all the 'ulamaa of the ummah - Ameen

I hope brother 'Abdul Illaah you will also be - soon - able to deliver the ifk of this kadhaab to shaykh 'Ubayd - hafidhahu-Allaah.

Abu 'Abdillah Az-Zubayr bin Mohammad Bin Husayn Aal 'Abbas

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