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03-02-2010 @ 3:22 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah Salaah bin Bernard Brooks (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
Posts: 110
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As Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu


A group of Salafees contacted us from an American prison here in our state.  They state that there is an Ashıaree khateeb who has been appointed over them by the prison administration.  This Ashıaree is staunch in his opposition to the ıAqeedah of the Salaf and he openly calls the Muslims to believe in the Ashıaree creed and he and his followers circulate pamphlets of disparagement against As-Salafiyyah.  This Ashaıree has been advised and attempts have been made to correct him but he refuses.  Our Salafee brothers would like to ask: a) should we continue to attend the Khutbah and Salaah of Jumuıah even with this khateeb calling the people to his creed from the mimbar or should we boycott by not attending the Khutbah and Salaah?  If we boycott and leave them, should we establish the Jumuıah Salaah and Khutbah amongst ourselves and, if we are not able to do so, should we just leave them and pray Thuhur?  b) Should we give the Salaams to those amongst these Ashaaıirah who have been harsh against the Salafee Daıwah?  


Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah Salaah Brooks
Al-Masjid Al-Awwal
Pittsburgh, PA

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Aboo 'Abdil-Fattaah Salaah Brooks

03-02-2010 @ 3:59 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
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Walaykumus salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billaah.  I remember when I was still in the States, the brothers at Coleman (the largest federal prison in the United States) were, with the exception of only one or two inmates, firm Salafees walhamdu lillaah.  And they told us how the Soofiyyah and Ashaa'irah make professional organizations to portray themselves as the "moderates," using their money and orientalist influence to have authentic books banned (and in some cases burned).

It saddens me to see them doing this elsewhere, but I am happy (as are the other brothers and sisters here, I am sure) to see these brothers firm upon the correct path.  I am sure that the students of knowledge here can forward this to the shuyookh.  I would ask all of those who are able to do so (this struck a chord with me), in sha Allaah I will try to do the same.

May Allaahu ta'aala continue to foil the da'wah of these foolish ones, as their arrogance and delusions of grandeur greatly outweigh their actual success.

20-02-2010 @ 11:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Fatimah al engleezi (sheffield; United Kingdom)
Posts: 172
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may Allah make it easy for those brothers

12-03-2010 @ 6:52 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
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Akhoona Aboo Abdil-Fattaah,

Tonight, I spoke to one of the shuyookh of Al-Ahsa who is an administrator for the Islamic education in the public schools in this region of KSA.  Because I did not ask (and because I know he will not want the attention), I cannot write his name here.  I asked him question A from your original post, but unfortunately forgot to ask him question B.

What I told him was this: in the United States, we have a group of Ahlus Sunnah in a prison over whom an Ash'aree imaam has been appointed, and this Ash'aree calls against ad-Da'watus Salafiyyah and al-'Aqeedatus Saheehah and the brothers fear from attending his khutab for the sake of their deen.  And so I asked if it was permissible for them to boycott the jumu'ah salaah in order to avoid hearing his falsehood?

The Shaykh asked me if it is possible for the Salafee brothers to appoint an imaam from amongst themselves and have their own jumu'ah separate from this innovator.  I told him that, to the best of my knowledge, this is not possible in most American prisons as you either attend religious services with the appointed chaplain or you don't attend at all.  So they Shaykh said that if they (the Salafee brothers) have the opportunity to hold their jumu'ah with an imaam from amongst them, then that is best but if this is not possible, then they should attend the jumu'ah salaah of this Ash'aree and not listen to his khutbah.  He said it is not permissible for the brothers to leave off jumu'ah because of the imaam's innovated beliefs.  That is the end of the shaykh's speech.

I have not, in the time since I first replied to this post, found any proof for abandoning the salaah - jumu'ah or otherwise - because the imaam has an innovated 'aqeedah.  Because of this, I agree with the answer I received tonight - advise the brothers to attend jumu'ah but to not listen to the khutbah.  I also know of a book of fataawaa by Shaykh Fawzaan for Muslims incarcerated in the United States and it has been translated into English; this may have information on brothers being compelled by the prison to do certain things, and Allaahu a'lam.

If you would like, I can find an answer to question B the next time I get a chance in sha Allaah.  Please let us know how these brothers are doing.

20-04-2010 @ 5:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
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Aboo Abdil-Fattah,

I did find the time to ask your other question to the same Shaykh I had mentioned.  I began by reminding him of the issue I had mentioned, and asked him if leaving of the salaam with these Ashaa'irah was permissible.

He said that in general, an issue like this depends on the general benefit and the general harm.  To be exact, will it achieve the desired result without causing too many problems?  Will it be worth it?  I told the Shaykh that I do not know the specific details of the situation with these Salafi brothers or the environment in that prison, and that I did not know what benefit leaving of the salaam with Ashaa'irah would bring about.

The Shaykh then said that if this is the case and we don't know this situation, then they are on their own.  They must look at the situation themselves and use their judgment, keeping in mind the well-being of the Salafi brothers in this prison while doing so.  If they find that their is a benefit to this hajar, then it is not a problem.  If it will cause problems for the brothers or simply be ineffective, then they should not do it.  end of the Shaykh's speech.

It's a tough situation, I have to admit.  I can't comment because I am not there and I don't know how it is for these brothers.  Just be careful.  When I was volunteering with the federal bureau of prisons at the largest federal prison in the US, I learned that there is a private organization of Sufis promoting their books in prisons as the moderate Islam and working along with the non-muslims to ban any material about the Sunnah or even printed in certain countries; at one point, they burned a copy of Saheeh al-Bukhaaree sent to the Salafi brothers.  Advise them to be VERY careful and to out their safety first (that's my advice, not the Shaykh's).

22-04-2010 @ 1:03 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Fatimah al engleezi (sheffield; United Kingdom)
Posts: 172
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it sounds like setting your own jumu'ah up is the best option then bi ithnillah. Im sure that if you explain to the authorities the situation they can allow it to happen, its not much different to sending a catholic to a protestant chruch service really. Inshallah they'll understand and allow you to run your own jumu'ah and this ashari imam will be addressing the walls of the masjid

22-04-2010 @ 5:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Below is a summary of the Q&A with Shaykh Ahmed Baazmool hafidhahullah found [url=]here[/url].

Q. What is the case with the prisoners who have a Hizbee chaplin? If the person who comes from the outside is either Sufee or a Takfiree, or someone who is of severe deviance. And for the Muslims who go with him and learn from him, how should we interact with these people in our daily lives.? Do we boycott them? What should we do?

A. The Shaykh said we should do generally what we would do on the outside. Advise them, and try to correct them. Try to guide them to what is correct. Show them the error of what that person is on and if he does not take this advice, then you can leave him alone.

Also I think the book "[url=]Islaamic Rulings for Incarcerated Muslims[/url]" will be beneficial inshaa'Allaah.

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