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» Test Your Understanding of Haa'iyyah Part 1
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18-08-2009 @ 7:32 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
Posts: 94
Joined: Oct 2002

Test Your Understanding Of The Haaıiyyah Poem (1)
Hassan Somali

An example of the how this poem was held in such high esteem by the Imaams of the Sunnah:

Abu Bakr, Muhammad Ibn al-Hussein al-Aajurree  (d.360H) said towards the end of his book ash-Shareeıah, a monumental work clarifying the Belief of the as-Salaf as-Saalih:
ıThe Son of Abu Dawud (may Allaah have mercy upon him) read to us a piece of poetry that he compiled about the Sunnah. I will mention it here as to increase the people upon the truth in their understanding and resolution, by the Will of Allaah.ı He then quoted the 33 lines of the Haaıiyyah poem.

The (majority of thesese) answers to these questions can be found in the explanations of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan and Shaykh Abdur Razzaaq al-ıAbbaad.

1.     Why is the poem called ıThe Haaıiyyah poemı?

2.     Why did the son of Abu Dawud start his poem with ıHold tightly to the rope of Allaah and the guidance, And do not be an innovator, so that you might be successfulı, and where is this derived from?

3.     What is the definition of Bidıah mentioned by ash-Shaatibee?

4.     What are the three ingredients to success in this life and the Hereafter?

5.     Explain the following lines of poetry:

(3) And say: Not a created thing is the Speech of our great King,
     Such was the religious position of the pious ones (before us) who spoke well.
(4) And do not be a person who takes no position on the Quran,
     As did the followers of Jahm, and they had been too lax (to take the right position).
(5) And do not say that the Quran is created, meaning: its recitation,
     Since the Speech of Allaah, through its recitation, is made clear.

6.     Provide evidence from the Quraan and the Sunnah to prove that the Quraan is a. The Speech of Allaah and b. Uncreated.

7.     What is the position of the Ashıarites on the Quraan?

8.     Explain the erroneous logic used by the Ashaırites to justify this position, and refute it.

9.     What are the similarities and differences between the Ashaırites and the Jahmites in this issue?

10.     Which verse did the Jahmiyyah alter to deny that speech is an attribute of Allaah (Clue: this is an example of actual tahreef [distortion] of a Quraanic text)?

11.     Who are the Jahmiyyah and where did this belief system originate from?

12.     What are the evil consequences of the belief that the Quraan is created?

13.     Explain the following lines of poetry:

(6) And say: Allaah will make himself visible to the creation, openly,
     Just as the full moon is not hard to see, and your Lord (will be seen) more clearly.

14.     Provide evidence from the Quraan and Sunnah that the believers will see Allaah in the Hereafter?

15.     How does this creed affect the life of a believer?

16.     What is the supplication that affirms that the believers will see Allaah in the Hereafter, where can it be found and who authenticated it?

17.     Shaykh Fawzaan mentions two groups of people who went astray as it pertains to seeing Allaah; who are they and what do they believe?

18.     Refute these two erroneous positions using texts from the Book and the Sunnah.

19.     Clarify the mistakes in the argument utilised by those who deny that Allaah will not be seen by the believers in the Hereafter.

20.      What is the difference between the Tasbeeh of Ahl us Sunnah and the Tasbeeh of the Jahmiyyah and those similar to them?

21.     Why did the son of Abu Dawud mention ıAnd say: Allaah will make himself visible to the creation, openly, Just as the full moon is not hard to see, and your Lord (will be seen) more clearlyı before ıAnd He was not born, nor has He fathered anyone, Nor is there anything similar to Him, exalted be the Glorified Oneı?

22.      In what sense is ıı used in this sentence ııııı ıııı ıııııı ıııı ıı, explain?

23.     Explain the following line of poetry:

(10) And a Jahmee will certainly deny His Right Hand as well,
     While both of His Hands are giving out all kinds of bounties.

24.     Provide evidences from the Quraan and the Sunnah for the above line of poetry.

25.     The position of the people of Sunnah when understanding the names and attributes of Allaah is built upon two fundamental principles, what are they?

26.     Explain the statement: ıAnyone who denies the attributes of Allaah has fallen into this because they have resembled Allaah to the creation.ı

27.     Those who deny the attributes of Allaah have fallen into Tamtheel on two occasions, explain.

28.     Explain the statement: ıAnyone who resembles Allaah to the creation is in reality denying the attributes of Allaah.ı

29.     Those who resemble Allaah to the creation have fallen into Taıteel on three occasions, explain.

30.     How was Jahm Ibn Safwaan able to influence people and cause them to deny the attributes of Allaah?

31.     Explain how this poem highlights the misguidance of those who claim that it is from the methodology of the people of Sunnah to remain silent about innovation and the people of innovation.

If you cannot answer any of the questions and you attended the lesson, then insha Allah review the appropriate class.
In The Next Lesson, Saturday 15th of August after Asr, The Following Lines Will Be Covered (Insha Allaah):

(11) And say: The Ever-Compelling descends each night,
     Without asking for exact details, magnificent is the One God and most worthy of praise.
(12) Down to the lowest heaven, granting bounties from His Grace,
     As the gates of the heavens are opened and spread widely.
(13) He says: Is there anyone seeking forgiveness who would like to meet a Forgiver?
     Or anyone seeking bounties of goodness and provisions, so he could be given (what he requests)?

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