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» Kitab-ar-Ruh - Its Attribution To Ibn Al-Qayyim
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23-03-2008 @ 5:34 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002
Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-Uthaimeen rahimahullaah On Kitab ar Ruh

Attached is the audio of Shaykh Muhammad rahimahullaah on Kitab ar Ruh. He points out that it contains narrations that are not authentic.

23-03-2008 @ 5:17 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002
Ibn al-Qayyim Declares Soofees To Be From 72 Sects Doomed To Hell Again!!

Before anyone should claim, I picked up a rare quote from I'laam and G.F.Haddaad's muqallids circulate his baathil tafseer of some words of Ibn al-Qayyim in his Nooneeyah, I would like to re-assert that Ibn al-Qayyim really meant it insha Allaah.

Here is a scan from Sawaaiq al-Mursilah, so you have another task to prove if he this was written before Kitab ar Ruh, if this ascription to Kitab ar Ruh is really correct!!!

More to follow Bi-Idhnillaah!!

23-03-2008 @ 12:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
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Shaykh Ibn Baaz rahimahullaah On Kitab ar Ruh Attributed To Ibn al-Qayyim

Attached is the response of Shaykh Ibn Baaz rahimahullaah with regards to Kitab ar Ruh! I will add later on insha Allaah what the Shaykh rahimahullah said about Thalqeen and its related athar from Imam Ahmed rahimahullaah.

This was also rebutted by Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan hafidhahullaah in his
Radd alaa Faisal Muraad Alee Radhaa Feema Kutubuhu An` Sha`an al-Amwaath Wa Ahwaalihim! This contains a write-up praise from Shaykh Ibn Baaz rahimahullaah.

23-03-2008 @ 12:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
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Shaykh Al-Albaanee rahimahullaah On Kitaab ar Ruh

Attached is the reply of Shaykh Nasir rahimahullaah about attribution of Kitab ar Ruh to Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullaah. I will list in due course from various other books of the Shaykh rahimahullaah, his kalaam in this regard.

Shaykh al-Albaanee rahimahullaah said in the footnotes to Aayaathul-Bayyinaath, page 22 -

انظر ( ص 45 - 46 ) من كتاب " الروح " المنسوب لابن القيم رحمه الله تعالى فإن فيه غرائب وعجائب من الروايات والآراء كما سنرى شيئا من ذلك فيما يأتي : وانظر ( ص 87 )

See pages 45-46 from Kitab-ur-Ruh which is attributed to Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah for verily in it are strange and odd narrations and views. We shall see some of these later. (And he points to) page 87 - where he mentions some of them and their inauthenticity.

On page 38, Shaykh Nasir rahimahullaah commented -

ولهم من هذا النوع أدلة أخرى ولكن لا تصح أسانيدها وفي أحدها التصريح بأن الموتى يسمعون السلام عليهم من الزائر وسائرها ليس في السماع وبعضها خاص بشهداء أحد وكلها ضعيفة وبعضها أشد ضعفا من بعض كما ستراه في التعليق ( ص 69 )
وأغرب ما رأيت لهم من الأدلة قول ابن القيم رحمه الله في " الروح " ( ص 8 ) تحت المسألة الأولى : هل تعرف الأموات زيارة الأحياء وسلامهم أم لا ؟ فأجاب بكلام طويل جاء فيه ما نصه :

ويكفي في هذا تسمية المسلم عليهم زائرا ولولا أنهم يشعرون به لما صح تسميته زائرا فإن المزور إن لم يعلم بزيارة من زاره لم يصح أن يقال : زاره ( ) هذا هو المعقول من الزيارة عند جميع الأمم وكذلك السلام عليهم أيضا فإن السلام على من لا يشعر ولا يعلم بالمسلم محال ( ) وقد علم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أمته إذا زاروا القبور أن يقولوا : سلام عليكم أهل الديار
وهذا السلام والخطاب والنداء لموجود يسمع ويخاطب ويعقل ويرد وإن لم يسمع المسلم الرد "

أقول وبالله تعالى التوفيق :
رحم الله ابن القيم فما كان أغناه من الدخول في مثل هذا الاستدلال العقلي الذي لا مجال له في أمر غيبي كهذا فوالله لو أن ناقلا نقل هذا
الكلام عنه ولم أقف أنا بنفسي عليه لما صدقته لغرابته وبعده عن الأصول العلمية والقواعد السلفية التي تعلمناها منه ومن شيخه الإمام ابن تيمية فهو أشبه شيء بكلام الآرائيين والقياسيين الذين يقيسون الغائب على الشاهد والخالق على المخلوق وهو قياس باطل فاسد طالما رد ابن القيم أمثاله على أهل الكلام والبدع ولهذا وغيره فإني في شك كبير من صحة نسبة " الروح " إليه أو لعله ألفه في أول طلبه للعلم . والله أعلم

22-03-2008 @ 12:08 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abd Ar Rahman Abd Al Adheem Ibn Faheem ibn Zia ibn Ma'een (KSA/ Bangalore, India)
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002
Ibn al-Qayyim Declares Soofeeyah From 72 Sects Doomed To Hellfire!

Introduction:-Neo-Soofeeyah resorted to wrap the taqleed-strand around their defenses of those whom they considered deviant, astray, salafee...!

While it was an obligation to return to the truth when they  have the entire Qur'aan and the clear Sunnah in opposition to their beliefs! How on earth a sane Muslim can justify the fake stories from a book like fadaail-e-aamaal and rest of soofee fiction?

Soofees are truly insane!

Out of the vast treasure left behind by ibn al-Qayyim you had ONLY the disputed Kitab-ar-Ruh to hang onto? Then you built hanbalee sufism and shamelessly included Ibn al-Qayyim amongst them?

I will list insha Allaah what the research of the scholars has been with regards to this book and the radd of Ibn al-Qayyim upon the Soofees and their khuraafee practises so that there remains no doubt and confusion with the permission of Allaah regarding Ibn al-Qayyim and his aqeedah!

There are six important things to be observed.

Firstly:- The soofees attempt to refute the salafees using their Mu`tazilee/Kullaabee/Asharee usool. If you were to ponder with slightest of justice and fairness, it is from  the salafee usool to reject anything that opposes the Qur'aan and the Sunnah as understood by the Salaf-us-Saalih; even if it comes from the most greatest of their scholars!

Secondly:- The soofees pick up isolated statements and disputed ascriptions of books/ statements upon certain Ulamaa and build their whole manhaj around it. If they were to gather all the statements of the same scholar in question, his usool then they would miserably fail in proving their deception!

Thirdly:- The one whom they claim to blind follow in furoo, they oppose the same one in usool. The one whom they claim to blind follow in creed, they strenuously oppose him in fiqh. Then the one whom they claim to blind follow in hadeeth and its sciences, they would vigorously oppose him in creed.

As for the ahl-us-Sunnah, then they follow the Qur'aan  and the Sunnah as understood by the salaf and leave whatever opposes it!

Fourthly:- The soofees claim to be hanafees and the hanafee usool renders Khabr-al-Waahid even if it be SAHEEH reported by Bukhaaree/Muslim does not reach ilm yaqeeni. Then how do they accept kitaab-ar-Ruh and most of the narrations in it relating to dreams and events that are extremely weak?

And this related to the aspects of Aqeedah and they have no hesitation in accepting it, while they reject Kharb-ul-Ahhaad in the matters of fiqh.
Astonishingly, they also reject certain aspects of aqeedah of
ahl-us-Sunnah with an excuse of Khabr-ul-Ahhaad!

Fifthly:- a)Even if they press most vehemently upon Shaykh Bakr rahimahullaah's research and his stance with regards to Kitab-ar-Ruh, then they should follow him conclusively and do not draw conclusions about Ibn al-Qayyim until they have fair knowledge of what he wrote in Kitab-ar-Ruh-Wa-Nafs-al-Kabeer.

b) They should also clarify if this book was written before I'laam-ul-Muwaqqi`een ann` Rabbil-Aalameen based on clear evidences. I would appreciate even if you can prove to me this book was  written after Zaad-al-Maad, let alone I'laam.

c) Inform the Aqeedah of Ibn al-Qayyim and publicise it based on all his available works and dont restrict to one book.

Sixthly:- When it is only the Salafee Scholars who warn against this book, then it does not befit the sects in opposition except that they prove based on evidences from the Qur'aan & the Sunnah as understood by the Salaf-us-Saalih following the rules of science of hadeeth. Not that the book in and itself it a PROOF and HUJJAH!
[See Kitaabun Hazzara Min-al-Ulamaa of Mash`hoor Hasan Volume 2 where he has listed Kitab-ar-Ruh]

I begin with what Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said in his most famous
book of Usool, I'laam-ul-Muwaqqi`een ann` Rabbil Aalameen about Soofeeyah!
This should send shock waves around soofee circles and let the blood
in those hands clot that have given secret bayah to their fake shaykhs
by the permission of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic!!!

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullaah said:

And such is the plight of these (72) innovated sects (that are upon this path of baathil ta`weel) with regards to the Sharee'ah. Each of these sects misunderstood Shareeżah in a way different from the other sects, claiming their understanding to be that which was intended by the Saahib-ush-Shara`(meaning the Messenger of Allaah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam). This (baathil Ta`weel) ruptured the Shareeżah apiece, such that even the remnants did not reflet the shadow of its original self.

The Saahib-ush-Shara` (Salwaathullaahi wa salaamuhu alayhi) knew that the like of this would follow so he Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: "My Ummah will devide into 73 sects, all of them will be in the hell fire, except for oneż. He meant by this "one" the group which follows the Sharee'ah (Qur`aan & the Sunnah) upon dhaahir, apparently and does not make ta`weel to change its intended meaning.

When you reflect upon the amount of fasaad that has occured in the Shar`eeah during this time, you will find that most of it was from the direction of ta`weel(explaning the Shar`eeah with other than its intended meaning, that which was understood by the Sahabah), and it will be starkly apparent to you that the illustration of the Messenger of Allaah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam is Saheeh (in describing the 72 sects doomed for hellfire and only one group being upon the truth).


And the first and foremost to modify this greatest of cure (meaning the Shar`eeah explained by the Messenger of Allaah as understood by the Salaf-us-Saalih without Ta`weel) were: al-Khawaarij, then Mużtazilah, then Ashżaairah, then the Sufee`ah. Then came Abu Haamid (meaning al-ghazaalee) who caused the valley to landslide over!

[See I'laam Volume 6 page 191,192 ~ Checking Of Shaykh Mash`hoor Hasan]

What endorses this fact further is that a very similar saying has been documented by Ibn Rushd in his work,al-Kashf ann` Minhaaj-il-Adillah Fee Aqaaidil-Millah where he refutes these baathil sects of deviation.

To be continued Insha Allaah!

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