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» Did They Feel Secure From Allaah's Plan Against Them?
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Posted By Topic: Did They Feel Secure From Allaah's Plan Against Them?

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23-09-2004 @ 12:59 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Abdillaah Zaeem bin Sivardeen (unspecified)
Posts: 24
Joined: Jan 2003
Indeed all Praises are for Allaah, may His Salaah and Salaams be upon His Messenger, his Family, Companions, and those who follow their way in goodness.

I have translated below the chapter concerning Feeling Secure from the Plan of Allaah, from the book Kitaab at-Tawheed, by Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdil-Wahhaab (Rahimahullaah), with one of its explanations, Qurrah al-?Uyyoon, by his grandson Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan bin Hasan (Rahimahullaah). I have added some of the notes I heard from Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (Hafidhahullaah) during the lessons I attended for two years on that book [chapters 18 to 67, the end of the book].

The Shaykh?s explanation was very beneficial, especially because he made some points that I did not find in some of the written explanations of Kitaab at-Tawheed ? even in the Shaykh?s own written explanation (I?aanah al-Mustafeed).

Part 1/3

Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdil-Wahhaab (Rahimahullaah) said:

Chapter[1]: The Saying of Allaah the Most High: ((أفأمِنوا مكر الله فلا يأمن مكر الله اِلاّ القوم الخاسرون)) i.e. ((Did they[2] feel secure from Allaah?s Plan? None feels secure from Allaah?s Plan[3]except the people who are losers)). [al-?Araaf (7): 98].

Shaykh ?Abdur-Rahmaan Aal ash-Shaykh (Rahimahullaah) said:

Concerning the Aayah that is used as the chapter heading, the Author (رحمه الله تعالى) means that to feel secure from Allaah?s Plan indicates weak Eemaan, because such a person who does this, does not feel bothered about abandoning obligatory deeds, or bothered about doing prohibited deeds[4]. This is due to the lack of fear of Allaah concerning what he does and does not do, and this is one of the greatest sins. All of this results from this short-coming. The meaning of this Aayah is that Allaah (تبارك و تعالى), when mentioning the condition of the people of the towns[5] who rejected the messengers, explained that the thing that made them do this was their feeling of security from Allaah?s Plan, and their lack of fear of that. They felt this security because He had slowly provided them prosperity and favours, and so they considered it unlikely that this was a plan[6] [against them].

Al-Hasan said: Whoever has [good] spread out before him, and does not see that he is being subjected to a plan, then he does not have any sight [at all]. Qataadah said: When a people have trangressed the command of Allaah, they will always be seized right in the middle of their enjoyment and delusion ? so do not be mistaken about Allaah. Ismaa?eel bin Raafi? said: An aspect of feeling secure from Allaah?s plan, is that when the slave establishes a sin, he hopes for Allaah?s pardon. Related by Ibn Abee Haatim.


[1]      Shaykh Saalih: The believers believe in all of the Book of Allaah [he quotes the first Aayaat of Soorah Aal ?Imraan]. Some of the Book contains Aayaat of Wa?eed ? threats, inspiring fear. Others contain Aayaat of Wa?d ? promises, inspiring hope. The Khawaarij take the first and leave the second, while the Murji-ah take the second and leave the first. This chapter is about acting upon both ? having both hope and fear. We must take all of the Qur-aan because parts of it explain the other parts.
[2]      Shaykh Saalih: e.g. the people of Shu?ayb and Nooh.
[3]      Shaykh Saalih: Allaah?s plan is the sending of a punishment to those who deserve it, from a place that they would never expect.
[4]     Shaykh Saalih: This is the way of the Murji-ah.
[5]     Shaykh Saalih: The word is (القرى), the plural of (القرية) ? i.e. towns. It applies to any area that gathers people ? even a large land, and not just a village.
[6]     Shaykh Saalih: Indeed they said all this good they received was a proof that Allaah was pleased with them.

[to be continued In Shaa-Allaah]

Abu 'Abdillaah Zaeem Sivardeen
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia  

08-10-2004 @ 11:54 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Abdillaah Zaeem bin Sivardeen (unspecified)
Posts: 24
Joined: Jan 2003
Part 2/3

Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdul-Wahhaab (Rahimahullaah) said:

And His Saying: ((قال و من يقنط مِن رحمة ربّه اِلاّ الضالون)) i.e. ((Ibraaheem said: ?And who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except those who are astray?)) [al-Hijr (15): 56].[7]

Shaykh ?Abdur-Rahmaan Aal ash-Shaykh (Rahimahullaah) said:

Concerning this Aayah, the word (القنوط) i.e. Qunoot, means to consider it unlikely that you will be released from suffering. The word (اليأس) i.e. Ya-s, which means despair, is also from Qunoot. This is the opposite of feeling safe from Allaah?s Plan. Both of these are great sins because Qunoot consists of having a bad opinion about Allaah. His Saying ((اِلاّ الضالون)) i.e. ((except those who are astray)), means those who are astray from the Guidance.

Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdil-Wahhaab (Rahimahullaah) said:

From Ibn ?Abbaas (رضيِ الله عنهما) who said that Allaah?s Messenger (صلّى الله عليه و سلّم) was asked about the major sins[8], so he said: ?To commit Shirk with Allaah, to despair of refreshment from Allaah, and to feel secure from Allaah?s Plan.?[9]

Shaykh ?Abdur-Rahmaan Aal ash-Shaykh (Rahimahullaah) said:

This Hadeeth is related by al-Bazzaar and Ibn Abee Haatim by way of Shabeeb bin Bishr. Ibn Ma?een said he is Thiqah (trustworthy), while Ibn Abee Haatim declared him to be Layyin. Ibn Katheer said: The chain of narration needs some looking into, and it is most likely that it is a Mawqoof narration[10].

The first of the sins mentioned is committing Shirk with Allaah, which is the worst of the major sins. This is why he started with it. Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله تعالى) said: Shirk is an unjust treatment of His Lordship, it diminishes His right to be worshipped alone, and it involves having a bad opinion about the Lord of the worlds.

The second is despairing of refreshment from Allaah, i.e. cutting off hope and expectation from Allaah the Most High in that which is feared and hoped for. This involves having a bad idea about Allaah, and being ignorant of Him, His vast Mercy, Presence and Forgiveness.

The last sin was to feel safe from Allaah?s plan, i.e. His gradual approach upon the worshipper to take away the Eemaan that He gave him ? and we ask Allaah to protect us from that. This shows ignorance in Allaah and His Power, and it shows self-confidence and amazement with oneself.

These three are some the worst of the major sins, and so they are very major indeed, and so we ask Allaah to keep us clear from them.

He mentioned these three as a summary of all evil, and to declare that any good is far away from these actions. However many people of the past and present have fallen into these. We ask Allaah for well-being in this world and the next.


[7]     Shaykh Saalih: Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdul-Wahhaab quotes both Aayaat of Wa?d and Wa?eed ? following the way of Ahl as-Sunnah, and opposing the Murji-ah and Khawaarij. The believer is between hope and fear.
[8]     Shaykh Saalih: This Hadeeth shows that sins are split into major sins and less-major sins. The major sins are those which carry a Hadd punishment, or a threat of a curse, the fire, disavowal, or invalidation of Eemaan. The less-major sins can be wiped out by doing good deeds.
[9]     Mentioned by al-Haythamee in ?Majma? az-Zawaa-id?, who said it was related by al-Bazzaar and at-Tabaraanee. The narrators in the chain of narration are declared trustworthy. The Hadeeth that follows supports this. [Hasan ? See as-Saheehah (2051)].
[10]     Shaykh Saalih: But it carries the ruling of being Marfoo?.

Abu 'Abdillaah Zaeem Sivardeen
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia  

15-10-2004 @ 11:10 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Abdillaah Zaeem bin Sivardeen (unspecified)
Posts: 24
Joined: Jan 2003
Part 2/3

Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdul-Wahhaab (Rahimahullaah) said:

And His Saying: ((قال و من يقنط مِن رحمة ربّه اِلاّ الضالون)) i.e. ((Ibraaheem said: ?And who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except those who are astray?)) [al-Hijr (15): 56].[7]

Shaykh ?Abdur-Rahmaan Aal ash-Shaykh (Rahimahullaah) said:

Concerning this Aayah, the word (القنوط) i.e. Qunoot, means to consider it unlikely that you will be released from suffering. The word (اليأس) i.e. Ya-s, which means despair, is also from Qunoot. This is the opposite of feeling safe from Allaah?s Plan. Both of these are great sins because Qunoot consists of having a bad opinion about Allaah. His Saying ((اِلاّ الضالون)) i.e. ((except those who are astray)), means those who are astray from the Guidance.

Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdil-Wahhaab (Rahimahullaah) said:

From Ibn ?Abbaas (رضيِ الله عنهما) who said that Allaah?s Messenger (صلّى الله عليه و سلّم) was asked about the major sins[8], so he said: ?To commit Shirk with Allaah, to despair of refreshment from Allaah, and to feel secure from Allaah?s Plan.?[9]

Shaykh ?Abdur-Rahmaan Aal ash-Shaykh (Rahimahullaah) said:

This Hadeeth is related by al-Bazzaar and Ibn Abee Haatim by way of Shabeeb bin Bishr. Ibn Ma?een said he is Thiqah (trustworthy), while Ibn Abee Haatim declared him to be Layyin. Ibn Katheer said: The chain of narration needs some looking into, and it is most likely that it is a Mawqoof narration[10].

The first of the sins mentioned is committing Shirk with Allaah, which is the worst of the major sins. This is why he started with it. Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله تعالى) said: Shirk is an unjust treatment of His Lordship, it diminishes His right to be worshipped alone, and it involves having a bad opinion about the Lord of the worlds.

The second is despairing of refreshment from Allaah, i.e. cutting off hope and expectation from Allaah the Most High in that which is feared and hoped for. This involves having a bad idea about Allaah, and being ignorant of Him, His vast Mercy, Presence and Forgiveness.

The last sin was to feel safe from Allaah?s plan, i.e. His gradual approach upon the worshipper to take away the Eemaan that He gave him ? and we ask Allaah to protect us from that. This shows ignorance in Allaah and His Power, and it shows self-confidence and amazement with oneself.

These three are some the worst of the major sins, and so they are very major indeed, and so we ask Allaah to keep us clear from them.

He mentioned these three as a summary of all evil, and to declare that any good is far away from these actions. However many people of the past and present have fallen into these. We ask Allaah for well-being in this world and the next.


[7]     Shaykh Saalih: Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdul-Wahhaab quotes both Aayaat of Wa?d and Wa?eed ? following the way of Ahl as-Sunnah, and opposing the Murji-ah and Khawaarij. The believer is between hope and fear.
[8]     Shaykh Saalih: This Hadeeth shows that sins are split into major sins and less-major sins. The major sins are those which carry a Hadd punishment, or a threat of a curse, the fire, disavowal, or invalidation of Eemaan. The less-major sins can be wiped out by doing good deeds.
[9]     Mentioned by al-Haythamee in ?Majma? az-Zawaa-id?, who said it was related by al-Bazzaar and at-Tabaraanee. The narrators in the chain of narration are declared trustworthy. The Hadeeth that follows supports this. [Hasan ? See as-Saheehah (2051)].
[10]     Shaykh Saalih: But it carries the ruling of being Marfoo?.

Part 3/3

Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdil-Wahhaab (Rahimahullaah) said:

And from Ibn Mas?ood (رضي الله عنه) who said: ?The worst of the major sins are: To commit Shirk with Allaah, to feel secure from Allaah?s Plan, to consider it unlikely to receive Allaah?s Mercy, and to despair of refreshment[11] from Allaah.?[12] Related by ?Abdur-Razzaaq.

Shaykh ?Abdur-Rahmaan Aal ash-Shaykh (Rahimahullaah) said:

Concerning the sin of considering it unlikely to receive Allaah?s Mercy, then Aboo as-Sa?adaat said: This is the most severe form of despair. However it is befitting for the heart to have more by way of fear, because, if it has more hope when well, it will end up becoming corrupt[13]. The Most High said: ((اِنّ الذّين يخشون ربّهم بالغيب لهم مغفرة و أجر كبير)) i.e. ((Indeed those who fear their Lord concerning the Unseen, will receive forgiveness and a big reward.)) [al-Mulk (67): 12]. And He said: ((يخافون يوما تتقلّب فيه القلوب و الأبصار)) i.e. ((They fear a day when the hearts and eyes will be over-turned.)) [an-Noor (24): 37].

Imaam Muhammad bin ?Abdil-Wahhaab (Rahimahullaah) said:

This chapter contains a number of issues:

1-     An explanation of the Aayah in Soorah al-?Araaf.
2-     An explanation of the Aayah in Soorah al-Hijr.
3-     The severe warning against the one who feels secure against Allaah?s Plan[14].
4-     The severe warning against Qunoot (قنوط) ? severe despair [of Allaah?s Mercy].

[End of Chapter].


[11]     Shaykh Saalih: the word is (الروح) which means (الرحمة) i.e. mercy.
[12]     Mentioned by al-Haythamee in ?Majma? az-Zawaa-id? (1/104), who said it was related by at-Tabaraanee and its chain of narration is Saheeh.
[13]     In Fath al-Majeed p. 315, some narrations of the Salaf are quoted that indicate it is correct to have more hope when in times of difficulty, and to have more fear in times of ease.
[14]     Shaykh Saalih: Because such a person is among the losers.

Abu 'Abdillaah Zaeem Sivardeen
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia  

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