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» The Attribute of Eyes For Allaah
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26-05-2004 @ 11:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu `Iyaad   (UK)
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002


The point that Ibn ul-Qayyim - may Allaah have mercy upon him - explains in Ijtimaa ul-Juyoosh and in Mukhtasaarus-Sawaa'iq (1/34-37) that Allaah has two Eyes. Then he explains that this is the position of the Salaf. He quotes Abu Hasan al-Ash'aree who states:

"And He has two eyes without any mention of how, just as He said: Floating under Our Eyes [Soorah Qamar 54:14]"(1)

Ibn ul-Qayyim says: "So al-Ash'aree and others do not understand from the plural: a'yun (eyes) many eyes, nor from the plural 'aidee' (hands) many hands..."(2)

Ibn Hajr also mentions(3) that al-Bayhaqee mentions a witness to the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah - [i.e. the hadeeth reported by Aboo Daawood that the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) recited Soorah an-Nisaa, aayah 58 and read up to: 'Sameean Baseeraa', and placed his thumb on his ear and the one next to it upon his eye](4) - from the hadeeth of Uqbah bin Aamir: I heard Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) say upon the minbar: "Our Lord certainly hears and sees" and he pointed to his two eyes" Ibn Hajr says: Its isnaad is hasan.(5)

That Allaah the Most High has Two Eyes - in the manner that befits Him and without any resemblance to the creation - is also stated by ad-Daarimee in his reply upon Bishr al-Maarisee and by Ibn Khuzaymah in his Kitaabut-Tawheed and by al-Laalikaa'ee in Sharh Usool il-I'tiqaad.

Ibn Khuzaymah after mentioning four verses in the Qur'aan containing a mention of eye in the singular and the plural, under the chapter "Chapter: Mention of the Affirmation of Eye for Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic", brings the following narrations:

Muhammad bin Yahyaa narrated to us, he said: Abdullaah bin Yazeed al-Muqree narrated to us, he said: Hurmulah bin `Imraan at-Tajeebee narrated to us, from Aboo Yoonus - Saleem Jubayr - the Mawlaa of Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, that he said regarding the verse, "Verily! Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those to whom they are due; and that when you judge between men, you judge with justice. Verily, how excellent is the teaching which He (Allah) gives you! Truly, Allah is Ever All­Hearer, All­Seer." (An-Nisa 4:58), "I saw the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam), place his thumb upon his ear and his finger next to it upon his eye", Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, said, "I saw Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) doing that". (Kitaab ut-Tawheed of Ibn Khuzaymah, Maktabah ar-Rushd 1/97).

And then with another chain of narration to Aboo Yoonus who said, "I heard Abu Hurayrah repeat this verse, "Verily! Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those to whom they are due..." he recited it until he reached, "All-Hearer, All-Seer", and he placed his thumb upon his ear and the one that was next to it upon his eye, and he said, "This is how I saw the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) reciting and placing his two fingers". (Kitaab ut-Tawheed of Ibn Khuzaymah, 1/98).

So the Salafees follow and accept the aqeedah of the Salaf and there is no contradiction or ta'weel here.

Secondly: it is clear that the real tashbeeh (making resemblances for Allaah) lies in the heart of this filthy Jahmee and others like him since when they hear the Attributes of Allaah being mentioned such as Hand, Face and the likes, they are disturbed, confused, unsettled - nay - bewildered. This is because their hearts cannot but make analogies for Allaah from His creation when they hear these Attributes and so they are forced to deny them, claiming thereby that they are declaring Allaah free of defects (tanzeeh) and that it is tashbeeh (anthropomorphism) to affirm them. As for the Salaf - those whose hearts Allaah has guided and has kept safe - and those upon their way, they affirm all the Attributes as they have come, without ta'weel, or tashbeeh as has been quoted previously from them.

As Imaam al-Juwaynee (d. 438H) said: "And Allaah expanded my chest about the state of those Shaikhs who made ta'weel of al-Istiwaa to isteelaa ... and it is my belief that they do not understand the Attributes of the Lord - the Most High - except with what befits the creation. Thus they do not understand al-Istiwaa of Allaah as it truly befits Him ... so this is why they distort the words from its proper context and deny what Allaah has described Himself with. And we shall mention the explanation of that if Allaah wills." Risaalah Ithbaatul-Istiwaa wal-Fawqiyyah (p.176-183) For a longer quotation of his words refer to the end of Chapter 3 of 'Foundations of the Sunnah' of Imaam Ahmad - On the falsehood of Ta'weel. Imaam al-Juwaynee was a former Ash'aree who retracted from the Ash'aree madhhab and followed the path of the Salaf.


(1) This is said by Ash'aree in al-Maqaalaat (p.290) and al-Ibaanah (p.9) and al-Moojiz.

(2 The aforementioned Jahmee, in his vilification of the Ulamaa of the Salaf, said:

"On page 97 of the same work, Ibn ul-Qayyim also mentions the hadeeth of Bukhaaree warning of the Anti-Christ - al-Maseeh ad-Dajjaal - who in the last days will come forth and claim to be God, of which the Prophet, Allaah bless him and give him peace, said: "Allaah has sent no Prophet except that he warned his people of the one-eyed liar and that he is one-eyed and that your Lord is not one-eyed and that he shall have unbeliever - kaafir - written between his two eyes". Ibn al-Qayyim comments, "The Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) negated the attribute of one-eyedness (meaning of Allaah) which is proof that Allaah literally has two eyes". Now a primer in logical fallacies could have told Ibn al-Qayyim that the negation of a quality - one-eyedness - does not entail the affirmation of its contrary - two-eyedness. And example of what is called by the logicians, the "black and white fallacy". For example, to say "if it is not white it is therefore black, if you are not my friend you must be my enemy..." and so on. So what he attempts to prove here does not show the kind of anthropomorphism he is trying to promote." End of the Jahmee's words -Alhamdulillaah.

It is said in response to the Jahmee:

Firstly: "Ayyuhal Jahool, bil-ilmi mawsoof wa bil-jahli mushtahir - (O Ignoramus, with knowledge described but with ignorance notorious)

Secondly: Or alternatively: "...bil aqli mawsoof wa bil-jahli mushtahir." (...with intelligence described but with ignorance notorious).

Thirdly: "In the language of the Arabs it is possible to annex a noun in its singular, dual and plural form and this is determined by the nature of the noun to which it is being annexed. If that to which a singular noun is being annexed is also singular, then they leave the annexed noun in its singular form. And if they annex a noun to a plural personal pronoun then it is better to put the annexed noun in the plural form as well such as in the saying of the Most Perfect:

Floating under our Eyes (a'yuninaa) [54:14]

and in His saying:

Do they not see that We have created for them of what Our Hands (aideenaa) have created...[36:71]

And if they annex a noun to a dual noun [or a dual personal pronoun] then it is more clear and eloquent in their language to put the annexed noun into the plural form as well such as in the saying of Allaah - the Most Perfect:

If you two (i.e. Aa'ishah and Hafsah - may Allaah be pleased with them both) turn in repentance to Allaah, (it will be better for you), your hearts (quloobukumaa) are indeed so inclined... [66:4]

So in this verse two people are being addressed and they are but two hearts, but Allaah - the Most Perfect - has used the word quloob, which is in the plural form. Therefore, let not the listener be confused by the saying: "We see you with our eyes (naraaka bi a'yuninaa) and we shall take you with our hands (na'khudhuka bi aideenaa)" - and no single man on the face of the earth understands from this many eyes or many hands in any aspect whatsoever - and Allaah knows best." Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan - may Allaah protect him - in his Sharh ul-Aqeedatil Waasitiyyah (p.52) and the like of this is also mentioned by Ibn al-Qayyim. Refer also to 'Al-Kawaashif al-Jaliyyah an Ma'aani al-Waasitiyyah' (pp.253-254) of Abdul-Azeez al-Muhammad as-Salmaan.

Fourthly: It is clear in his vilification of Ibn al-Qayyim - and in his use of the knowledge of logical fallacies and while being grossly ignorant of the language of the Arabs - that the Jahmee's way is but the way of Ahl ul-Kalaam (the People of Theological Rhetoric and Innovated Speech) and had ash-Shaafi'ee - may Allaah have mercy upon him - been present he would have enforced his ruling upon this Jahmee: "My ruling regarding the people of theological rethoric is that they should be beaten with palm leaves and shoes and be paraded amongst the kinsfolk and the tribes with it being announced: This is the reward of the one who abandons the Book and the Sunnah and turns to theological rhetoric (kalaam)." Sharh Aqeedat it-Tahaawiyyah of Ibn Abi al-Izz (p.75).

(3) Al-Fath (13/373)

(4) Abu Daawood (3/1324) and it is saheeh

(5) It has already preceded that the way of Ahl us-Sunnah in the issue of the Attributes of Allaah is to affirm whatever has been narrated from the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) in describing Allaah the Exalted from the Authentic Narrations - those reported by trustworthy and reliable narrators. And they affirm whatever comes through these narrations without ta'teel (denying the meaning), tahreef (distorting the meanings), tasbheeh (likening to the creation) and takyeef (asking 'how').

As for the repellers and rejectors of the narrations - as has been explained before - this occurs from them since they cannot understand Allaah's Attributes except in the manner that befits the creation. So likening to the creation is what their hearts fall into upon hearing the likes of these narrations mentioning the Attributes of Allaah - the Most High . The tashbeeh began and occurred in their hearts and the Ahl us-Sunnah are free from it. But then they, due to a further sickness in their hearts then accuse the Ahl us-Sunnah of being anthropomorphists simply because they affirm for Allaah what Allaah and His Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) affirmed for Him, without ta'teel, ta'weel, takyeef or tashbeeh?!

-=amjad bin muhammad=-

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