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» Dont Forget the Dajjal
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21-02-2004 @ 4:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu AbdurRazzaq Yusuf bin Yaqub Shamsid-D (Cairo Nasr City, Egypt)
Posts: 32
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As-Salaam Alakum

May Allah have mercy on you. I hope this reminder will benefit everyone.

The Messenger of Allah Sallahu Alahi wa Salaam said "The Dajjal will not appear until the people become negligent in talking about him, and until the Imams abandon talking about him on the Minbars."(narrated in Majma Al-Zawaid)

And who is this Dajjal that the people will become negligent in regards to talking about?

The Messenger of Allah Sallahu Alahi wa Salaam said "Verily, I warn you against him, there was no Prophet but he warned his people against him (Dajjal).  {Indeed Nuh  warned his people against him},  but I shall say a statement about him that which no Prophet said to his people. Know that he is blind in one eye, and certainly  Allah is not blind in one eye."

He is the one that the Messenger of Allah Sallahu Alahi wa Salaam at times warned his companions from, to the extent that they thought he was  hiding in the palm groves.

Abdullah Bin Mughaffal said Allah's Messenger Sallahu Alhi wa Salaam said
"Allah did not send to earth a greater affliction than that of Dajjal, since He created Adam until the Last Day. I would say about him a saying which none has said before me: He is a man with curly hair, with a wiped left eye, there would be a thick piece of flesh over his eye (which will cover the eye), he would heal the one who is born blind and the leper.  He would say I am your Lord. The one who said: My lord is Allah.  There will be no affliction upon him. And whomever said: you are my Lord. Indeed he would be tried through affliction. He would stay among you as Allah would will, then Jesus the son of Mary would come down as a true follower of Muhammad, a guided Imam and a just Ruler, he would kill the Dajjal."

Lastly, that which the Mutaqi, the one who believes Allah and in the matters of the unseen, can protect himself from the Dajjal from 4 methods.

1.Seeking refuge with Allah tala frequently from the Fitnah of the Dajjal!
Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) as said: Seek refuge with Allaah from the torment of Hell, seek refuge with Allaah from the torment of the grave, and seek refuge with Allaah from the trial of Masih al-dajjal and seek refuge with Allaah from the trial of life and death. (Reported by Muslim)

2. Keep far away from the Dajjal!
The Messenger of Allah said "He whom hears about the Dajjal should avoid him. By Allah, a man will come thinking he is a believer, and will follow him due to that which  he (the Dajjal) has been given and due to the Shubahat (doubts). (Reported by Ahmad and others from Imran bin Husayn)

3. Memorize the first 10 ayats of Surah Kahf!
The Messenger of Allah said Whomever memorizes the first ten ayats of Surah Kahf, he will be protected from the fitnah's of the Dajjal"(Reported by Muslim narrated by Abu Al-Darda)

4. Reside in Makkah or Madinah!
The Messenger of Allah sallahu alahi wa salam said "The Dajjal wil come passing through the land except Makkah and Madinah, he will come to Madinah and find on every way of its ways  rows of angels"(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim from Anas bin Malik)

And we ask Allah that he saves us all and our children from the afflictions of the Dajjal. And makes us all firm upon his Deen and Obedience. Wa sallahu ala Nabiyan Muhammad wa ala aalhi wa salaam.

Abu AbdurRazzaq Yusuf Shamsid-Deen
Fayetteville, NC USA

21-02-2004 @ 9:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mariam Hashim ibn Ya'qub (al-Britaanee)
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Bismillaah alhumdulillaah was salaatu was sallaamu 'ala rasulullaah wa ba'ad:

Assallaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

Here posted is a link for a khutbah our beloved brother Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis delivered in Masjid as-Salafiyyah here in the UK on the topic of the Dajjal.

If the link does not work then inshaAllaah go to and enter the article number in the appropriate field.  The article number is as follows:


wassallaamu alaikum

Abu Mariam al-Atharee ابو مريم الاثري

23-02-2004 @ 9:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Yusuf Sagheer Ibn Abdir-Rasheed (London, UK)
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As sallam ualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu

Regarding the narration in Majma-az-Zawaaid, then could you or someone else ascertain its authenticity min fadlikum.


Abu Yusuf, Sagheer Bin Abdur-Rashid Bin Ataa Al-Kashmiri

وكل خير في إتباع من سلف
وكل شر في إبتداع من خلف

07-03-2004 @ 2:24 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu AbdurRazzaq Yusuf bin Yaqub Shamsid-D (Cairo Nasr City, Egypt)
Posts: 32
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As-Salaam Alakium YA Ikhwaan

As for the that which has been mentioned of this hadith that has been questioned. Then I cant say much. However I came across it when reading in the book By Shaykh Nasiru Deen Al-Albannee Rahmahullah titled "ANTICHRIST (MASEEH DAJJAL) AND DESCENDING OF JESUS Alhi Salat wa Salam" Printed by Darussalam

He says on page 31:

It is confirmed that narrated in (Zawa'id Musnad Ahmad, 4/72) from Rashid bin Sa'ad, he said: when Istakher was conquered a caller called 'be aware that Dajjaal has appeared'. He said: Sa'ab bin Jathamah met them, (the narrator) said, he (Al-Sa'ab) said: why are you saying this, I am informing you that I have heard the Messenger of Allah saying:

?Dajjaal will not appear until the people will neglect talking about him, and until the Imams will abandon talking about him on the pulpits?

Al-Hathami said in 'Majma al-Zawa'id' (7/335): Abdullah bin Ahmad narrated it through Baqiyyah on the authority of Safwan bin Amr, and it is Correct as Ibn Mu'een said, and the remained narrators are reliable. In another place he referred it to Imam Ahmad (7/351) that was a mistake.

End of Shaykhs words

And Allah knows best
If someone knows otherwise then Taffadul (let it be know).
Jazzakum allahu khairan

Abu AbdurRazzaq Yusuf Al-Amreeki

P.S** I found this to be good book to learn more about this topic of the Dajjal and the return of Isa (Jesus) Alhi sallam. As well as a good rebuttal for those who misinterpret what and who the Dajjal is. Likewise the return of Isa allahi sallam.

Wa Sallahu Ala Nabiyan Muhammad

07-03-2004 @ 3:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
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Who translated it?

07-03-2004 @ 4:04 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu AbdurRazzaq Yusuf bin Yaqub Shamsid-D (Cairo Nasr City, Egypt)
Posts: 32
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It was translated by Dr. Muhammad Shabbir Usmani
And I dont know of him

07-03-2004 @ 11:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Hamza ibn Shaukat ibn Muhammad (London, UK)
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Asalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmathullaahi wa barakaathuhu

I have this book too and I wanted to draw everyone's attention to a paragraph which, when I first read it, found strange, perplexing and made me slightly wary of the one who published it. I do not know if the following is part of the original Arabic of Shaykh al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) or whether its been 'rendered' in by the publishers. The following is from the "Publishers Notes"

Because the original book is in Arabic language, so I asked my learned friend 'Haafiz Muhammad Shabbir Usmani to render the book into English...[Pg. 4 - (bold mine)]

Allaahu 'alam as to what is meant by the word 'render', i.e direct translation or translation including additonal commentary by the publisher.

Here's the paragraph that made be suspicious:

Today's Muslims should not abandon to work for Islaam and for establishing Islamic Government in the land awaiting for the appearance of Mahdi and the descending of Jesus ('alayhis salaam), being disappointed or considering it impossible before them (Mahdi and Jesus ('alayhimas salaam). It is false thinking and a wrong disappointment, for Allah the Almighty and His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) did not tell us that there would not be spread of Islam and its rule in the land but in their (both Mahdi and Jesus) times. It is proven that when the Muslims will seize the essential sources for establishing the Islamic Government it will be established.
Allah says: "If you help (in the cause) of Allah, He will help you and make your foothold firm." (Muhammad:7)
"Verily, Allah will help those who His (cause) [...I believe that should read: Verily, Allah will help those who HELP His (cause)...], indeed Allah is All Strong and All Mighty." (Al-Hajj:40)
[Pg. 37-8 - (bold mine)]

I wanted to point this out. As I said, I do not know whether it is part of the original Arabic written by Shaykh al-Albaani (rahimahullah) or whether it's a rendering by this seemingly unknown publisher.
This was the only paragraph that made me wary and cautious, and I wanted to bring it to everyone's attention. Allaahu 'alam.

Wa salaam

Subhaanakallaah humma wa bi Hamdika Ashadu allaa ilaha illa ant, astaghfiruka wa atooba ilayk

11-04-2009 @ 11:39 AM    Notify Admin about this post
arafat shaikh arafat shaikh bin moinuddin shaikh (kolkata)
Posts: 38
Joined: Mar 2009
assalamalaikum,when dajjal comes how many muslims will be ready to recognise him as dajjal?or will they say dajjal will come but still there is a lot of time left or will it be like that when dajjal appears and if he is recognise by anyone then the recogniser will be made fun off,ALLAHhafiz.

peace be upon you by muhammed arafat shaikh

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