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» Statements of Wallace D. Muhammed 1975-Present
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Posted By Topic: Statements of Wallace D. Muhammed 1975-Present

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05-12-2003 @ 8:06 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 307
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As Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullaah

Below are just a few of the statements of Wallace the Deviant. May Allaah Subhana wa ta'ala guide him or break his back.  Ameen  

1975- Publicly declares himself "The Manifestation of God". "Yes, I myself am an Immaculate Conception. You say, "This man is crazy." No, I?m not crazy? After we explain it to you, you?ll know that I?m not crazy. The world has just been in darkness. I can truthfully say that My physical father was not My father. I have never had a physical father?You say, "Who is your father?" Speaking in the language of the New Testament, My Father is God?I am the Manifestation of God.? All praise is due to Allah." [1]

1976- Claims he is recipient of divine revelation. "The Book (Bible) says that there is another kind of water (sweet water) which is not salty, that comes from above that is divine revelation. The water that God gives is divine revelation and He reveals it to His prophets."[2] "I am baptizing you with the water that God has given me. It is the water of revelation, of divine knowledge."[3]

1977- Declares Islamic plural marriage forbidden. "The teaching of Muhammad and the teaching of the Qur?an is that "one is better for you if you but knew." No other Prophet did this for the polygamist mankind. It was Prophet Muhammad who worked against polygamy."[4]

1978- Rejects miracles of the prophets "Moses, being pursued by Pharaoh's army, struck the water and the Red Sea parted, so the Book says, and Moses and his people walked across on dry land? Brothers and sisters, you will never convert intelligent people to religion today with unrealistic symbolical stories like that [5].

Sanctions false prophet Rashad Khalifa. Offers followers "20% discount" on purchase of Khalifa?s works.[6]

Endorses Qadiyani translation of Quran.[7]

1979- Denies Return of Jesus and proclaims himself, "Masih-Mahdi". "Jesus did his work? he?s not coming back here ­never! That?s not the way of God. But his type has to return, another birth like his has to happen, has to happen, to produce his type again. So that his type will be able to see, the lies that have been told concerning his birth. It?s not him but its the same as though he?s the original. I know how Jesus is born because I?ve been born that way! So you can?t tell me how Jesus was born, I?ve been born that way!" "?well then you?re a Prophet; no I?m not, well you?re a Messenger of God, no (laughing) I?m not, well what are you? I am Masih-Mahdi, I am the Christ-Mahdi believe it or not! ? You know, for a long time people have been hoping to fulfill the prophecy. The prophecy of the return of Christ or the return of the son of Mary and the presence of a Mahdi who would bring the religion to its original purity? they?ve been looking for that, it?s here now, what they?ve been looking for is here now­But can they appreciate it?"

1980- Proclaims himself, "the Mujaddid"[8], states, "If you want all the hadiths, then you should leave this community because I?m telling you, right now, I don?t accept all the hadiths. They have made too much trouble and confusion in the Muslim society."[9]

1981-Claims those who desire plural marriage are, "cursed by God."[10]

Rules women?s hair is their hijab. "It is believed in the circle of learned scholars in the religion that the hair on women should be covered... Here in our community...we don?t make any big to-do about it. If some woman is seen with her hair uncovered we don?t raise the roof, because I understand that where there is some sex appeal in women?s hair, there is also religious symbolism attached. This symbolism is good but I don?t think we should enforce these laws too fanatically. If we do we might cause people of higher intellect to underestimate our intelligence. They might think we are superstitious or fanatical people and we don?t want them to think that."[11]

1983- Claims Christians need not follow Islam "There are some scholars? I?ve heard some people who call themselves scholars in the religion say recently and I have heard this,? that the scriptures I quote referred to earlier times and later scriptures came and cancelled that. That now if anyone rejects our religion, he doesn?t go to paradise. I disagree. I simply disagree.[12]? I don?t feel that all Christians have to have my religion to improve their lives. I don?t feel that? I feel that some Christians are living very good lives. They have very good morals, they have a good sense of direction and I wouldn?t want to disturb that for them. As long as they are doing well I?d like to see them continue to do well."[13]

Compares those who don?t follow him to dogs "The word has come down from heaven follow Imam W. Deen Muhammad. Either do that or wear the dog collar and eat dog biscuits."[14]

Claims "If Jesus had lived to see 40, he would have died and become Prophet Muhammad."[15]

Claims "The Quran doesn?t say that Prophet Muhammad is a messenger to the angels or Jinn, but to the people? Prophet Muhammad was sent to Naas, not to the Jinn."[16]

1984- Calls for establishing his own school of thought "...we are going to have a school of fiqh and that school is raising up, or growing up right now with the growth of this community, under the leadership of your Imam and my Imam Warith Deen Muhammad. Yes, Imam Warith Deen Muhammad."[17]

1986- Claims "The Muslim community also has a community obligation to serve the best interest of other communities Christian, Jewish and even the Socialist community."[18]

Denies existence of Jinn.  "Muslims do not believe that there are some foreign worlds existing out there somewhere. We don?t believe that there are some foreign creatures sharing space with us. We don?t accept the notion of other creatures in another dimension whose nature is not like ours. We don?t believe that there are creatures who can do things to us but we cannot reach them unless we find some way to plug into their foreign dimension. The real Muslim cannot accept that kind of idea. You cannot work voodoo on a Muslim because the Muslim is not vulnerable to superstition."[19]

1987- Declares "But my position is this in our society, I have learned by experience, so I have differed with shiekhs, I have differed with leaders of Al-Islam, I have learned by experience in this community, that there is no guarantee, that a Muslim marrying a non-Muslim woman is going to have anymore success in bringing these children to Al-Islam, than a woman will be marrying a non-Muslim man... "[20]

Declares, "I have no problems with the Pope; I respect him and honor him."[21]

1988- Denies prophetic miracles. "We know that as much as man fears the fire, we know that Abraham was put in the fire. That not right? Yes, Abraham was put in the fire. And when they looked in the fire, when those who put him in the fire came to see how he was fairing, how he was doing there, whether he was ashes or not, they found him there unaffected. Fire hadn?t touched him, fire hadn?t bothered him a bit. Instead, instead of him experiencing heat, see God made the flame cool on Abraham. (laughter) Now we know that?s metaphorical, that?s symbolic."

1989- Proudly shows off grandchild from marriage of his daughter to a non-Muslim.[22]

1991- Says Muslims should not invite non-Muslims to Islam "We (Muslims) are obligated to seek peaceful co-existence with Christians and people of Faith... the similarities are so much more important that we need not focus on the differences. We see Christians and Jews as people of the Book. We should not ask them to take their shahadah?"[22]

Endorses Homosexuals during American Public Radio (APR) interview.[24]

1992- Endorses Farrakhan "I will never denounce him as long as he says he wants to be a Muslim."[25]

Declares, "We love our distinction as a people, our racial distinction?we want racial dignity and racial distinction. We want cultural distinction. We want that. Even within Islam we want that. We don?t want to copy the culture of another Muslim? we also stress that we owe an allegiance to the Christian people. Also we have to understand that our religion did not come to establish itself over everybody else."[26]

Speaking at ISNA headquarters "Mohammed says he does not favor intermarriage between indigenous and immigrant Muslims because African-Americans have suffered greatly at the hands of white America, and they need time by themselves as a race for the psychological scars of racism to heal."[27]

1993- Declares all non-Muslims to be Muslims "If we look at the broad definition for Muslim, we have to say that even though a Christian may be worshipping Jesus the Prophet more than he is worshipping Allah, he or she may be Muslim in their spirit. They may still be Muslim, though the orientation has now dominated their Muslim urge. The person carrying a heavy cross may be a Muslim inwardly. So it is for a Jew, or Communist, or a Buddhist, or a Hindu." [28]

Claims Farrakhan ?does a lot of good? "Farrakhan respects Islam and he does a lot of good, he is friendly with us and we should be friendly with him."[29]

Claims anyone can be recipient of revelation ?If any revelation I receive, anybody else can get it, just read Qur?an and God will show us revelation if we?re sincere.?[30]

1994- Implies prophethood to Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, calling them, "men of divine wisdom" who predicted the future "in the name of God". [31]

Denounces interracial marriage and women?s hijab. "Imam Mohammed said he would not encourage mixed marriages. "Marry your own race and people you are acquainted with."?Covering hair in the mosque for prayer is needed, the Imam explained, but in the public when out shopping it is not a big deal. He noted that a sister can be more seductive with her hair covered than uncovered."[32]

1998- Claims Paradise is on earth. "In the beginning, God put us in paradise and so shall it be in the end," Mohammed said. And, pointing a finger to the sky, he added, "Not necessarily up there."[33]

1999- Celebrates "Savior?s Day" with Farrakhan. "I couldn?t resist coming here knowing that (The Nation of Islam) was observing this day. I haven?t lost my friendship with Minister Farrakhan."[34]

2000- Selected by MAS to lead Washington Area Muslims for Eid Al-Fitr Prayer at DC Armory. Praises Elijah Muhammad in Nation of Islam?s Savior?s Day ?Family Reunion?. Declares lasting brotherhood with Louis Farrakhan.[35]


[1] See Muhammad Speaks, May 23, 1975, pp. 17-19. His referral to himself as ?The Manifestation of God? has its links to Elijah?s teachings, as Elijah said that ?after me will come God himself.? See Message to the Blackman, p. 306. Thus, W.D. Mohammed labeling himself ?The Manifestation of God?, is intended to be understood as ?a fulfillment of prophecy.?
[2] See Lectures of Emam Muhammad, p. 48.
[3] See The Teachings of W.D. Muhammad, p. 13.
[4] See Bilalian News, July 8, 1977, p. 17. His statement ?one is better for you if you but knew? is baseless. No such Qur'ânic verse nor Prophetic hadeeth exists that is even remotely
close to what he claims.
[5] See Lectures of Emam Muhammad, pp. 118-119.
[6] See Bilalian News, April 21, 1978, p. 9.
[7] See Bilalian News, Sept. 8, 1978, p. 6.
[8] See Bilalian News, February 15, 1980, p. 17.
[9] See Bilalian News, February 22, 1980, p. 24.
[10] See Bilalian News, June 26, 1981, p. 18.
[11] See World Muslim News, November 27, 1981, p. S5.
[12] See Religion on the Line, p. 61.
[13] ibid. p. 67.
[14] See A. M. Journal, Mar 2, 1983, p. 23.
[15] See A.M. Journal, July 29, 1983, p. 9.
[16] See A. M. Journal, July 29, 1983, p. 2.
[17] See Challenges that Face Man Today, pp. 34-38.
[18] See Muslim Journal, May 16, 1986, p.2.
[19] See An African American Genesis, p. 9.
[20] See Muslim Journal, October 2, 1987.
[21] See Muslim Journal, November 13, 1987, p. 15.
[22] See Muslim Journal, June 2, 1989, p. 15.
[23] See Muslim Journal, June 28, 1991, p. 5.
[24] Recorded broadcast, September 4, 1991.
[25] See The Washington Times, Feb. 7, 1992, p. A6.
[26] See Muslim Journal, Feb. 28. 1992, p. 24.
[27] See Islamic Horizons, Summer 1992, p. 8.
[28] See Muslim Journal, Sept. 10, 1993, p. 17.
[29] See The Muslim News, May 28, 1993, p. 4.
[30] Recorded statements, May 14, 1993, Manchester, UK.
[31] See Muslim Journal, January 7, 1994, p. 7
[32] See Muslim Journal, June 17, 1994
[33] See Fayetteville (N.C.) Observer-Times, Feb. 16, 1998
[34] Transcript from NOI ?Saviour?s Day? Rally, Chicago, February 26, 1999
[35] See Muslim Journal, March 17 & 24, 2000; also The Final Call, March 14 & 21, 2000

Aboo Khalil

"And worship your Lord until the certainty (i.e. death) comes to you.?  Surat-ul-Hijr: 99

This message was edited by ibrahim.bukhari on 12-22-03 @ 3:42 AM

05-12-2003 @ 10:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 22
Joined: Nov 2003

As salaamu 'alaykum war rahmatullaahi wa barakatu

jazakhallaahu khair Ibrahim

You might want to add two more to that list:

a.  "If it weren't for the fact that I am the spokesman for the american Muslims, I would follow that man."  made in reference to his visit with the pope, made at the Baltimore Convention Center circa May or June 1999

b.  His bayaan to the head of the Naqshameband (Naqshambandi)Khuftaro in Ramadan 1419.  Audio is available upon request.

Abu Nusaybah As Salafi

However, as for the one who ascribes himself to the Salafus-Saalih collectively - then he ascribes himself to that which is protected from mistakes. Imaam Al Albani, rahimahullaah

25-01-2010 @ 6:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 31
Joined: Oct 2009
Salaam a3laykum is this the son of the deviant warith deen muhammed who has said the christians arnt kuffar     3oudhu billah

jazak allah khayr, Sa'ad As-Salafi

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