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» Cocerning the Phrase "Allaah Exists Without Place"
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Posted By Topic: Cocerning the Phrase "Allaah Exists Without Place"

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11-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
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Part 1: Introduction and Origins

Those using Paltalk recently will have noticed a room open with the title "Allaah Exists Without a Place". The people behind this room are Innovators, and they have got together a large number of people and made them to log into this room whenever they are online. It is a non-speaking room, so they can log into it and just leave it in the background. For most of the time, when there are no other lectures, this room will always appear at the top, on account of the large number of people who have logged into the room, being part of this deceptive plan. Look at the ways of these Innovators in trying to spread their baatil!!

Know that the intent behind this phrase is to deny Allaah's Uluww, His being above the Throne, above the seven heavens, which is established by the Book, the Sunnah, Ijmaa of the Sahaabah and the Salaf.

The origin of this lies in the philosophy of the Greek Homosexual philosophers, which asserts that there is a parallel universe in existence to this universe, and this parallel universe is free from physical essences, incidental occurrences, it has no form or shape, and it cannot be pointed to physically, its location cannot be identified or pointed to, nearness and farness cannot be ascribed to it, and no attributes of movement, can be ascribed to it. It is a universe that is just a "mere existence" and nothing more, and it is more perfect than this universe, because it cannot admit to any change, or transformation, or incidental occurrence and the likes.

Also, these philosphers tried to understand this (our) universe by way of substance and accident, form and matter, and they devised ten "categories" that all entities fall into (substance, quantity, quality, relative, where, when, position (i.e. posture), having, doing, being affected), so all entities in existence would fall into any of these ten "categories", or a combination thereof.

This thought, when it was entered into the Muslims by the translation of the works of these Greek homosexuals, entered numerous factions amongst the Muslims into this philosophical nonsense, which itself was based upon athiesm. And it had an effect upon the aqaa'id of the Muslims concerning speech about Allaah, the Most High, His Names and Attributes and Actions.

It was actually from here that the negation of the attributes, spread further than what it had already (at the hands of the innovations of the likes of Ja'd and Jahm decades earlier, who gave rise to the Mu'attilah). The later negators amongst them, when they came across this knowledge, thought that it was amazing and that it would support their madhhab. So they entered into it, and the result of it is what you hear today from these Innovators, Deviants, Heretics, who are the descendants of those ones:

"Allaah is not inside the universe, nor outside of it, nor to the left of it, nor to the right of it, nor above, nor below it...."

"Allaah exists without a place"

"We cannot attribute direction to Allaah"

"Allaah exists without a jism"

And many other slogans and phrases. So they entered many of these statements, which were unknown to the Salaf before them, and then entered confusion upon the people, and in the name of Tanzeeh (purifying Allaah of any deficiencies), they negated the Attributes of the Lord Most High, and to many of them, when this philosophy overtook them and Ahl us-Sunnah refuted them, they became bewildered and were led to disbelief (the extreme Jahmiyyah, Baatiniyyah), because they gave rein to the intellect, over the Book and the Sunnah, and they gave preference to the mental refuse of the Greek homosexual philosophers than the purity of belief of the Salaf us-Saalih who came before them.

Due to the political situation, these beliefs were spread widely in the Muslim lands, as many of those in authority in the Muslim lands became affected by these doctrines, and the Innovators had closeness to those in authority and influenced them. And all of this gave way to Ta'teel (negation) being disguised as Tanzeeh, and Ithbaat (of Allaah's Attributes) being belittled as Tashbeeh.

The Tanzeeh that these Innovators make attachment to, is nothing but the abstraction of that parallel universe of the Greek philosophers, and the Lord that they believe in, is subject to that same abstraction.

So when you see these Innovators amongst the Negators (Mu'attilah), in their various groupings, and those deceived by them today, and you hear them negating for Allaah what He affirmed for himself (in the variety of different ways that they do), then know that when they speak of Allaah the Most High in this way, they are merely talking the talk and walking the walk, and jiving the jive of the Greek Phaggocytes, those who spoke about their parallel perfect universe with nothing but negation and meaningless abstractions.

Do them a favour, and let them know whom they guide themselves by in reality.


This message was edited by on 1-11-03 @ 9:06 PM

12-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 37
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Jezzakallahu khairan
12-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
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Part 2: Ibn al-Qayyim's Five Questions To Demolish The Negators of al-Uluww

In numerous of his works Ibn al-Qayyim alludes to a series of questions are are posed to the Mu'attil, and which would demolish the very foundations of his falsehood. This can be found in the first volume of his as-Sawaa'iq al-Mursalah, and also in his Nooniyyah and elsewhere. Here we shall extract these questions and present them. What appears below is extracted from the Sharh of the Nooniyyah by Harraas, (1/95) and has been slightly adapted.

The First Question

So when you come across one whose opinions are but extensions of the thought of the Greek Phaggocytes, then begin with the following:

Ask him the first question which is:

Does Allaah have an existence outside of the human mind, or is He just a figment of the imagination in the mind only, one who just exists in the mind only?

So if he says "No", then he has judged upon himself with disbelief and atheism, and he has negated a Creator and Originator, and he is a Jaahid, Kaafir.

And if he says "Yes", then he is asked the second question.

The Second Question

So is this existence of Allaah [outside of the mind], is it an existence separate and distinct from this creation that you see and observe, or is it this very same existence?

So if he says, "Yes it is the very same existence and there do not exist two separate existences", and negates that there are two separate existences, then he has worn the gown of "al-Ittihaad" (Unity in Existence), and once more he has testified to disbelief for himself, and has rejected the existence of the Creator, the Originator, and his disbelief is greater than that of the Christians, the worshippers of the cross, because they only spoke of the Ittihaad between Allaah and Eesaa, and his mother Maryam (alaihimaa as-salaam), but this Ittihaadee has claimed that Allaah is unified with all of his creation and what it contains of animals, of pigs and apes and other such things.

And if he says, "No, there are two separate existences, and that Allaah and the Universe are two separates, and are other than each other", then ask him the third question.

The Third Question

Do you speak of the creation indwelling within Him, or do you speak of Him indwelling within the creation?

In other words we now move on from Ittihaad (unity with the creation) and ask about Hulool (indwelling). So he is given two options, does he affirm either of them. Namely, that does Allaah indwell within the creation, meaning that he is within it and resides within it. Or does the creation, indwell within him, meaning that Allaah created the creation inside of His dhaat (his essence), and thus it indwells within him.

So if he affirms either one of the two, then he has agreed with the Christians, those who speak of the indwelling of Allah within al-Maseeh Eesaa Ibn Maryam (alaihis salaam), but rather he is worse than them, because they restricted this indwelling to al-Maseeh, but as for this person (this Innovator), then he has made Allaah to be an indweller of all of His creation, and thus by way of this he becomes a beloved one to the Christians and he affirms them (as people of truth). Note, it is for this reason that you see many of these Zanaadiqah, like Hishaam Kabbaani, Nazim al-Qubrusi and others very close to the Christians (and Jews) and partaking with them and intimate with them, and in their writings you see affirmations of unity of religions and that all religions have what they hold to be this universal truth (which really stems from either the doctrine of al-Ittihaad or al-Hulool).

However, if he negates both of these types of Hulool (indwelling) for Allaah, then he is asked the fourth question.

The Fourth Question

Is Allaah established by Himself, being free of need of anyone besides Him for His Existence, just like within the creation we find essences that are established by themselves and are not in need of or dependent upon other essences within the creation for their existence, or is He like the incidental attributes [that follow on from their essences], which are not established by themselves and are not free of need of the essences to which they belong for their existence?

So if he says that Allaah is like the incidental attributes that are parts of essences, and which therefore are not independently established by themselves for their existence, then he has spoken with what he negated in the previous two questions, meaning that Allaah is part of this creation, since he would be dependent upon it, even if He was separate from it. Since, being dependent upon it, would make him either a juz' (part) of its parts (ajzaa') or an 'arad (incident) from amongst its incidents.

However, if he says that Allaah is established by Himself, totally free of any need of anything besides Him for His existence, and is wholly independent of all that is besides him, then we move on to the fifth question.

The Fifth Question

Now that he has affirmed that Allaah exists (outside of the mind), separate from the creation, independently established by Himself, not in need of anything besides Him, he has thus affirmed that there are two separate entities (i.e. existences), Allaah and the universe or the Creator and the creation. All that is left now is to ask him the relationship between these two.

When we have two essences, or entities that are established by themselves, then inform me of the relationship between them. Are they

a) Two likenesses (mathalaan) of each other?
b) Two opposites (diddaan)?
c) Two separates (ghayraan)?

This is because it is not possible to speak of the relation between two entities except by these three possibilities, and irrespective of which one you choose, then with each possibility you are bound by necessity, to affirm the separation, distinction (infisaal, tabaayun) between them both, since if these two entities were not separate, distinct and outside of each other, then it would not be possible to affirm two separate things, there would not be two separate things to begin with, such that we can now discuss the relationship between them.


Thus, it becomes clear that Allaah exists outside of the mind, is other than the creation, does not indwell within it, nor does it indwell within him, is established by Himself, independently, free of any need. And with this, the saying of the Innovators, like those quoted in Part 1 above, are refuted and destroyed, since it is binding to affirm Allaah's existence outside of this Universe, and His being distinct and separate from this creation.


This message was edited by on 1-16-03 @ 5:37 PM

10-04-2009 @ 7:41 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 338
Joined: Jul 2007
JazaakAllaahu khayraa. Brothers should please take note of this as the Paltalk room mentioned is still open these days.
Those using Paltalk recently will have noticed a room open with the title "Allaah Exists Without a Place". The people behind this room are Innovators ... Look at the ways of these Innovators in trying to spread their baatil!!
May Allah protect the Muslims from the plots of the Disbelievers and the Innovators and may He guide them to the truth. Ameen.

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