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» What do you advise the one who says " what do we need the scholars for"?
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21-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 28
Joined: Sep 2002
assalamu alaikum
A sister had said to me when I spoke to her the other day about an issue..." What do we need the scholars for"?and " Who cares what Sheik rabee says" Im new and Im not sure how to correct her on this. Could someone please help me with this issue.
Jazakamallahu khair

21-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 19
Joined: Sep 2002
Please refer to the article below:

[Q]: Is it from unity to have disdain for the Committee of Major Scholars, and to charge them with hypocrisy and being paid workers?

[A]: It is obligatory to respect the Scholars of the Muslims, because they are inheritors of the Prophets.  So having disdain for them refers to having disdain for their position, their inheritance from the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam), and disdain for the knowledge that they carry.  From disdain for the Scholars is disdain for other than them in the first case.  So it is obligatory to respect the Scholars for their knowledge and status in the Ummah, and for their responsibility which they carry out for the benefit of Islaam and the Muslims.  If one does not rely upon the Scholars, then whom will he rely upon?  If trust in the Scholars is neglected, then to whom will the Muslims refer to in a condition of difficulty, and to explain the rules of the Sharee?ah?  So at that point, the Ummah will become neglected, and they will fall into chaos.  So if the Scholar performs ijtihaad and is correct, then he obtains two rewards.  And if he performs ijtihaad and is incorrect, then he has one reward and is forgiven for the error.  There is not anyone who has disdain for the Scholars, except that he brings a harsh punishment upon himself.  History ? in old and new times ? is a good witness for this, regardless of whether these Scholars are from amongst those who are in charge of the affairs of the Muslims, such as the judges; or the Committee of Major Scholars. [2]


[1] The following is taken from al-Ajwibatul-Mufeedah (p. 140-142); Shaykh Saalih Ibn Fawzaan said on (p. E) of this book, ?The praise is for Allaah, and may Prayers and Peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, and upon his Family and his Companions.  To Proceed: So I approve the publishing of al-Ajwibatul-Mufeedah ?an As?ilatil-Manaahijil-Jadeedah which contains my answers and notes from the brother, Jamaal Ibn Fareehaan al-Haarithee.  And I hope that it is of benefit in explaining aspects of the truth which have been hidden from some of the people today.  And may the Prayers and Peace of Allaah be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, his Family and his Companions. Signed: Saalih Ibn Fawzaan Ibn ?Abdullaah al-Fawzaan 18/4/1417.?

[2] Indeed, the Muslims today have been tested by a group from amongst those who ascribe themselves to the da?wah.  This group has spoken ill of the major Scholars with hidden references.  However, they did not remain hidden from those who possessed knowledge.  So in order to clarify the affair and to blow away the dust, we shall mention some of the statements of these people.

The speaker (Salmaan al-?Awdah) on the audio cassette Haqeeqatut-Tatarruf says, ?It is obligatory to say to the Scholars and the callers: Establish your obligations and admonish the masses of the Ummah and carry out your classes without waiting for someone to permit or command you to do that.?  He says these words absolutely, without exception.  And he speaks about Saudi Arabia in this lecture!!  So reflect ? may Allaah grant you success ? upon the speech and its intended meaning.  Then he said that which clarified the intended meaning, ?It is appropriate to say that the affairs of the Religion have been monopolized by a known group who are skilled in hypocrisy and deceit.  These people have been delegated as an organization to speak about the affairs on behalf of Islaam and the Muslims, along with the fact that they do not fulfill anything for them except two affairs: Announcing the beginning and end of Ramadaan; [ii] Attacking those whom they call radicals.?

And he (Salmaan al-?Awdah) says in the audio cassette, ash-Shareetul-Islaamee Maa Lahu wa Maa ?Alayhi, ?What is a Scholar worth who does not explain to politics to the people, the most important affair that they are in need of??  With these words he wishes for the Scholars to engross the people in politics and political affairs, and he wishes to involve people in that which does not rectify nor benefit the Ummah.  Verily the most important affair is to call the people to Tawheed and to teach them the acts of worship, and this is what the people are in need of.  And politics is not the futility that calls to chaos and ignorance of the Religion.  So what is the benefit of knowing politics and the advantages of the Muslims without knowing anything of Tawheed, nor anything from the acts of worship except their names.  The speaker (Salmaan al-?Awdah) on the cassette said, ?Do you want a Scholar who is confined only to rules of sacrifices, produce, womens menses and childbirth, ablution, ghusl (ritual bathing) and wiping over the socks?? This represents disapproval from him for these acts of worship and knowing them well, and disapproval of worship which does not become correct until one knows the Sharee?ah ruling concerning them.

The speaker (Safar al-Hawaalee) on the cassette Fafarroo ilallaah says, ?I shall say our statement for the Scholars...we must not always place blame upon a specific side. Especially for those who are living in particular circumstances which necessitates them to be courteous in their conduct!! And difficult conditions! As we are those who are living in comfort, we should say the truth in our houses and our mosques... Our scholars, O brothers! Enough (excuses for them)! Enough (excuses for them)! (Kaffaahum! Kaffaahum!) We cannot justify everything for them, we cannot say that they are infallible!! ... We say: Yes! They do have some shortcomings in their acquaintance of the current state of affairs, they have some things and we round them off! Not from our superiority upon them, but because we have lived the events, and they have not lived them because they lived in another time! Or different conditions!!... Nonetheless, I say the following: The essential responsibility is firstly upon us, the students of knowledge! And some of those Scholars have indeed begun to hand over (the authority) of the affair; because ? I mean to say ? they have become old, or to a certain degree...Think, who can succeed them, think who...? So reflect O readers, since they all speak in one fashion with one meaning along with the fact that this one is in the west and that one is in the east of the land of Saudi Arabia.  And the likes of these ones are many, and there is no might nor power except for Allaah.  And the likes of him ? and those similar to him ? from amongst the despicable politicians and those who incite fitnah (trial, discord) wish to succeed the major scholars in our country; the likes of al-?Allaamah Ibn Baaz, al-?Uthaymeen, al-Fawzaan, al-Luhaydaan, al-Ghudayyaan and the rest of their brothers!  So may Allaah keep us safe.

22-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 73
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I'm not always convinced that statements such as this arise out of a feeling disrespect for the scholars, rather I see it as our Western ignorance (and possibly sometimes arrogance) of the tremendous blessing that these noble scholars are, the following taken from TROID I believe might help the sister in question:  

In issues of fitnah and other detailed issues connected to matters of public welfare of the Ummah ? such as affairs related to siyaasatush-shar?iyyah (politics of the Sharee?ah), and the wide-spread evils, and their like ? people are in need of having sound knowledge and understanding of the maslahah (benefit) and the mafsadah (harm).  Since these issues, most of the time, are the cause for fitan to occur; and they are not like the issues related to purification, Prayer, Pilgrimage and their like; which is possible for a young student of knowledge ? or in some cases, even the layman ? to speak about, and to prefer one saying to another.  And this is because: ?Understanding the objectives and goals of the Sharee?ah is not possible, except by thoroughly studying the texts and studying the detailed workings of the Sharee?ah.  Since fiqhul-maqaasid (the science of understanding the objectives and goals of the Sharee?ah) in indeed a great and mighty science which cannot be gained by just anyone.  Rather, it can only be gained by one who has reached a high level of knowledge, has examined the state of affairs and is well-acquainted with them, and has looked into the various possible outcomes that may occur.  And weighing between the benefits and harms is dependant upon understanding the Sharee?ah and its objectives, and having understanding of the state of affairs, and the various degrees of benefits and harms.  So none of this is possible, except for the Scholars.? [4]

Imaam an-Nawawee (d.676H) ? rahimahullaah ? said:

?The one ordering the good or prohibiting the evil must be knowledgeable about what is being ordered or prohibited.  And the level of knowledge required for this will vary in accordance with what is being ordered or prohibited.  Thus, if it is an issue concerning clear-cut obligations and well-known prohibitions ? such as Prayer, Fasting, fornication or drinking intoxicants ? then every Muslim is a Scholar with regards to such issues.  However, if the issue involves detailed matters, or matters connected to ijtihaad (the science of extracting rulings of the Revelation), then the general body of Muslims cannot enter into it, nor is it for them to order or prohibit.  Rather, this is only for the Scholars.? [5]

Perhaps if you were to draw the sisters attention to the tremendous good that our Shaikh has done in recent times this might in some way counteract some of the negative feelings and incorrect information she has received.
  verily the cure for all ignorance is to question

This message was edited by mujaahidirlande on 11-22-02 @ 7:27 PM

23-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 305
Joined: Nov 2002

Assalaamuaalaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu!

All Praises and thanks be to Allah, the Rabb of Aalameen,may peace and prayers be upon the Prophet (sallallahu alaihiwa sallam), his family, his companions and all those who follow him till the Day of Ressurrection.

This is a common problem found in youth not only in the
west but in every place that has distanced itself from
the scholars of Ahl us Sunnah; thus living in ignorance
of various forms.

The reasons for this behaviour are many and the refuge
of Allah is sought for each and every reason:
1.Firstly, most of them have been in the shakles of
absolute taqleed. This form is very apparent.

2.Secondly, the so called du'aat who are widespread
in all these places in the name of calling towards Allah remove them of this form of taqleed easily and show them the path of the Quran and the Sunnah.

By this I say they do say the statement of truth
but by which falsehood is intended.

3.Thirdly, the youth who were in that binding come
out of it after a long research but are beguiled to
believe that they are following the Quran and the Sunnah when infact they are brought to another modern,
sophisticated form of taqleed which is not that

So all those who are afflicted by this fithnah will
be stubborn to the degree of their involvement in

What I mean is that they are out of one form and fall
into another which is again equally dangerous.
The first form is
A) To follow the imams and no question of Quran and the
The second form is
B) To follow the Quran and Sunnah and no question of
   the imams or the salaf.

When the truth is to follow the Quran and the Sunnah
in the way the salaf, the imams of Ahl us Sunnah have

4.These evil du'aat do not introduce them to the
scholars and to the way of the believers.They do not direct them towards understanding the Quran and the Sunnah by the way of the Salaf but they guide them cleverly to the understanding of these two sources of Islam (about which we do not have any doubt) in a way which is in opposition to the way of Salaf.

Even if some of them do so they do not explain the
manhaj of the salaf in learning the deen(i.e. to turn
to the people of knowledge).

Hence I stronly feel that the lack of Manhaj is the
important reason for them to make such statements
and we should start educating them from this point.

From my personal research and experiments I have found
the transcribed speech of Shaikh Al Albani (rahimahullah)to be the most useful one in the present circumstances and I give this quite often to those who are very new.

The name of the speech is 'Haadhihi Daawatunna'-'This is our call'. It was available on but the source was

You can pick up this file...Insha Allah.

But the next question the person would ask is:
'OK I understand that the salaf were those who best
understood the Quran and the Sunnah and that we should
be following them and we should turn to their understanding BUT why should we follow the scholars of today??'

Then you must explain the manhaj of the salaf in
learning the deen of Allah; and that the scholars
are the inheritors of the prophets...Insha Allah
and you can find couple of articles on SP in this
regard Insha Allah.

But then the next fundamental question would be
Insha Allah will try to write back...soon.
Other brothers can Insha Allah respond to this...

Anything good is from Allah and all mistakes are
most assuredly mine.

Sub'haanallahi wabi hamdihi sub'haana kallahumma
wabihamdika wa ash-hadu an'laailaaha illa anta
astaghfirooka wa toobu ilaihi.


Our da?wah and our ?aqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring.  So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver.  We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our da?wah, nor should he think that

15-04-2009 @ 1:53 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
The analysis of Br. Abdul Azeem is quite apt. I remember how I was impressed by the slogan "Quran and Sunnah" that is used by many Callers.

One of the ways to know who are the Scholars of today is to look at who the Scholars of the recent past recommended. For example the fame of Shaykh Albaani, Shaykh Ibn Baz, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, Shaykh Muqbil is widespread and all of them passed away about 7-9 years ago. All of these Ulemah recognized Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh Fawzaan and some other mashaykh alive today as Ulemah gave them various tazkiyyat.

Secondly, none of the other known Salafee Ulemah like Shaykh Ghudayyan or Shaykh Aal-shaykh criticize these Ulemah like Shaykh Fawzaan or Shaykh Rabee for their manhaj or aqeedah. That means they are still upon good walhamdulillah. Similarly there are many other mashaykh. InshAllah if someone can post an article or audio or give links to kalaam of one of the mashaykh on how to recognize the Scholars then it would benefit all of us inshAllah.

Click here for a list of some of the mashaykh and their websites and familiarize yourself with the names of some of the mashaykh of the past and present.

TawhidFirst | Aqidah | AboveTheThrone | Asharis
Madkhalis | Takfiris | Maturidis | Dajjaal
Islam Against Extremism | Manhaj
Ibn Taymiyyah | Bidah
A Beginners Guide to Arabic Grammar visit the site

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