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08-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Where can one practice I'tikaaf, if there are no salafi masaajid in the area?

Umm Khadijah Shahidah al-Kanadie

09-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The noble Shaikh, the Muhaddith al asr, the Mujaddid Nassir-ud-Deen Al Albaanee stated that there is no 'Itikaaf except in the three masaajid , Al Masjid Al Haram, Al Masjid An Nabawee and Al Masjid Al Aqsaa.

cf. Qiyaamu Ramadaan for references.


09-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I fear displaying my ignorance but as the Prophet (sallahu alayhi was salam) stated  verily the cure for all ignorance is to question.
Q. Surely the fact that this opinion is the minority opinion is not sufficient evidence to dismiss it?

After all, the noble teacher of scholars,the 'Alaamah, the Muhaddith of this Era, the Mujaddid has provided an authentic hadith that takes precedence over that which is general.'Whatever the Lawgiver has made comprehensive in one place, yet made it explicit in another, then it is obligatory to return to what the Lawgiver made mubayyan (explicit)' AbdurRahman As Sa'dee.

Shaikh Al Albanee goes on to say that "And there is no doubt that adhering to what complies with the hadeeth concerning it, is what deserves to be followed. And Allah, Glorified and Exalted, knows best." (Qiyaamu Ramadaan).

And Allah knows best.


09-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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JazakAllahu Khairan dear brother.


10-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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So i'tikaaf can be in any masjid, regardless if it's Salafi or Ahlul-Bid'ah?  Please confirm or deny this, as I am seeking clarification concerning this matter.

Umm Khadijah Shahidah al-Kanadie

10-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaikh Al Albanee goes on to say that "And there is no doubt that adhering to what complies with the hadeeth concerning it, is what deserves to be followed. And Allah, Glorified and Exalted, knows best." (Qiyaamu Ramadaan).

I really don't think this statement can be ignored and again Shaikh Al Albani has deleel which states that it should only be done in the three masaajid. If there is evidence that states other than that then where is it?

BarakAllahu fiq


This message was edited by mujaahidirlande on 11-10-02 @ 9:20 PM

10-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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JazakAllahu Khairan yet again dear brother.

Truly, ignorance is dispelled through questioning. I pray you will forgive my insistence on this matter but the issue is a lot clearer for me now.

JazakAllhu Khairan for your patience and help!


  verily the cure for all ignorance is to question.

12-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The following is an approximate translation, I relied on a brother for this. If there are any shortcomings then they are with me and the one who translated, may Allah forgive us. Words in brackets are mine also and are added for clarification only, again if I have gone beyond that which is written I seek forgiveness from the One who can grant it.

The Book: Nuthum ul Faara?id ( a collection of beneficial comments taken form Shaikh AlAlbani?s Silsilaah series)

The Chapter: Where should a Muslim make ?Itikaaf?

Abu Wa?il said Hudaifah bin Al Yaman said to Abdullah, the son of Mas?ood,? there are some people over there making ?Itikaaf between your house and the house of Abi Moosa and you do not forbid them from that and you know that the Prophet said there is no ?Itikaaf except in one of the three maasajid. Abdullah said maybe you forgot what the Prophet said and they still remember  or he said to him  you made a mistake and they are correct.?  1

Hadith Sahih (Saheehah 2786)

Fa?idah: Ibn Mas?ood?s words are not a proof or an evidence for saying Hudaifah is wrong in the narration of the hadith. Perhaps he meant here that he was wrong in the explanation of the seclusion ('ukoof).

It is possible that the meaning of the hadith was that a complete ?Itikaaf was not accepted except in one of the three maasajid. Like the saying of the Prophet: .the one who doesn?t have honesty does not have eemaan.

{Here the lack of honesty does not negate eemaan completely but the Prophet is saying that such a one does not have complete eemaan. And the rest of the narration:there is no deen for the one who does not keep his promise, again this is not negating one?s Islam totally, such a one does not become a kaafir but is lacking in his deen.}

And you must know that the scholars have differed about the condition of the masjid for ?Itikaf and the way or manner of performing ?Itikaf as you will find in the two Musannafs, the Mussannaf of Abdur Razzaq and Ibn Abi Shaibah. (Abdur Razzaq No. 8016 and Ibn Abi Shaibah, Vol.3 page 91 and books like Al Muhallah and others).

In all these books there is no text on the level of being used as a  proof or evidence {regarding ?Itikaaf in any masjid} with the exception of the saying of Allah in Surah Al Bakarah 187 ?And do not have sexual relations with them while you are in I?tikaf.?
And this hadith is sahih (mentioned above -1). The ayat is general and the hadith is specific and in the principles of fiqh that which is specific takes precedence over that which is general.

The athaar are different as well. What should be done is to take the hadith {mentioned above} and whatever goes with it like the saying of Syed ibn Al Musayb ?there is ? no I?tikaf except in a masjid built by a Prophet? narrated by Ibn Abi Shaibah and Ibn Hazm with a sahih sanad.

And I found Adh Dhahabi narrated this hadith in his book Seer ?Alam An Nuballah Vol.15, pg. 80 through Mahmoud ibn Aadam AlMarwazee and he said that Sufyaan has graded the hadith marfoo?an {relating it to the Prophet}. The grading of the hadith is sahih, ghareeb and high in status/rank.

Shaikh Shu?ayb commented on the hadith after he attributed it to Al Bayhaqi and Syed ibn Al Mansoor saying: ?Hudaifah was the only one who mentioned the hadith relating the ?Itikaf to the three masaajid? but Ibn Al Musayab?s words negate this.

This saying of Shaikh Shu?ayb?s might make one think that the hadith is related to Hudaifah only and it is not so as we have shown.

So don?t be fooled by those who have no gheerah {guard and protect jealously} for the hadith of the Prophet and think nothing of going against his noble sunnah. And Allah says in Surah Al Noor , vs. 63 ?And let those who oppose the Messanger?s commandment beware, lest some Fitnah should befall them or a painful torment be inflicted on them? . {End of Fa?idah}

With this post I wish to draw closure on my part concerning this particular issue lest it deterioriate into something that is unworthy of those seeking clarification. In the words of the noble Shaikh and Scholar Muhammad ibn Saalih Al Uthaymeen ?It is compulsory upon the one who is aware of the evidence to follow it, even if it goes against whomsoever of the scholars, so long as it does not go against a consensus of the ummah. ? Everyone?s opinion is either accepted or rejected, except that of the messenger of Allah.?
Differences of Opinion Amongst The Scholars, pp.40-41

  verily the cure for all ignorance is to question

This message was edited by mujaahidirlande on 11-13-02 @ 12:41 PM

13-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Basically, one should not go and perform i'tikaaf in the masjids of Ahlul-Bid'ah.  It is better to avoid them (i.e. stay home), until Allah provides us with something much better (e.g. a Salafi masjid).  Do I have the correct understanding concerning this matter?

It sounds like the same reasoning behind the ?prayer in the masjids of Ahlul-Bid'ah? issue.  I also wish to thank akhee Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa Richardson, who enlightened me a while ago, regarding the inappropriateness of calling the masjids of Ahlul-Bid?ah, the masjid diraar.  Your naseehah was well received by myself, as well as many others.  

Umm Khadijah Shahidah al-Kanadie

15-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The following is an approximate translation, I relied on a brother for this. If there are any shortcomings then they are with me and the one who translated, may Allah forgive us. Words in brackets are mine also and are added for clarification only, again if I have gone beyond that which is written I seek forgiveness from the One who can grant it.

The Book: Nuthum ul Faara?id ( a collection of beneficial comments taken form Shaikh AlAlbani?s Silsilaah series)

The Chapter: Where should a Muslim make ?Itikaaf?

Abu Wa?il said Hudaifah bin Al Yaman said to Abdullah, the son of Mas?ood,? there are some people over there making ?Itikaaf between your house and the house of Abi Moosa and you do not forbid them from that and you know that the Prophet said there is no ?Itikaaf except in one of the three maasajid. Abdullah said maybe you forgot what the Prophet said and they still remember  or he said to him  you made a mistake and they are correct.?  1

Hadith Sahih (Saheehah 2786)

Fa?idah: Ibn Mas?ood?s words are not a proof or an evidence for saying Hudaifah is wrong in the narration of the hadith. Perhaps he meant here that he was wrong in the explanation of the seclusion ('ukoof).

It is possible that the meaning of the hadith was that a complete ?Itikaaf was not accepted except in one of the three maasajid. Like the saying of the Prophet: .the one who doesn?t have honesty does not have eemaan.

{Here the lack of honesty does not negate eemaan completely but the Prophet is saying that such a one does not have complete eemaan. And the rest of the narration:there is no deen for the one who does not keep his promise, again this is not negating one?s Islam totally, such a one does not become a kaafir but is lacking in his deen.}

And you must know that the scholars have differed about the condition of the masjid for ?Itikaf and the way or manner of performing ?Itikaf as you will find in the two Musannafs, the Mussannaf of Abdur Razzaq and Ibn Abi Shaibah. (Abdur Razzaq No. 8016 and Ibn Abi Shaibah, Vol.3 page 91 and books like Al Muhallah and others).

In all these books there is no text on the level of being used as a  proof or evidence {regarding ?Itikaaf in any masjid} with the exception of the saying of Allah in Surah Al Bakarah 187 ?And do not have sexual relations with them while you are in I?tikaf.?
And this hadith is sahih (mentioned above -1). The ayat is general and the hadith is specific and in the principles of fiqh that which is specific takes precedence over that which is general.

The athaar are different as well. What should be done is to take the hadith {mentioned above} and whatever goes with it like the saying of Syed ibn Al Musayb ?there is ? no I?tikaf except in a masjid built by a Prophet? narrated by Ibn Abi Shaibah and Ibn Hazm with a sahih sanad.

And I found Adh Dhahabi narrated this hadith in his book Seer ?Alam An Nuballah Vol.15, pg. 80 through Mahmoud ibn Aadam AlMarwazee and he said that Sufyaan has graded the hadith marfoo?an {relating it to the Prophet}. The grading of the hadith is sahih, ghareeb and high in status/rank.

Shaikh Shu?ayb commented on the hadith after he attributed it to Al Bayhaqi and Syed ibn Al Mansoor saying: ?Hudaifah was the only one who mentioned the hadith relating the ?Itikaf to the three masaajid? but Ibn Al Musayab?s words negate this.

This saying of Shaikh Shu?ayb?s might make one think that the hadith is related to Hudaifah only and it is not so as we have shown.

So don?t be fooled by those who have no gheerah {guard and protect jealously} for the hadith of the Prophet and think nothing of going against his noble sunnah. And Allah says in Surah Al Noor , vs. 63 ?And let those who oppose the Messanger?s commandment beware, lest some Fitnah should befall them or a painful torment be inflicted on them? . {End of Fa?idah}

With this post I wish to draw closure on my part concerning this particular issue lest it deterioriate into something that is unworthy of those seeking clarification. In the words of the noble Shaikh and Scholar Muhammad ibn Saalih Al Uthaymeen ?It is compulsory upon the one who is aware of the evidence to follow it, even if it goes against whomsoever of the scholars, so long as it does not go against a consensus of the ummah. ? Everyone?s opinion is either accepted or rejected, except that of the messenger of Allah.?
Differences of Opinion Amongst The Scholars, pp.40-41

  verily the cure for all ignorance is to question.

27-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Baraka allahu feekum! Abuabudullah and Mujahidirlandee

Thanks for these most beneficial post in regards to the Itikaaf in the masajid. Since I have been searching for myself for something to give me some clarification on this matter of Iktilaaf.

However does anyone know that which The Noble Scholar Imam Muqbil ibn Hadde Al Wadee Rahimuhullah has brought forth to expain the permissabilty of the Itikaff in other than the three Masaajids. I know this is his stance in this matter however I havent seen his discussion in this regards.

May Allah bless you and us all with that which he loves and is pleased with. And Continue to reward the our scholars for their efforts and struggles

27-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-salaam alakim

Jilbab could you also make a link for that which you posted reading the masjids of ahlu biddah where you said
"It sounds like the same reasoning behind the ?prayer in the masjids of Ahlul-Bid'ah? issue.  I also wish to thank akhee Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa Richardson, who enlightened me a while ago, regarding the inappropriateness of calling the masjids of Ahlul-Bid?ah, the masjid diraar.  


29-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Wa'alaykumus salaam,

From what I gather, the article is no longer available online.  I got it from Daarul Hadeeth wal Athar @  Perhaps you can contact them for more information, InshaaAllaah.

Umm Khadijah Shahidah al-Kanadie

This message was edited by Jilbaab on 11-29-02 @ 2:56 PM

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