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Posted By Topic: The Ghusl of Janaba compared to The Ghusl of Yaumal Jumu'ah

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19-03-2009 @ 6:20 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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One Ghusl is enough for more than one occasion requiring Ghusl

Fifth question from Fatwa no. 6522:

Q: Does performing Ghusl (ritual bath) following major ritual impurity suffice for the commendable act of taking a bath on Friday or for taking Ghusl following menstruation or postpartum period?

A: Praise is due to Allah Alone, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger, his family, and Companions!

In case it is obligatory for a person to have more than one Ghusl, only one Ghusl is sufficient for all states if they intend to eliminate the reasons necessitating Ghusl and thus be able to perform Salah and other acts of worship necessitating Taharah (ritual purification), such as Tawaf (circumambulation around the Ka`bah). This is because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:The (reward of) deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what they have intended. Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. In fact, the objective behind taking Ghusl on Friday is already met by taking Ghusl following major ritual impurity on the same day.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
`Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz
`Abdul-Razzaq `Afify  
`Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan

12-03-2009 @ 5:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ali ali bin faruk (united kingdom)
Posts: 12
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I just wanted to post the views of the other scholars regarding whether 2 Ghusl is required or not:

Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmooý (1/368):

If he intended when doing ghusl to do ghusl to remove janaabah and for Jumuýah, then both are achieved (in one ghusl). This is the correct view. End quote.

Ibn Qudaamah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

If he does one ghusl for Jumuýah and to remove janaabah, and he intends both, that is sufficient, and we do not know of any difference of opinion on this matter. End quote.

Shaykh ýAbd al-ýAzeez ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: Does ghusl to remove janaabah also count for ghusl for Jumu'ah? He replied:  

If it is done during the day, that is sufficient for him, but it is better for him to intend both, by intending when doing ghusl that it is for Jumuýah and for janaabah. Thus he will also attain, in sha Allaah, the virtue of doing ghusl for Jumuýah too. End quote.

Majmooý Fataawa Ibn Baaz (12/406).

Shaykh Ibn ýUthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: What is the ruling on combining ghusl for Jumuýah and ghusl to remove janaabah? He replied:

There is nothing wrong with that, because if a person is junub and he does ghusl, intending thereby to remove the janaabah and also do ghusl for Jumuýah, there is nothing wrong with that, just as if a person enters the mosque and prays two rakýahs intending it to be both the regular Sunnah prayer and greeting the mosque, there is nothing wrong with that.

One of the following scenarios must apply:

1 ý He intends to do ghusl to remove janaabah only.

2 ý He intends to do ghusl both to remove janaabah and for Jumuýah.

3 ý He intends to do ghusl for Jumuýah only.

There is a fourth scenario which is unlikely, where he intends neither.  

If he intends to do ghusl to remove janaabah, that is sufficient and he does not need to do ghusl for Jumuýah if it is after sunrise, but if he intends both that is sufficient and he will attain the reward for both. If he intends to do ghusl for Jumuýah, that is not sufficient and he still has to do ghusl to remove janaabah, because ghusl for jumuýah is required even when one is not impure but ghusl to remove janaabah is required when one is impure, so it is essential to have the intention of removing this impurity. Some of the scholars said that he should do ghusl twice, but this is not a sound view. End quote.

Majmoo Fataawa Ibn ýUthaymeen (16/137).

And Allaah knows best.


06-06-2006 @ 7:19 AM    Notify Admin about this post
. Abdulilah Rabah Lahmami (Al Madeenah, S. Arabia)
Posts: 327
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Sheikh Muhammad Nasr Deen al-Albaani rahimahullaah
is a Faqeeh as well as a muhadith.

Tape number No. 1/ 386 regarding the Fiqh principle that a waajib (obligation) cannot suffice another waajib

Translated by Abdulilah ibn Rabah Lahmami

The obligation to take two baths on Friday if one wakes up with Janaba

Sheikh al-Albaani rahimahullaah says:

?An example, a women has to do ghusl (bath) of janaba (sexual impurity) and then she has noticed the haid (menstruation). She stayed in this state. Then she purified herself after her period. Is she to do one ghusl or two? One of them being the ghusl of janaba and the other being the ghusl of menstruation. If we know the principle that a waajib (obligation) cannot suffice another waajib then it is a must for her to do two ghusl?s. One of them being ghusl janaba and other being ghusl of menstruation.

Also this could happen to some of the men and I don?t say all men. Whoever sees that the ghusl of Friday is waajib as has come in the saheeh hadeeth ?ghusl of Friday is waajib upon  every adult? and this adult man has become in the state of impurity whether by dreaming or by intercourse. So he became in the state of janaba on the Friday. Is it enough for him to make only one ghusl for the janaba and ghusl of jum?ah? I say that whoever sees the ghusl of Friday as being waajib as the Prophet sallallaahu ?alaihi wa sallam has said, and this is what I personally agree with then he must do two ghusl?s. The first being for the janaba and the second being for the Friday.

As for the one who sees that the ghusl of jum?ah is not waajib and this is what most of the scholars see, then he can just do the first ghusl and that is ghusl of janaba and then he intends in his heart that he is doing with it the ghusl of jum?ah.

However, this one that sees the ghusl of jum?ah as sunnah and not waajib then he has three states, the most complete of them is that he does two ghusl?s as we have said for the one who sees the obligation of the ghusl of jum?ah. The reason being is that the reward will be written for him for the ghusl of janaba and for the ghusl of Friday??


Oh sheikh regarding the principle that you have mentioned that a wajib cannot suffice  another wajib (i.e that if one is in janaba on jumu?ah then he must make two ghusl?s not one. That is ghusl for janaba and ghusl for jumu?a). So sheikh what about tahiyatul masjid (praying two raka'at as one enters the mosque), isn?t it waajib if a man (comes in to the mosque and) wanted to pray the fard of fajr (meaning that the wajib of tahiyatul masjid drops for another wajib)?

Sheikh al Albaani rahimahullaah says, ?I say that the hadeeth which is clear to all inshaallaah. The questions as I have understood from the brother that a man comes into the mosque and the prayer is being established and the man did not pray tahiyatul masjid so does the tahiyatul masjid prayer drop by entering the fard prayer with the imam?

?So the question refers to a man who wants to pray the fard of fajr in the mosque. It does not concern us (at this point) whether he prays with the imam or on his own. So if he prays the fard of fajr then does tahiyatul masjid drop (meaning it no longer becomes waajib)?

The questioner incorrectly thinks that I will answer this question with a different answer to the principle I have mentioned that a waajib does not suffice another waajib. And that I will say that the man who came to pray the fard of fajr before he prays tahiyatul masjid  then the tahiyatul masjid has dropped. So some of the listeners incorrectly think (from this) that a waajib (obligation) has replaced another waajib (obligation).

I say that this situation differs from what was before it. And we want from our brothers who are doubtful to bring an example other than this example that contains a waajib that suffices another waajib. As for this example then the Prophet sallallaahu ?alaihi  wa sallam has said, ?If any one of you enters the mosque then he should not sit until he prays two raka'ats.? So this person who prayed the fard of fajr then previously he did not sit until he prayed two raka'ats. This is that whoever sees ?Tahiyatul masjid? as waajib then he says that this waajib has dropped in this way and that this example is a criticism to the principle that a waajib does not suffice another waajib.

I will reply with another example: a man says I will fast one week in every month or a day, then Ramadan comes and he intends to fast with Ramadan a day of Nadr (fulfilling an oath) I ask does one fast suffice both waajibs!!! The waajib of Ramadan  and the waajib of Nadr. This is an example (of what is meant) and another example which is clearer than the former. A man has missed some days of Ramadan that he has to make up then he waits until the next Ramadan comes and intends to make the fast along with the fast he has missed. Who says that one  (waajib) suffices the other?

The tahiyatul masjid differs because it contains an 'illaah (reason for it to become waajib) and that is not to sit until one prays two raka'ats. So this one who prays the fard of fajr then he has fulfilled sitting after the prayer (anyway).

End of translation of sheikh Al-Albaani's  words rahimahullaah.

On the obligation of ghusl (bathing) on friday

Fath2 / 453 -

On the authority of Mailk upon Nafi? upon Abdulla ibn Umar radiallaahu ?anhuma that the Prophet sallallaahu ?alaihi wa sallam said ?If anyone of you comes to Jumu?ah then have a bath.?

This is an order for those that come to the prayer on Jumu?ah whether male or female. (Sheikh Wasiyullaah in his explanation to this hadeeth in his saheeh al-Bukhaaree class (a few years back) said some scholars say even if you take your children to Jumu'ah you must bathe them based upon this hadeeth).

On the authority of Abu Sa?eed al-Khudree that the Prophet sallallaahu ?alaihi wa sallam said, ?Bathing on the day of Jumu?ah is obligotary upon every mature person (muhtalim).

Those who said it is not obligotary used:

?Whoever does wudu on Friday then that is a blessing and whoever takes a bath then bathing is better.?

But this can be understood from the verse ?If the people of the Book believed it would have been better for them.? Do we say belief is not obligatory???

Saheeh Ibn Khuzaima (3:129): a companion ordered another to make another ghusl other than ghusl Janabah on friday

Allaah knows best.

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27-04-2006 @ 3:45 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Jameelah Michael ibn 'Abdullaah (Columbia, SC)
Posts: 88
Joined: Oct 2002
Wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu

JazakiAllaah fee kulli khair ya ukhti fillah,  InshaaAllaah Tabarak wa Ta'ala this will be of tremendous benefit for the purpose of which it was intended.  Both for you and the person needing the information from the textual referances.  May Allaah increase us all in Taufiqh, Ameen...wallaahu mawfiqh.

Subhanaka Allaahumma wa bihamdika wa ashahadu an la ilaha ilah anta wastaghfirooka wa atoobu elayke.

min 'abdillah:
Abu Jameelah Michael Latham

23-04-2006 @ 9:21 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Rizqin unspecified (As-shehr,Yemen)
Posts: 69
Joined: Mar 2005
Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh



  Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:
The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: He who takes a bath on Friday, like the bath which is obligatory after the sexual discharge and then goes (to the mosque), he is like one who offers a she-camel as a sacrifice, and he who comes at the second hour would be like one who offers a cow, and he who comes at the third hour is like one who offers a ram with horns, and he who comes at the fourth hour is like one who offers a hen, and he who comes at the fifth hour is like one who offers an egg. And when the Imam comes out, the angels are also present and listen to the mention of Allah (the sermon).

Sahih muslim 1403


و حدثنا ‏ ‏قتيبة بن سعيد ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏مالك بن أنس ‏ ‏فيما قرئ عليه
عن ‏ ‏سمي ‏ ‏مولى ‏ ‏أبي بكر ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏أبي صالح السمان ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏أبي هريرة

‏أن رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏من اغتسل يوم الجمعة غسل الجنابة ثم راح فكأنما قرب بدنة ومن ‏ ‏راح ‏ ‏في الساعة الثانية فكأنما قرب بقرة ومن راح في الساعة الثالثة فكأنما قرب كبشا أقرن ومن راح في الساعة الرابعة فكأنما قرب دجاجة ومن راح في الساعة الخامسة فكأنما قرب بيضة فإذا خرج الإمام حضرت الملائكة يستمعون الذكر ‏

صحيح مسلم

The correct way on performing Ghusl

The ruling and description of Ghusl
AUTHOR:      Shaikh ?Abdullaah bin Saalih Al-?Ubaylaan
SOURCE:      His book As-Salaat (pg. 23-25)

excerpt from the book


Ghusl is divided into that which is Waajib (obligatory) and that which is Mustahabb. (recommended)As for the obligatory Ghusl, then it is to be done after sexual intercourse, regardless of whether one ejaculated or not


As for the Ghusl that is recommended (mustahabb), then what falls into it is the ghusl performed on the day of Jumu?ah, for it is strongly recommended except in the case where someone is giving off a bad odor, then as for this person, it is obligatory for him to perform ghusl...

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21-04-2006 @ 5:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Jameelah Michael ibn 'Abdullaah (Columbia, SC)
Posts: 88
Joined: Oct 2002
Innalhamdulillahi ta'ala wa salaatu wa salaamu ala arasoolullaahi wa ala alihe wa ashabihe ajma'een, wa ba'ad:

I was wondering if there is a difference between the ghusl made after sexual relations with ones spouse and the ghusl made for yaumal jumu'ah.  I need to provide this information to someone for learning purposes.  I have not been able to find the detailed text due to my limited access to the reliable resources that may contain such information. InshaaAllaah, If someone could point me towards a referance to obtain the correct information regarding this subject I would be more than elated.  BarakAllaahu Feekum wa JazakumAllaah Fee Kulli Khairun, Ameen.

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuhu

min 'abdillah:
Abu Jameelah Michael Latham

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