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» Teachers Required - Salafi Independent School
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24-02-2006 @ 3:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ammaar Abdul-Hameed Alam (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 46
Joined: Apr 2003
Asalaamlu-allaykum wa rahmatullah

We are currently looking to recruit teachers for the following posts:

1. Early Years teachers/ nursery nurses to commence September 2006, insha'Allaah. You should hold appropriate qualifications or be in the process of acquiring these. This post is only open to sisters.

2. Class teachers (Primary) to commence September 2006. This post entails whole-class teaching of a number of National Curriculum subjects. You should be appropriately qualified or be in the process of acquiring these qualifications. We will also consider those who hold degress or other qualifications and wish to enter the teaching profession, in which case you will need to undertake an intensive teaching preparation course as well as being required to enrol upon a teacher training programme at the school. Class teacher posts are open to both brothers and sisters.

3. Class teachers (Primary) to commence immediately. As above but open only to sisters.

To apply for any of these posts, please submit a full resume with details of all courses undertaken and experience acquired to date. You will also need to provide two salafi references.

You can e-mail your resume to or alternatively post it addressed to the Headteacher, Salafi Independent School, 472 Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birmingham, B10 0UG.


Wa salaamu-allaykum wa rahmatullah.

Abu-Ammaar Abdul-Hameed
Headteacher: Salafi Independent School

This message was edited by AbdulHameed on 2-24-06 @ 4:19 PM

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