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» Shaykh Falaah Isma'eel al-Mundikaar on SP
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16-11-2005 @ 10:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Yahyaa Khalil ibn Rinaaldo (London)
Posts: 170
Joined: Mar 2005

Shaykh Falaah Isma'eel al-Mundikaar (hafidhahullaah) on S'Pubs:

The Shaykh, hafidhahullaah, on sunday night 29th of august 2004 after his `Aqeedatul Waasitiyyah lesson, proceeded into a questions and answers session.  One of the questions was pertaining to Zakaah.  The Shaykh, hafidhahullaah, answered the question and went on to say, and he said:

"Wallaahi, taking an oath with Allaah that he had certain knowledge, 'ilman yaqeenan, that the brothers at Maktabatus Salafiyyah were striving in spreading the call to Allaah and aiding it.  He said upon you is to make ta'aawun, to co-operate with them."

And we do not praise anyone above Allaah azza wa jall.

This message was edited by Khalil.Karoosi on 11-17-05 @ 6:29 PM

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