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» The Emperor: That he is a chronic liar and that he plays with the Deen of Allaah
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29-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
His mentioning that Shaikh Rabee? retracted all of his statements of dispraise against
him and that the Shaikh was mislead to say what he said. This was cleared up on the tape
from Shaikh Rabee during the questions and answers, presented by our noble brother Abool Hasan Maalik.

In a feeble attempt to keep his momentum as the 'Emperor? of East Orange with his implicit bay'ah, he decided to visit Shaikh Muqbil last summer while
he was in LA and we should know that at that time the Shaikh was very sick and did not know him personally, may Allaah have mercy on him.

He sat with him for about two or three days talking to him and telling him about his 'work of da'wah' in America. The Shaikh made some general statements of praise about him (ofwhich one would make about any Muslim that presents himself as Abu Muslimah did to
the Shaikh. That meeting in LA resulted in the tape; ?Abu Muslimah meets Shaikh
Muqbil: ?Defending the Attacks against Masjidu Ahlis Sunnah'. This lecture was held on November 2 & 3, 2001 at their masjid in East Orange.
This was an attempt to gain a tazkiyah from the Shaikh, which eventually backfired on
Aboo Muslimah as you will soon see.

As for that which backfired, then that was during the Hajj of 2001 where approximately
one half dozen brothers vis ited the noble muhaddith, Shaikh Muqbil in the Azeeziyyah
district in Makkah brought there by Zaahid Rashid. Without being prompted, Shaikh Muqbil began to talk about Aboo Muslimah. The Shaikh said:

"First of all, I did not give him a tazkiyah and he did not ask for one. And if he says that I did, then let him produce the paper for surely he has some problems that he needs to recant and correct!"

The ear and eyewitnesses to this event were the brothers:
Alee Yahyaa, originally from Atlanta, Georgia, USA and a student at Ummul
Quraa University in Makkah.

Aboo Talha Dawud Burbank from Salafipublications in Birmingham, England.

Abu Khadijah Abdul Wahid from Salafipublications in Birmingham, England.

Aboo Tasneem Dawud Adib from Neptune, N.J. USA

A similar scenario occurred that same year at his hospital room in Jeddah he was visited
by some American students from the University of Al-Madeenah and the Shaikh asked one of them present again without being prompted:

"Do you know Abu Muslimah?" The brother Mustafaa George responded: ?Well Shaikh not personally
because I am from NY and he is from NJ!" The Shaikh then said:

"Well, some trustworthy, reliable individuals came to me and informed of his situation,
and I am free of him and everything I have said in the past I take back. Therefore, if (and when) I ever see him again, I am intending to give him the strongest of

Those who were in the hospital room and heard this were:

Mustafaa George, from Brooklyn, NY and student at the Islaamic University of Al-Madeenah.

Aboo Mu'aawiyah Aqeel Ingrahm, from Neptune, NJ and student at the Islaamic University of Al-

Aboo Junayd Yusuf Bowers from Birmingham, England also a student in the University.

Another clear ruse performed by Abu Muslimah himself was the treatise he was requested by Shaikh Muqbil explaining his aqeedah and manhaj.
Aboo Muslimah did bring a 'treatise' to the shaikh and with his name on it but the reality is that it was a plagarism! As the heir of Shaikh Muqbil's students and camp,
Al-Muhaddith, Al-Faqeeh Shaikh Yahyaa Al-Hajooree, may Allaah preserve him -
stated when he saw it [the treatise]:

"This is the aqeedah of Abool Hasan Al-Misree, Al-Ma'ribee!"

This 'treatise' had on the front cover:
Written by the Director of the Islaamic Center of America/Imaam of Masjidu Ahlis Sunnah, Abu Muslimah, Abullaah Tawfeeq As-Salafee, Al-Amreekee!

A photocopy of the original Arabic text of this so-called letter of repentance is available for all those who desire to see it.

In fact, in his so-called paper of aqeedah of which is in the possession of our noble brother Abdullaah Al-Bukhaaree in Al-Madeenah, he mentions the following list of people as his shuyookh:

Zaid Shakir, the Soofee from Connecticut, who has been seen in more than one occasion leading the circles of dhikr in New Mexico and Syria, Anwar Abdul Muhaymin from Philadelphia, PA, who is a haafidh of the Book of Allaah but was known to long ago to wear an earring in his ear, has no problem with buying buildings for residency and masjids with interest, allows the playing of music during waleemahs and the like, and calls the people to the Maalikee madhhab and says it is permissible to bow to one?s sensei (the karate teacher) for the better good to learn the martial arts in preparation for Jihaad and Sa?d Al-Burayk, the Qutubee well known for his association with the Ikhwaanees! Also among his teachers according to him is Muhammad Sayyid Adly, who just withing this past year has made a challenge to anyone ? scholar or otherwise ? to prove that using the term salafee is anything but a bid?ah and it is not necessary to call oneself that!

More to come concerning his lies inshaa Allaah!

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29-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
Abu Muslimah - may Allaah guide him and us - really did not think that people
would find out that between 1996-97 he allowed the children in their school to be
taught from one of the books of the father of the Khawaarij of our time and that
was none other than the author, Sayyid Qutb, and the book, Milestones!
When confronted by one of the brothers and asked him did he know what was in the
books of Sayyid Qutb, Abu Muslimah said:

"I know but there are some good things in there too!"

He also has been known to encourage the people to read from Sayyid Qutb?s books and the books of Mawdoodee!

There are at least one half dozen brothers who will testify to this!

The individual who taught this book to the third and fourth year students of their school,
which is inappropriately called Madrastu Ahlis Sunnah was a man named Khidr Wright Lawrence, a graduate of the Islaamic University of Al-Madeenah from the
college of Hadeeth, well known for his disparagment of Shaikh Al-Albaanee, mocker of those brothers who wear their pants above their ankles, opposition towards and
aversion for the du'aat of the Da?watus Salafiyyah and promotion of the books of Sayyid Qutb!

This is the same Khidr that I just heard recently is about to do a 'refutation' upon me.

Anyway, the hiring of this ?Shaikh? Khidr - as he is known - to teach in their school was done
after Aboo Muslimah sat face to face speaking with him [Khidr] and only after speaking to his unsteady shaikh, Aboo Aminah Bilal Philips who encouraged him to hire him.

He, therefore, co-signed for this Shaikh Khidr.

Aboo Muslimah said on the tape entitled ?Ambush at Fajr':

"...I don?t see Khidr, that he is going to come to our school and he?s going to call the
people to some other manhaj..."

During the month of December 2001, 'Shaikh' Khidr was contacted by phone and asked did he, in fact, teach from the book ?Milestones?. He confirmed that he did.
Khidr was apprised by the caller, who happens to be one of those who left the tomfoolery of Aboo Muslimah and repented to Salafiyyah, of the fact that there exist a large number of major ulamaa who have warned against the author and his books so he retorted:

[Regardless of what the Ulamaa say] "Read the book for yourself!"

The question we ask of you, the reader, now is; do you know of any knowledgeable, Allaah fearing salafee that would promote Sayyid Qutb's books in any way whatsoever
especially with the innocent children in a school even if he only taught one class?

When Aboo Muslimah and some of the people employed in the school were asked was it true that if that vile book was taught there, they either said

- that it was not utilized at all - or that he (Khidr) only taught from it one time!

Liar, liar thowb on fire!

It is also very interesting that the crafty Aboo Muslimah, tried to be deceptive and twist
the matter of the books around by saying that the books were left over from the former
imaam?s (Aboo Tasneem Dawud Adib) administration there and therefore he was to blame for the books
being there.

The fact of the matter is:

That the venom of Sayyid Qutub?s poison and Dawud Adib affected many of the youth was one of them. During my tenure as imaam of the masjid there in East Orange, I
taught a class from one of the books from Sayyid Qutub called Milestones.

As a result of this poison, I delivered a khutbah which was my first Eedul Fitr khutbah there in East Orange) entitled "Weaknesses of the Ummah and its Remedies."

In that khutbah I made a statement of takfeer ? may Allaah forgive me and all of us ? that emanated from that book. After hearing what Shaikh Rabee (and others had to say about Sayyid) and learning about the dangers of Sayyid Qutub and his books I immediately repented, rectified and publicly clarified his position. That renouncement was done on four seperate occasions:

The first time was in Manchester, England in front of a group of about twelve Salafee brothers and this was in the summer of 1997.
The second time was in Masjidus Salafis Saalih in Atlanta, GA.
And the third time was in Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah in Germantown, PA both
of which were audio recorded and suggested by him to be distributed worldwide!
And the fourth time was at the Islaamic Center of Daytona Beach, Florida in the spring of

In fact, at the Germantown masjid, in the tradition of Abool Hasan Ash'aree and in front of about 200 or more salafees ? I removed my koofee like Abool Hasan of the past removed his cloak and threw it to the ground while saying:

"I am free of that statement I made in the khutbah and the teachings of Sayyid Qutub and I throw them off like I throw off this koofee!"

And then I threw off my koofee!

As for the copies of Milestones, they were there in the masjid bookstore before Aboo Muslimah?s graduation from the University and return to the States but they were in a box not being used, pulled out once again and were purchased by their school administration for the purpose of teaching the children from them!

Are you able to smell the fragrance of deception?

Do you see how they try to twist the issue and make every one other than them seem
to be the villain?

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