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» His defamation, belittlement and unjustified disparagment and the callers to Da'watus Salafiyyah of anyone else he does not have esteem for
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Posted By Topic: His defamation, belittlement and unjustified disparagment and the callers to Da'watus Salafiyyah of anyone else he does not have esteem for

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29-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
This Aboo Muslimah has managed to accomplish explicitly or implicitly.

From among the many signs of the Ahlul Bid'ah wal Furqah (People of Innovation and Division and Seperation) is that they try to find fault with the
people in general and more specifically those of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah in anything they can. One of the ruses in the bag of tricks and subterfuge of
Aboo Muslimah is to point out the slips and mistakes of people in a ridiculing manner.

For instance, when the former imaam and founder of the masjid there in East Orange, Ahmad Burhaanee (the same person of whom Aboo Muslimah called a deviant during the Eed khutbah in front of about one thousand or more people including Ahmad's family) was invited with two other individuals  to do a talk at their masjid entitled "Advice to the Muslims Based on Experience." In a very sly way he belittled one of the speakers in front of everyone!

One of the two invited was Hamid Abdul Azeem, the imaam of Masjid Darus Salaam in Buffalo, NY.

His relationship with Aboo Muslimah is very clear where he states in that lecture that Aboo Muslimah is like a son to him, considering him his imaam. In this same lecture, we find him butchering the aayaat of Allaah's Book, ahaadeeth of the our Prophet and Khutbatul Haajah. Yet we don?t hear Aboo Muslimah correcting him in front of the people. Even though brother Hamid at his own admission began his study of the Arabic language in 1975. What is the reason?

It seems as though it is because he is supporter of his 'son'. This Abdul Azeem - who claims salafiyyah but who has also been abandon by the Salafees of Buffalo - is the same supporter who said in an article he entitled "Islaamic Gyspy Pyromanics":

"Show us the errors in Fiqh or Manhaj or Aqeedah on the tapes of Aboo Muslimah?"

During that same lecture, we find Aboo Muslimah 'correcting' Ahmad Burhaanee in front of the people who also made mistakes in his recitation of
the Qur'aan, though not nearly as bad as our brother Hamid saying:

"Before we bring on the next speaker,
I just want to make a comment so that we stay on track ?inshaa Allaah? Imaam Ahmad Burhaanee has
retired from being the Imaam for over seven years now, and it seems like he might have been a little
nervous so please overlook any mistakes in the quotation of aayaats or Arabic, as the Imaam has studied in the neighborhood of thirty years of the Arabic language..."

We ask you the reader, what was the purpose or point of him highlighting the former imaam's mistakes, then mentioning the almost three decades of study of the Arabic language?

It is a though he is saying: "You see this guy you had as your imaam? He has been studying all those years
and still can't recite properly!"

On their website, they have this statement:

In the eighties, a Muslim community was established in East Orange, New Jersey, as the
Islamic Center of East Orange. At the time, the modest, three-story building, which had
only 6000 square feet of musallaa area, was sufficient for the needs of the community.
But as time passed, the community underwent changes in leadership, and gradually the
community began to be redirected and reeducated toward the true deen of Allaah and
the authentic Sunnah of His Prophet.
This statement implies that Dawud Adib before him was not teaching the true deen of Allaah nor the authentic Sunnah of his Prophet!

And this is why we find him and his blind followers not only saying that the Da'watus Salafiyyah began when he arrived but also that Dawud Adib is not salafee as one sister retorted when someone from out of town unknowingly asked to purchase some Dawud
Adib tapes from their masjid she said:

"We don?t sell his tapes here because he is not on
the manhaj of the Salaf!"

Additionally, we find him making disparaging statements about salafee people and organizations even go ing as far as saying that they are in trying to dismantle the manhaj itself!

We say this because according to Abu Muslimah they - Dawud Adib and Abu Uwais Abdullaah Ahmad Ali - were and still are trying to harm the progress and the spread of the salafee manhaj! The direct quote is as follows:

"...the person that we were mentioning before, who is doing his national campaign against us because he is in our area and his name is Dawud Adib!
Dawud Adib has been on a national campaign to defame and discredit me and the work that goes on here. He is (Abu Uwais) Abdullaah ibn Ahmad's (former) brother
in-law and they have been working together to? uhh? and Allaah Subhaana wa Ta'aalaa knows harm the progress and the spread of the salafee manhaj and the progress that the muslims have been making"

Dear salafitalk reader - may Allaah keep our hearts firm upon His deen - if this is the case dear readers ? may Allaah guide you to that which is correct - then why have some of the mashaayikh like Shaikh Rabee', Shaikh Yahyaa Al-Hajooree, Shaikh Fawzee Al-Atharee, Shaikh Muhammad Al-Anjaree commended these two for their soundness of aqeedah and correctness of Manhaj?

What does this imply?

This statement implies that those respected shuyookh mentioned above either:

a)themselves don't know who is really a salafee nor those doing the work of Salafiyyah or they are

b)speaking without knowledge Aboo Muslimah is clearer about the affairs of the aqeedah and manhaj and its
people than they are!

Aboo Muslimah is clearer about the affairs of the aqeedah and manhaj and its people than they are!

There is no doubt that the People of the Sunnah are far removed from fitnah. That their da?wah instead enfeebles fitnah. As for those who are from other than their people, then you will see that they call towards fitnah.

And even if some of them don?t call towards it, then their manhaj acts as a productive soil where the fitnah can flourish and spread, whether they realize it or not! Hence, the Da'wah of the People of the Sunnah is pure and clear, for surely it leads to purity
and peace while others love hunting in the dust cloud or in the muddy water ascending the hills of misfortunes with the expectation of achieving their plan.

Regarding those People of Knowledge cited above, then we all are fully aware - or should
be aware - that those whom have the greatest fear of Allaah after the Prophets and
Messengers, then their Companions and those who surely do not speak except with clear knowledge and deep insight are the Ulamaa!

So the question to you dear reader ? may Allaah keep your feet on the Manhaj of the Salaf - why then would someone take the word or opinion of one who has clearly been exposed for his debauchery, underhandedness, deception and out right lies over
those well known shuyookh unless he himself is desiring destruction, error and
misguidance and why would Aboo Usaamah praise and defend him?

Another ploy to debase people and humiliate them is a tactic they use
regarding those who don?t sell candy. That is, when a parent wanted to enroll
his child, they were compelled to sign a contract stipulating that they will take
two tickets valued at about sixty dollars ($60.00) each and a case or two of
If the parent did not sign the contract their child was not admitted. If they did not sell the
candy they had to pay anyway even if the candy was all sold! And it would be attached to
their tuition at the end of the school year even if the tuition had been paid on time in full!
No report card would be given to the parent nor any grades and worst yet the parent
would be humiliated in front of the people depicted as ?not down? or a committed
He would either use the minbar to debase them or the Friday night lectures, nonetheless
they would be humiliated and made to feel like outcast

Imaam Jamaalud-Deen al-Qaasimee (d.1288H) - rahimahullaah - said:

"From that which is well known about what occurs when people gather together upon some matter, is that any group, which becomes strong and has many followers, then you will definitely find in them the pure and the impure, the justly-balanced and the
imbalanced, the extreme and the moderate. And a well-established fact is that the extremists are more vocal and have greater acceptance, since the ones who are justly balanced follow a middle course. And those who seek this balanced approach are few in
number, in every age and place. As for extremism, then this is what most people thrive upon, and what the over-whelming majority inclines towards - and this has been the path of the various sects and religions as well. So the extremists try to monopolise their
being mention amongst people and to be single in their da'wah. And they did not find any way to gain a monopoly over people except by extremism, which they
achieve by degrading people and belittling them at every possible opportunity, either by their tongues, or other than that. And the first to open this door - the door of unleashing their tongues against there who oppose them - were the Khawaarij. And this is the route by which they came to the masses, through the door of takfeer
(declaring a Muslim to be an unbeliever), in order that the masses would flee from other than them, so that they could then secure a relationship with the masses for themselves.
Then this disease was transmitted to others, such that the extreme elements of each group started unjustly declaring Muslims to be either unbelievers, sinners, innovators or deviants"

From the book Al-Jarh wat Ta?deel; pages 4-5

Next: That he is a chronic liar and that he plays with the Deen of

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أو اسكت بحلم

This message was edited by AbooTasneem on 10-29-02 @ 12:00 PM

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