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» salafee sisters in New Haven, CT?
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25-07-2005 @ 2:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
abu 'adam yahya ibn lawrence (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 39
Joined: Feb 2004
Salaamu alaikoum,

A brother is looking for a sister in New Haven or nearby to assist a family member in taking the shahada inshaa Allaah.

If any sister meets the criteria and is ab le to give daw'ah then she should havbe her walee email the brother at

jazakallaah khair


'Ata' bin Dinar said, "All thanks are to Allah who said {And it is the disbelievers who are the wrongdoers} (2:254) but did not say it is the wrongdoers who are the disbelievers." ---ibn Abi Hatim 3.966

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