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» Joint declaration of Muhammad al-Jibalee and Abu Khadeeja
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Posted By Topic: Joint declaration of Muhammad al-Jibalee and Abu Khadeeja

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26-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 29
Joined: Sep 2002
This post was removed because this statement between Abu Khadeejah As-Salafi and al-Jibaly was made over two years ago at the QSS convention in Detroit. And is no longer valid due to the deviations of Jibaly after that.

This message was edited by Al-Fudayl on 10-26-02 @ 10:35 AM

26-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 43
Joined: Jul 2002
Salafi Publications have emailed a brief explanation of what occurred.

This statement, refered to above, was made in Autumn 2000 after Abu Khadeejah responded to the attacks of Al-Jibaly upon the Salafees and specific attacks upon Shaikh Rabee (though not mentioning his name) that he made in the Spring of 2000. In an email Jibaly mocked and cursed the Salafis for taking strong stances against those who oppose the manhaj as-salafi. The speech of Jibaly was truly evil and was the speech of an enemy of the truth. He boasted his attachment to Shaikh Al-Albaanee, yet he opposed his way and cursed those whom Albaanee loved, like Shaikh Rabee'. He attacked and mocked those who took strong  position against Syed Qutb and he praised Ar'oor. He spoke with the bid'ah of al-mawaazanah and much more.

Abu Usaamah Khaleefah Adh-Dhahabee wrote notes of praise to this email of Jibaly, praising him for his bravery and giving his approval for the evil words of Jibaly. Abu Usaamah clearly stated that he agreed with the sentiments of Jibaly. (Yet again, NO retraction).

So Abu Khadeejah quite rightly responded and refuted Jibaly. Immediately came a huge defence of Jibaly from the Ahlul-Bid'ah and Suroorees like Tawfeeq Chowdury - The hizbi, Surooree from Australia. An ally of Al-Hidaayah, Suhaib Hasan, "Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadees", and other deviant hizbees.

Jibaly responded to Abu Khadeejah by making tabdee' of him, declaring Abu Khadeejah to be out of Salafiyyah.

So in Detroit, the Jordanians arranged a meeting with Abu Khadeejah, Abu Iyyaad, Abu Awais and Jibaly - Shaikhs Ali Hasan and Saleem al-Hilaalee were present.

Jibaly after initially denying that he had said anything untoward was asked to translat his own words into Arabic. Thus he was exposed upon his own tongue.

It was after this that he retracted his speech and apologised to Abu Khadeejah. However, the Jordanians were overtly lenient and showed tasaahul towards Jibaly and his retraction ended up as just a watered down statement that Jibaly agreed to - This statement was not good enough but the Jordanians sanctioned it. The statement from Jibaly contained praises of Shaikh Rabee and claimed that he was with Salafi Publications etc.

This leniency that was shown by the Jordanians was not only leniency but it was in opposition to the true way of retraction. Jibaly continued with his machinations against the Salafis and their 'ulemah which resulted, in a written email of his (Summer 2002), in his cursing Shaikh Fawzaan, Shaikh Rabee, Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree and others from the kibaar. He aligned himself with Ar'oor, Maghraawee, Suhayb Hasan, Bilaal Philips, Yahyah Ibraheem and the miskeen Abu Haawiyah.

So retraction is not an insignificant matter. Here we will bring that which was brought by Abul-Hasan Maalik, may Allaah preserve him, in a discussion regarding Abu Usaamah Adh-Dhahabee:

Allah says in the Qur?an: ?Except those who repent, and make reparation, and ANNOUNCE [to the people what they used to conceal from the truth]. And those I will forgive. (Al-Baqarah:160)

Ibn Katheer said in commentery of this ayah: ?They return from what they were once upon and they repair their deeds, and they clarify to the people what they used to conceal [from the truth].?

As-Sa?di said: They return from what they were upon from sin feeling sorry for what they did and determined to not return [to the sin]. And they repair what they had corrupted from their actions and it will not be sufficient that they just leave off the evil until they implement righteous deeds afterwards, and that also is not sufficient for the one who conceals [his previous wrong] until he openly clarifies what he concealed [from the truth] and shows opposite to what he concealed and these Allah will forgive.?

Khateeb Al-Baghdadi in Al-Kifaayah (pg.229) brings his chain of narration on Abdur-Rahman Al-Mahdi who said: ?We were with Shu?bah ibn Al-Hajjaaj and he was asked, ?O Aba Bistaam whose narrations are left?? So he said: ?Whoever lies in narration, whoever has an abundance of error, whoever errs in the narrations that are agreed upon and he remains upon his error and does not retract, and whoever narrates on the trustworthy that which they do not recognize.?

Then Khateeb said: ?And it is not sufficient that he in retraction simply ceases in narrating that hadeeth in the future, rather it is obligatory upon him to openly clarify to the people that he had made an error and that he has returned from it.?

This statement of Al-Khateeb reminds us of the story of the repentance of Abul-Hasan Al-Ash?ari. Ibn Nadeem said: ?Al-Ash?ari was upon the belief of the Mu?tazilah then he repented from his statement about Al-Adl and the creation of the Qu?ran in the Central Mosque in Basrah on the Day of Jumuah. He ascended on a chair and called in a loud voice, ?Those who know me, know me, and those who don?t, then I know myself, I am so and so the son of so and so, and I used to say that the Quran was created, and that Allah will not be seen with the eyes, and that the actions of evil I am its producer, and I am repenting and throwing all of that off.? Then it is stated that he began to write in refutation of the Mu?tazilah and clarifying the corruption of their creed after spending perhaps 40 years of his life holding those beliefs.


This message was edited by Al-Fudayl on 10-26-02 @ 6:22 PM

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