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09-11-2004 @ 12:03 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Hamza Njeri bint Yusuf Stevenso (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 11
Joined: Sep 2002
As salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatu
My Dear, Respected and Appreciated Brothers,
It is impossible for anyone to describe what you are being tested with today.  While many of us feel the lost of an Imam, a Da'ee, a teacher, we are not experiencing what you feel, the lost of a constant companion.
We ask Allah to grant Brother Abu Uwais Jennah and to give his family patience and strength during this time.
One of the reasons why maybe Abu Uways' death is hard for many is because maybe we didn't take time to tell Abu Uways thank you.  
Alhamdulillah, this event has become a reminder.  All too often do we, the common people, take advantage of our Students of Knowledge.  On behalf of so many Salafees, this is the time to sincerely thank our Students of Knowledge for all they have given us, and will give us, by Allah's Permission.  We thank you for allowing us to wake you from your much deserved sleep.  We thank you for allowing us to interrupt you.  We thank you for answering calls during times of inconvenience.  We thank you for bringing us the messages, the lessons, and the advice from our Esteemed Shuyook.  We thank you for being patient with us and loooking out for us.  And we are sorry if we take advantage of you or make you feel that you are not appreciated and needed.
We ask Allah to forgive us for our selfishness in this regards.  We ask Allah to give each and everyone of you good health, increase knowledge and protection. Ameen.
Wa alaikum salaam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatu
Umm Hamza Njeri bint Yusuf (Wife of Abu Kutub Abdur Raheem Gregory)

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