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01-08-2004 @ 9:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mujaahid Abdul Basir ibn G. Rose (Africa)
Posts: 55
Joined: Sep 2002
As Salaamu alaikum;
I would like to request from my brothers and sisters if anyone is familiar about any narration(s) concerning Faatimah bint Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), never having menses. Also, anything concerning her bleeding or not bleeding after the birth of either Hassan or Husain.  
As Salaamu alaikum
Abdul BAsir al-Yardi

This message was edited by abdul.basir on 8-2-04 @ 5:46 PM

02-08-2004 @ 12:56 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Oummou Assia Amina bint Marie-annick (Al Qaahirah (Al Khaamis), Mysr.)
Posts: 93
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bissmillahi ar rahmaani ar rahim

'A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, reported:
Fatimah bint Abi Hubaish came to the Messenger (may peace he upon him) and said: I am a woman whose blood keeps flowing (even after the menstruation period). I am never purified; should I, therefore, abandon the Prayer? He (the Prophet salla llahou 'alayhi wa sallam) said; Not at all, for that is only a vein (injured), and is not menstruation, so when menstruation comes, abandon the Prayer, and when it ends, wash the blood from yourself and then pray.
Hadith number in Sahih Muslim [Arabic only]: 501 <>

(pasted from:

'A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, reported:
Umm Habibah bint Jahsh asked Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him): I am a woman whose blood keeps flowing (after the menstrual period). He (the Prophet salla llahou 'alayhi wa sallam) said: That is only a vein (injured), so take a bath and offer the Prayer; and she took a bath at the time of every Prayer.
Hadith number in Sahih Muslim [Arabic only]: 502 <>

see: ''AD DIMAA AT TABI'I LIN-NISSAA'' of Shayk al 'Outheymin (rahimahou llah), section regarding  HOUKM AL ISTIHAADA.

(الحق من ربك"(آل عمران"
Oummou Assia Amina Le Joncour al-misriyyah as-salafiyyah.

This message was edited by oummou.assia on 8-3-04 @ 7:13 AM

02-08-2004 @ 11:06 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ukkaasha Shaakir Ibn Willard Gree (Hawthorne, California)
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As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah, just a sidenote insha Allaah, we should try to avoid utilizing the word Holy when referring to Allaah's Messenger [salawaatu rabbihi wa salamuhu alayhi] for Allaah is Al-Qudoos and it was not a term our salaf used as well. Baraka Allaahu feek.

قال فضيل بن عياض : أول العلم الاءنصات, ثم الاستماع, ثم الحفظ,ثم اعمل, ثم النشر . <جامع بيان العلم و فضل و ما ينبغي في روايته و حمله>

04-08-2004 @ 9:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdil 'Azeez Waseem ibn Abdirraheem Al Peshimaam (Bangalore,India / Al Qaseem , K.S.A)
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa
Ashrafil-Anbiyaa?e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

as-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahi wa-Barakaatuhu,

Also, is it permissible to use the word "APOSTLE" for Rasulullaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) instead of the words - Prophet/ Messenger ?

BarakAllaahu feekum.

assalaamu 'alaikum

Abu 'Abdullaah Waseem Ahmad ibn 'Abd Al Raheem Alhindee

12-08-2004 @ 5:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Yusuf Sagheer Ibn Abdir-Rasheed (London, UK)
Posts: 56
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As sallam ualaikum wa rahmtaullahi wa barakatahu

With respect to Fatima radiallahuanha not having menses and post-birth bleeding, then this is what I found.

In his fantastic refutation of the Shee?ah, ?At-talee?atu fi-raddi alaa gullaati shee?ah? which is contained in his book ?Riyaadh-ul-Jannati fi-raddi alaa aa?daai sunnati? Sheikh Muqbil (rahimahullah) cites the following narration on Pp 228-229:

?My daughter Fatima is a human virgin of paradise, she has not menstruated and nor has she been de-flowered. And indeed, Allah did not name her Fatima (the one who is cut off) except that Allah the Most High has cut her  and those who love her off from the fire.?

Then the sheikh says: ?Ibn Al-Jawzi said: Al-Khateeb said: In the isnaad of this hadeeth there is more than one from the unknown narrators and it is not established.?

As for the ruling of this narration, then it can be found in Silsalatul-Ahaadeeth-Ad-Daeefah-Wal-Maudoo?ah of Sheikh Muhammed Nasir-ud-deen Al-Albani (rahimahullah).
In the first volume of this priceless work page 618, numbered as No.428, the sheikh cites the same wording as above and then says:

?Maudoo? (Fabricated) - Reported by Al-Khateeb (12/ 331) with his isnaad from Ibn Abbas. Then he (Al-Khateeb) said: ?In its isnaad, there is more than one from the unknown narrators and it is not established?. And by way of him (Al-Khateeb) Ibn Al-Jawzi conveyed it in ?Al-Maudoo?aat? (1/ 421) and As-Suyuti affirmed it in ?Al-laaliu? (1/ 400)
And Al-Haafidh mentioned in the biography of Al-Abbas Bin Bakaar, the one who is mentioned in the hadeeth which has just passed (No.427) with his chain of narration from Umm Sulaim who said:

?No blood of menstruation or post-birth (blood) was seen for Fatima?.

Then he (Al-Haafidh) said: ?This is from the fabrication of Al-Abbas?.?

I also found another narration in the book ?Manaaqibu ameer-il-mu?mineen Ali Bin Abi Taalib? by Al-Haafidh Abil-Hasan Ali Bin Muhammad Al-Waasiti famously known as Ibn Al-Magaazilee (d.483).

On page 432 (1st edition, Daar-ul-Aathaar, Sana, Yemen) it says:

?182. His (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) saying: ?Indeed Fatima was created as a virgin of paradise in the form of a human?  

416 - Al-Hasan Bin Ahmad Bin Moosa Al-Gandajaanee informed us (that); Abu Ahmad Ubaidullah Bin Muhamad Bin Abee Muslim Al-Fardee Al-Muqree informed us (that); Abu Bakr Muhammad Bin Yahya As-Soolee narrated to us (that); Al-Gilaabee narrated to us (that); Ibn Aaisha narrated to us, he said; Ismaeel Bin Umar Al-Bajalee narrated to us from Umar Bin Moosa from Zaid Bin Alee from his father from Zainab Bint Alee who said; Asmaa Bint Umais said:
The Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) said - and indeed I witnessed Fatima when she gave birth to one of her sons and no blood was seen on her - so the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

?O Asmaa, Indeed Fatima was created as a virgin of paradise in the form of a human?

The Muhaqiq of this book, Abu Abdir-Rahman Turki Bin Abdillah Al-Waadi?ee, says  about this narration:

?Its isnaad is extremely weak (daeef jidn), rather it is fabricated (maudoo?). Al-Gilaabee is liar (kadhaab). Ad-Daaraqutnee said: He used to fabricate hadeeth, see ?Al-Meezan? (Volume 3 page 55).?

And Allah knows best

Abu Yusuf Al-Kashmiri

وكل خير في إتباع من سلف
وكل شر في إبتداع من خلف

20-08-2004 @ 4:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mujaahid Abdul Basir ibn G. Rose (Africa)
Posts: 55
Joined: Sep 2002
AS Salaamu alaikum;
Thank you Abu Yusuf.  That information was very useful.  When I posted the question, it seems that some of my brothers and sisters didn't understand exactly what I was trying to ask.  May Allaah bless us and keep us on the right Path.  Ameen
As Salaamu alaikum
Abdul Basir Al-Yardi

20-08-2004 @ 7:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Husaam Shaheed ibn George Williams (Wichita, KS USA)
Posts: 297
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as-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

i believe the word "apostle" is greek for messenger, or one who is sent on a mission.  

aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams
wichita, ks  usa

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