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» Whats going on here?(plagiarizing)
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13-07-2004 @ 2:15 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mustafa Sameer ibn ben (Brooklyn,NY)
Posts: 21
Joined: Mar 2003
Bismillah wa Salatus Salam Alay Rasulillah

There's a book Name Ideal Muslimah so called By Dr. muhammad ali al hashimi (his name in small letters for a reason) come to find out that this book is By: Shaykh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah. This man muhammad didn't even have the sheikh's name at all in the book is verbatim in chapters this site (you have to be a member download) has books for download and this is one of the book with our sheikhs name Ibn Taymiyyah on it not this guy.

Then this guy muhammad is consider a "scholar" on this site [----]look and see who else they consdier scholars. Allahu mustaayn. This Dude stole the book and put it under his name, my family put this book away because of his name and it from our Sheikh. May Allah give us Tawfeeq Ameen.

NOTE: The book The ideal Muslimah not the ideal Muslim.

If any one want to know about calgaryIslam goto
Wa Salamu alaykum rahmatullah

You have to change THE IDEAL MUSLIMAH.htm Change to THE IDEAL MUSLIMAH.chm

14-07-2004 @ 11:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Markaz Imam Bin Baz Out Reach Center (Harlem, New York)
Posts: 45
Joined: Apr 2003
Assalam u aliakum

i believe some more investigation should be done because to the best of our knowledge (which is very little)  Shiekh ul Islam doesnt have a book by that title.

barakAllah feekum

18-07-2004 @ 10:22 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mustafa Sameer ibn ben (Brooklyn,NY)
Posts: 21
Joined: Mar 2003
As Salamu alaykum Rahmatullahi wa barakatu
Jazakallahu khairun ya Akhee fillah

I was told also by one of the Da'ees the samething that this is not a book from Ibn Tamiyah and he also stated that I slandered the brother muhammad ali al hashimi because this is not true. I got this Info off of I ask Allah to forgive me and the paople who were affected by what I said and to fogive the one's that I got this info from.Ameen This article should be removed ASAP

On another note to and other websites we have main websites for the salafiyoon: TROID, SALAFI PULICATIONS, & FATWA ONLINEthat take their time and effort to do reserch to make sure what they put on the web is authentic. So we should use there minhaj and ask them how they administrate there websites.

For the ones who want to put up a websites you should look into what kind of service you have to offer the salafiyoon of it's just for some information you can post it on this forum or get in touch with these websites to see if they can post it for you. Because when you have a web site you put yourself on the World Wide Stage and their are millions of people who see what you diplay. So becarful and cautious because this is very dangerous.

May Allah For give me for my mistakes and those striving to do good. ameen
wa Salamu alykum rahmatullahi wa barakatu

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