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17-05-2004 @ 1:18 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Yaqoob Muhammad Jahangir ibn Ramadhaan (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 53
Joined: Apr 2003
Salaam alaykum

1.     If Aa?dam was the father of Mankind, then who was the father Jinn kind?
2.     Are there any isra?eeliyat narrations regarding them, if so please state a few?
3.     Is there a comprehensive work of the scholars regarding the origin of the jinn? If so name of the book and author please.
4.     Is there a hadith where shaytaaan claims to know of a du?aah that will enter him to heaven but Allaah will remove it from his memeroy forty days before Day of Judgement? If so please provide the narration and authenticity.
5.     In this word file I have entitled ?Shaytan: The nature of shaytan and the role it plays?, this author states the following:

? Shumar, also known as Shuma, is often referred to as Abu-Jinn (father of Jinn).?

Has anyone heard of this or the like? If so what was the source i.e. where did you read/ heard it and was it a hadith?

The author of the article does not show any of his daleel for what he has written (as is very common with Ahlul Bidah) but still I would like to know was there any truth in it or if it is an isra?eeliyat narration, at least it is better being that then an outright lie.

Wasalam Alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu

Abu Yaqoob Muhammad Jahangir Ibn Ramadhaan Ibn Himat Ibn Raheem Khan

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