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» Malik Fahad, the Imaam of the Muwahideen, addresses the nation!
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06-01-2004 @ 11:31 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 153
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A treatise written by the Imaam of the Muwahideen, The Aider of the Deen, the Supporter of the Salafiyeen, Imaam Fahad bin Abdul Azeez Aal Saud.

That which follows is a treatise taken form the book ?Rasaail A?imah Dawatut Tawheed? which gathers many different treatises written by the Imaams of Aal Saud.

And that which is clear from this book, is that the imaams of Aal Saud were imaams in the deen and its sciences, especially in the field of Tawheed and the worship of Allaah alone, the foundation upon which this state, may Allaah preserve it from all evil and trials, is built.

And all this is the legacy of their great forefathers from the time of Imaam Muhammad bin Saud and the Imaam of the Dawah to Tawheed, Shaikh-ul-Islaam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab and his students from Aal Saud.

And due to this foundation of Tawheed, this state enjoys the Bounties of Allaah and His Mercy. However the rulers here have always been careful to remind the people about their duties and the necessity to thank Allaah before these bounties are lost or removed. They have always kept alight the torch of Tawheed, Shukr to Allaah, justice, peace, ruling by the Book and the Sunnah and support of the Salafi dawah, its ulemaa and its adherents.

And know, that from the bounties of Allaah, which He has showered upon Malik Fahad is that He, the Most High, has chosen him to spearhead the campaign against the Khawaarij, and the immense reward for hunting down the dogs of the Hellfire and killing them is well known in the Blessed Sunnah.  

So may Allaah preserve our leader Malik Fahad, and give him and his supporters the success to fight all those who desire to extinguish this torch of Tawheed and Sunnah.

His biography (taken from the book)

Malik Fahad bin Abdul Azeez (may Allaah preserve and honour him) was born in the city of Riyadh in 1340 A.H. He studied in the Madrasah al-?Umaraa and then in the Ma?had as-Saudi in Makkah al-Mukarramah. He grew up in the shadow of his father, Malik Abdul Azeez (rahimahullaah) and was entrusted with many important positions and responsibilities. He became the king of the country in 1402 A.H. Malik Fahad is blessed with great leadership skills, a distinguished wisdom and great management experience.

From the things that he places great importance upon is the consolidation of peace and security through the application of the Islaamic Shari?ah, and from the most important of the projects that has been completed during his blessed reign is the expansion of the two Holy Masjids and their surrounding structures. And thus he has been referred to as the ?Custodian of the Two Holy Masjids?.

To be continued?

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

This message was edited by abu.naasir on 1-6-04 @ 1:48 PM

06-01-2004 @ 6:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 71
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

taken from King Fahd's website:

"The determination of the Kingdom to support Islam and Islamic institutions to the best of its ability was evident from the formation of the Kingdom by King Abdul Aziz but it was only when oil revenues began to generate real wealth that the Kingdom could fulfill its ambitions of spreading the word of Islam to every corner of the world, of assisting Muslim countries less well endowed economically and of alleviating the suffering of Muslim minorities wherever they might live.

When King Fahd gave his support, either personally or through his Government, to these institutions, it was also part of his purpose to challenge and expose the caricature of Islam which is widely promoted by sections of the Western media. Islam is a religion of compassion which has exercised a profoundly civilizing influence on mankind. By ensuring that there should be, where most needed, voices to promote the true teachings of Islam and the contribution of Arab culture and Islam to the history of mankind, King Fahd hoped to counteract and challenge negative stereotyping. In this enterprise, King Fahd has enjoyed only partial success. The voice of Islam and Arab culture is stronger now than it has been for many decades and certainly far stronger than it would have been without King Fahd?s contribution, but the bias against Islam, the tendency, in some quarters, to identify Islam with fanaticism or even terrorism persists and has not been completely erased from the popular mind in the West.

The cost of King Fahd?s efforts in this field has been astronomical, amounting to many billions of Saudi Riyals. In terms of Islamic institutions, the result is some 210 Islamic Centers wholly or partly financed by Saudi Arabia, more than 1,500 Mosques and 202 colleges and almost 2,000 schools for educating Muslim children".

aboo 'Ubayd al-Athari as-Salafi

06-01-2004 @ 8:08 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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May Allah (Subhana wa ta ala) preserve Malik Fahad and increase him in good.  AMEEN.

08-01-2004 @ 7:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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To proceed:

From Fahad bin Abdul Azeez Aal Saud to his brothers, the citizens of Saudi Arabia, may Allaah grant us and them success and guide us all to the correct path.

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu,

To proceed:

You, may Allaah grant us and you success, are all aware of the expansive Bounty of Allaah and the comprehensiveness of His Provision for all the creation; as well as the greatness of His Richness, far removed is He from all imperfections, and our poverty in front of His Generosity and Giving; and that He, the Most High, is Noble, Generous, Rich, Worthy of all Praise and that His Mercy has preceded His Anger. So He Loves to have Mercy on His slaves and thus has called them to repentance and seeking forgiveness, and has informed them that He is the Most-Forgiving to the one who repents. He has also prohibited us from despairing in His Mercy and has ordered us to obey Him so that He may give the best of rewards as a bounty and goodness.

And He is the Possessor of great Bounty and everlasting Goodness, however His Bounty and His Giving requires us to turn to Him in repentance; to show humbleness and goodness to His slaves and to strive in that path while seeking His pleasure and repelling the causes of His Anger; and to stop the motion of ones life and turn to Him asking for His Mercy. So He is the One free from all imperfections, the One able to change the circumstances, the One who alternates the night and day, and the One who provides for His slaves and protects them.

So His Bounty is not removed, nor is His Giving delayed except due to sins, disobedience and negligence of our need for Him, the Most High; and our being stingy with His slaves. So He withholds some of His Bounty to make the weakness and poverty of people apparent, so that they feel that they are in need of His Generosity, even if their wealth increases or they achieve peace. So when they repent and seek forgiveness from Allaah, far removed is He from all imperfections; and their situation changes from disobedience to obedience and repentance; and from negligence to the recognition of the Bounties of Allaah followed with gratitude; and from forgetfulness of the needy to rushing to goodness towards them, hoping for the Goodness of Allaah, since He, the One free from all imperfections says, ?Is there any reward for good other than good?? (ar-Rahmaan: 60)

And He, the Majestic, ?And O my people, ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him, he will send you abundant rain, and add strength to your strength.? (Hud: 52)

And He says, ?I said (to them), ?Ask forgiveness from your Lord; Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving.?? (Nuh: 10)

And He says, ?If they (non-Muslims) had believed in Allaah, and went on the Right Way, We should surely have bestowed on them water (rain) in abundance.?     (al-Jinn:16)

So my brothers recognize the Bounty of Allaah upon you and seek increase in it through gratitude and giving, may Allaah bless us in that which He gives us and send blessings upon us from the heavens. Our Prophet (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) said ?The Most Merciful has mercy upon those who show mercy (to others).? [Reported by Humaydee (2/269), Ahmad in his Musnad (2/160), and Abu Dawood in his Sunan (5/231)]

And he (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) said, ?The ones who show mercy on the earth are shown Mercy by the One who is above the heavens.?  

And our scholars (rahimahumullaah) used to order the people of the masaajid to collect charities before seeking help (from others) and to divide it amongst the poor, who wait for goodness from Allaah. So rush, O slaves of Allaah, in spending and giving to your needy brothers, and ask Allaah to replace you with better than that which you spend. And He, the One far removed from all imperfections, has promised us with that, wherein He said, ?And whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allaah?s Cause), He will replace it. And He is the Best of Providers.?? (Saba?: 39)

And preserve the five daily prayers at their correct times in the places which Allaah has permitted that his Name be raised and mentioned therein, and co-operate upon goodness and righteousness and forbid sin and enmity.

?So fear Allaah and adjust all matters of difference among you, and obey Allaah and His Messenger, if you are believers.?
(al-Anfaal: 1)

And be sincere to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds, in order that He may give us His Mercy and spread it in our land, and that He makes it a reason for our honour in the world and the Hereafter.

I ask Allaah that He makes us and you and the rest of our Muslim brothers from those who seek forgiveness when they sin; and those who thank the Most-Bountiful, far removed is He from all imperfections, when they are given; and when He withholds something from them which they are waiting for, they realise that it?s being withheld due to their sins, so they repent and turn to Him. And I ask Allaah that He does not take us to account due to what our hands have earned, and that He enters us into His Kindness and Goodness, and grants us fear of Him in open and in secret, He is the One who Hears and Responds.

Wassalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

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