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» Seven Major Scholars Respond to the Shayaateen Khubathaa
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22-12-2003 @ 11:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Alhamdulillaah was-Salaatu was-Salaamu Alaa Rasoolihee wa ba'ad

Seven Major Scholars Respond to the Corruption of the Shayaateen Khubuthaa "Unlissted" and "Anti-Ghulat"

Those Who Make Accusations of Fornication and Corruption upon the Callers To Allaah & The Believers Whilst Hiding In the Cyber-Kennels of the Innovators and Hizbees

Shaykh Ubaid, "this one is a La?aab (a prankster), I say that this one is a Shaytaan (a devil)"
Shaykh Falih, "this is proof that one (who circulates these things) is a person who is khabeeth (despicable)"

Shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan
Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee
Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee
Shaykh Faalih al-Harbee
Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree
Shaykh al-Luhaydaan

(May Allah reward all of them)

Coming in a day or two inshaa'allaah

23-12-2003 @ 1:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Alhamdulillaah was-Salaatu was-Salaamu Alaa Rasoolihee wa ba'ad

A Collective Statement From the Shooraa Members of:

Daarul-Hadeeth Philadelphia
Salafi Publications
Al-Athariyyah London


The Shayaateen, Khubathaa:
  • 'Unlisted' - (Philadelphia USA)
  • 'Anti-Ghulaat' and 's4lafi' (Alum Rock, Hamd House & Co., UK)
  • 'Be Fair' - (Partisan of Alum Rock, Hamd House & Co., UK)
  • 'Aboo Talhah' - Devotee of Abu Muslimah from New Jersey (USA)
  • '' - Devotees of Abdullah Al-Faarsee (India)
  • And the generality of those who seek refuge in the cyber-kennels of the Hizbees, claiming to give and write advice, but who do not have the courage, honesty and truthfulness to come face to face, and instead find satisfaction and inward pleasure with the activities of the Shayaateen Khubuthaa.
We have known you as, and you have proven yourselves as jealous and hateful people who do not have any sincerety, truthfulness or honesty. This is by way of your actions alone. In the name of rectification you adopted every evil and despicable means to bring about corruption.

For those of you in Philadelphia and New Jersey and elsewhere, nothing remained for you but to lower yourselves to the ranks of the devils and khubuthaa who wish to spread faahishah amongst the people. Our Salaf have already characterised you people and spoken of your khubth:

Al-Imaam Al-Bukhaaree brings a chapter in his book Al-Adabul-Mufrad titled: "Those who hear about an illicit act and spread it." He brings the statement of Alee ibn Abee Taalib: "The one starts the speech about an illicit act, and the one who spreads it are equal in sin." Also on the authority of 'Ataa who said: "There is a punishment for the one who circulates speech of illicit acts even if he has spoken truthfully." On the authority of Khaalid ibn Mi?daan who said: "Whoever informs the people about what his eyes have seen, or his ears have heard, then he is from those who love that illicit acts be propagated amongst those who believe." And al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) graded all of them saheeh. So you people are indeed mentioned by our Salaf.

But due to your jahl and hawaa you mixed this affair with what you claim is permissible backbiting, only wandering further into misguidance, and then you falsely used the speech of the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah, such as an-Nawawee to deceive the people into thinking you are making islaah. By this you justified your journey of seeking refuge in the cyber-kennels of the Innovators and Hizbees.

As a result you have carried upon yourself a truly great burden of sin, the size of mountains if not greater. Those whom you have accused remain innocent because your reports are rejected, and at the same time, what might inform you even if a believer has committed a sin, that he has turned to his Lord in private, sought forgiveness and received forgiveness. Truly evil is what you have earned, and evil still is the outcome that awaits you, in accordance with the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), if you do not repent publicly. As for those of you who sat and watched, and inwardly found satisfaction and pleasure at the activities of these two groups of devils, "Unlissted" (Philadelphia), and "Anti-Ghulat" (Birmingham), the intent of which was to defame the Callers, and accuse them with that which they are free of, then you too fall under the speech of our Scholars which is to follow below. Some of you might not have agreed with the ways and means being adopted by these devils, but certainly, you desired the eventual outcome and goal, which is defamation and dropping of some amongst the Salafees. So woe be to you.

For those of you in Birmingham who also had no resort but to seek refuge in the kennels of (after having sought refuge with some of the Mashaayikh by your lies and deception which failed to bring about the results you sought). You did this despite the advice you received from Shaykh Ubayd, and after that from Shaykh Rabee' aswell, and others, all of which you threw behind your backs because it required you to end the evil you were upon, and to cease your evil games and plots. But rather, you went on to collaborate with Luton and Brixton and further your filthy goals.

Even some of those who were initially with you in your activities abandoned you, you are split even amongst yourselves - The Salafees of 'Daarul-Hadeeth Masjid Manchester' have abandoned you and have started exposing you due to your evil. 'Salafi Tapes' likewise have split from you! They refused to let you use their equipment for your activities and link-ups because of the evil they recognised from you, and your lack of sincerity of purpose. You even scolded one of them for an hour or so, merely because he referred someone to for an article! How you are filled with such envy, hate and jealousy. So these brothers who worked with you against Salafi Publicatoins have also left you. We ask Allaah to grant these brothers from 'Salafi Tapes' success in making an open clarification, and to publicise their freedom from you and your evil activities, and that they oppose you in your war against the Salafees, and that they were mistaken and wrong to unite with you and to work with you to fight the brothers at Salafi Publications.

In reality, as we have known about you for years, you and your likes never desired rectification from the beginning, but you always desired something else. You have lusted with the same lust of Abdul-Qadir of Luton, and you made a show of attachment to the Salafee Ulamaa in as much as it will serve you to fulfil your personal agendas. As for the manhaj, you are ignorant of it, far from it and it has never been in your actions and statements. You took every single avenue possible to satisfy your disease-like lust to see one or two people for whom you have personal hatred to fall and to drop. And all of this is not for the deen, but for the sake of dunyaa, because you desire what Allaah has not granted to you, but granted to others, from his wisdom and justice. If it had been for the sake of the deen you would have adhered to the advice of the Scholars who advised you, but you moved from one Scholar to another, trying to achieve your filthy goals, but you succeeded not.

How many of those that were close to you advised you and informed you, "Why all of this just for the sake of personal reasons, why all of this effort and fuss just for the sake of bringing down one or two people", it is known about you, that you are driven and motivated by intense hatred of Abul-Hasan Malik, the brothers at Troid, Salafi Publications and others and what they bring of clarity. And this has led you to fasaad, and it led you to take the brown brick road to the kennels of, seeking refuge therein. The thing that unites you all is hatred of one or two people. For those of you in Birmingham, even your friends and allies in Luton recognise this matter and have found fault with you regarding it. Lowly indeed are those who use the deen and make it subservient to their own personal agendas, likes and dislikes, and who take and adopt positions and stances to satisfy their personal lusts and grudges.

Finally, our scholars have spoken about your and your activities of khubth. "Sp kazabs and zaanees" they shout behind their screens in Birmingham, whilst hiding in the cyber-kennels of the Innovators. These Khubuthaa make blanket accusations of zinaa against the Salafees in Philadelphia, not having brought four witnesses. You are liars according to the Book of Allaah, and your judgement and punishment in the Sunnah is known.

Finally, we simply have two requests from you:

1. Come out of those kennels, unleash yourselves, and bring yourselves forward, and name yourselves, be you from Philadelphia, New Jersey or Birmingham, and say "I am so and so..." and bring forward your witnesses, and let us see how brave you really are. It is one thing, if we stretch it, to claim rectification by inviting the hizbees away from their falsehood and innovation via their boards and forums, but it is something else to seek refuge in their cyber-kennels in the name of exposing personl sins, to lie upon and defame and slander the Salafees, those very ones that you see face to face in the street or in the mosque, and then to claim this is rectification and naseehah.

2. Make open tawbah for spreading your corruption, openly declare yourselves liars, and refute all of what your tongues have uttered of al-qawl uz-zoor, buhtaan and nameemah.

Failing that, then hukm of the Scholars falls upon you that you are liars, and the verdicts of the Scholars apply to you that you are Shayaateen, Khubuthaa, La'aaboon (devils, despicable evil ones, pranksters) - and your testimony is forever rejected.

We wait for your reply to what our Scholars have judged you with - and setting up polls and elections in those cyber-kennels and soliciting votes from the hizbees, takfeerees and jihaadees and others will not avail you from nothing. We responded by taking your manhaj to the Scholars, and you responded by setting up polls and elections for the hizbees to partake in! Fadeehah...

From all the shooraa members of Darul-Hadeeth (Philadelphia, US), Salafi Publications (Birmingham, UK), Troid (Toronto, Canada), al-Athariyyah (London, UK).

23-12-2003 @ 1:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Statement of Sheikh Ahmad An-Najmee

Questioner: O Sheikh! There is a website on the internet where there is an unknown person posting in an anonymous name, he claims to be purifying the da?wah salafiyyah in the West, meaning America and England, by exposing the so called sins of many of the well known and clear salafee students of knowledge and organizations. He accuses them of sins like intermingling with women, going to the movies, accusations of theft, and even accusing some of them of fornication, and that some of them are people of lusts and desires because they marry and divorce women and therefore unfit to lead the da?wah but he has never brought forward any witness for his claims against these salafee callers and organizations and he himself remains unknown to the people. When it is said to him that mentioning and exposing the sins of the Muslims is not permissible he replies with the speech of An-Nawawee in Riyaadus-Saaliheen of the permissibility to backbite the callers and narrators and to mention and expose their sins for the general good. And the intent of dropping the position of these callers and organizations so the people will not take from them saying that it is not permissible to take from them as he claims that they are faasiqs. What do you advise the Salafees with regards to this unknown person??

He answered: ?Wallahi the likes of this one if it is possible to find out who he is then it should be sought from him to produce his evidence for that which he claims, and if it is not possible to find out who he is then his speech is rejected and he should be prevented from speaking, if it is possible to banish him from the website than this is good. Allah Subhana wa Ta?ala says: ?Since they have not produced witnesses! Then with Allah they are the liars.? [An-Nur: 13] Is that not so?

Questioner: ?Of course O Sheikh!

The Sheikh continued: Therefore the one who make accusations in the honor of the people like this without any proof and only by what he desires, and in most cases this is what is done by the Hizbiyyun (party-partisans) and we ask Allah for His pardon.?

Questioner: ?O Sheikh! In relation to his using as a proof the speech of An-Nawawee, is this correct O Sheikh??

He answered: ?No! This is speech is falsehood. How?? This [permissible] Gheebah is not for accusations of fornication and illicit acts. It is mentioned that it is permissible  for a general benefit for the da?wah, a benefit for the deen, so if this one wants to use, to take advantage of this speech for reasons besides this that are in opposition to that (specified purpose), then this is not permissible.?

Questioner: O Sheikh! If some of the brothers actually fell into some of these things..?

Sheikh [interjecting]: ?This is not permissible to reveal the likes of these things, ?Indeed those who love those illicit acts be circulated amongst those who believe, they will have a painful torment in this world and in the next.? [An-Nur: 19] Like this if it happens he can be brought to those who are accountable for them (i.e., these matters, to judge regarding the likes of these matters, the qaadees etc.), if it is established [proven], it can be brought to those who are accountable for them only. Like this.?

Questioner: ?O Sheikh! The last question, when is it ruled upon a caller that he is a faasiq, because many in the West believe if a person falls into something of sins then the name faasiq is applied to him and his adaalah (trustworthiness) is nullified not permissible for him to invite to Allah??

He answered: At any rate if fisq is established upon him, if it is proven, as for everyone claiming something, ?That?s it!? without proof, without evidence, no, this is not correct, Allah subhana wa ta?ala has protected the honor of the people.? [End of Q&A with Al-Allaamah An-Najmee]

23-12-2003 @ 1:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Statement of Sheikh Ubaid Al-Jaabiree

Questioner: There is a website on the internet where there is an unknown person posting in an anonymous name, he claims to be purifying the da?wah salafiyyah in the West with accusations against many of the well known salafee callers and their centers. He accuses them of sins like intermingling with women, going to the movies, accusations of theft, and even accusing some of them of fornication?

Sheikh [interjecting]: ?A udhu billah. First of all he is unknown, and second he has merely made accusations, so his reports are rejected. So abandon him at once, leave him, this one is unknown and has nothing with him but accusations, and if he was a person of the Sunnah he would spread the sunnah, if he was a person of the sunnah he would spread sunnah.?

Questioner: ?Like this Sheikh he uses the speech of An-Nawawee that it is permissible to backbite the callers because this is for the common good.?

The Sheikh: ?This one does not understand anything, this one is a La?aab (a prankster), I say that this one is a Shaytaan (a devil), An-Nawawee mentioned six instances where gheebah is permitted, from them an innovator, refuting him and warning against him, and there is no gheebah with [regards to] him, from them for example witnessing, for example if someone lays a claim against another person and you are a witness to it then you testify to that, this is it baarakallahu feek. Go to Riyadus-Saaliheen and look at it. This one does not understand anything , this one is a La?aab (prankster), La?aab (a prankster don?t concern yourselves with him, seek refuge with Allah, and cling to the sunnah and don?t concern yourselves with him.? [End of Q&A with Sheikh Ubaid]

23-12-2003 @ 1:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Statement of Sheikh Faalih al-Harbee

Sheikh Faalih was asked:

There is a website on the internet where there is an unknown person posting in an anonymous name, he claims to be purifying the da?wah salafiyyah in the West with accusations against many of the well known salafee callers and their centers. He accuses them of sins like intermingling with women, going to the movies, accusations of theft, and even accusing some of them of fornication, and that some of them are people of lusts and desires because they marry and divorce women and therefore unfit to lead the da?wah but he has never brought forward any witness for his claims against these salafee callers and organizations and he himself remains unknown to the people. When it is said to him that mentioning??

[Sheikh interjects]: ?This is not permissible to circulate these things, it is not correct to circulate anything from these things.?

Questioner: ?O Sheikh! What is the ruling of this act of his??

The Sheikh answered: ?This is not permissible, this is not permissible, to publicize to the people these matters, this and that happened, this is proof that he is a person of desires, if he was a person of Islaah (improving affairs) he wouldn?t say these things, he would speak against innovation, and specifically one whose manhaj is known to be deviant , but this speech of his is speech that is useless, it is not appropriate to circulate that so and so is lustful, and this one fornicated, this is proof that one (who circulates these things) is a person who is khabeeth (despicable).?

Questioner: ?O Sheikh if a person uses the speech of An-Nawawee for example?

The Sheikh [interjecting]:  ?Firstly a person may say something, say An-Nawawee said something and he understands it according to his own understanding, and the second matter is that he and other than him err [in understanding].? [End of Q&A with Sheikh Faalih]

23-12-2003 @ 3:05 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Statement of Sheikh Saalih al-Fawzaan

Questioner: ?A simple question, there is a website on the internet on which there is someone writing things with an anonymous name, rather he says, ?I am unlisted?, and he speaks ill of some of the salafee callers and accuses them of sins and says that it is impermissible to take knowledge from them??

The Sheikh [interjecting]: ?Leave him off, the sin is upon him, the sin is upon him.?

Questioner: ?We wanted of sheikh to clarify to the common people that his word is not accepted??

The Sheikh [interjecting]: ?Never!?

Questioner: ?Sheikh we don?t even know his name??

The Sheikh said: ??Never! Leave him.? [End of the Q&A with Sheikh Fawzaan]

23-12-2003 @ 3:07 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Statement of Sheikh Muhammad bin Haadee

Questioner: There is a website on the internet where there is an unknown person posting in an anonymous name, he claims to be purifying the da?wah salafiyyah in the West  with accusations against many of the well known salafee callers and their centers.

Sheikh interjects: ?Accuses them of what??

Questioner:He accuses them of sins like intermingling with women, going to the movies, accusations of theft, and even accusing some of them of fornication, and that some of them are people of lusts and desires because they marry and divorce women and therefore unfit to lead the da?wah but he has never brought forward any witness for his claims against these salafee callers and organizations and he himself remains unknown to the people. When it is said to him that mentioning and exposing the sins of the Muslims is not permissible he replies with the speech of An-Nawawee in Riyaadus-Saaliheen of the permissibility to backbite the callers and narrators and to mention and expose their sins for the general good??

Sheikh interjects: ?This is not accepted, this is not accepted. Because this one is unknown, and his reports are rejected, and that?s it. Baarakallahu feekum.? [End of Q&A with Sheikh Muhammad]

23-12-2003 @ 3:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Statement of Sheikh al-Luhaydaan

Sheikh Luhaydaan was asked:

O Sheikh! There is a website on the internet where there is an unknown person posting in an anonymous name, he claims to be purifying the da?wah salafiyyah in the West, meaning America and England, by exposing the so called sins of many of the well known and clear salafee students of knowledge and organizations. He accuses them of sins like intermingling with women, going to the movies, accusations of theft, and even accusing some of them of fornication, and that some of them are people of lusts and desires because they marry and divorce women and therefore unfit to lead the da?wah but he has never brought forward any witness for his claims against these salafee callers and organizations and he himself remains unknown to the people. When it is said to him that mentioning and exposing the sins of the Muslims is not permissible he replies with the speech of An-Nawawee in Riyaadus-Saaliheen of the permissibility to backbite the callers and narrators and to mention and expose their sins for the general good. And the intent of dropping the position of these callers and organizations so the people will not take from them saying that it is not permissible to take from them as he claims that they are faasiqs. What do you advise the Salafees with regards to this unknown person??

The Sheikh answered: ?To proceed: Verily from the affair of a Muslim is that he is to be a sincere advisor, fearing Allah in that which he says, and that which he leaves off and to stay away from slandering people and speaking ill of them and following up their shortcomings. The Prophet has informed that whoever follows up the shortcomings of the Muslims Allah will follow up his shortcomings, and that whoever covers a Muslim Allah will cover him, and Allah is at the aid of a servant as long as he is at the aid of his brother, and Allah has rebuked those who love that illicit acts be circulated about those who believe , belittling the honor of the people and accusing them of fornication, this is from Al-Qadhf (accusing the believers of fornication) concerning which it is known that when a person (making the claim) cannot establish absolute proof (for the accusation) that would necessitate the Hadd, then the legal punishment of Al-Qadhf  is executed upon him, and his testimony is null and void, and his testimony is never accepted again unless he repents and returns and admits that he has lied, and says that he was a liar about that which he ascribed to the accused. Furthermore calling to Allah is incumbent upon everyone according their ability.

The Prophet said: ?For Allah to guide someone by way of you is better for you than the Humurun-Ni?am (The red she-camel) And Allah said about the Islaamic nation: ?You are the best nation that has been raised up for mankind, commanding the good and forbid the evil.? And surely of the evil is for a person to spread what he knows about the deficiencies of the people, so he spreads it amongst the people, whereas if he himself makes it up, lying, than he is the worst of the people in actions and the ugliest of them in deed.

Concerning that which he mentioned from An-Nawawee than the knowledge of Jarh wa Ta?deel is a science unto itself. Al-Imaam An-Nawawee is of those who have transmitted this science, so if a person narrated a Hadeeth of the Prophet and he was trustworthy the scholars of Al-Jarh would say that so and so is trustworthy if he was trustworthy and extremely good in his memory and precision, it would be said, he is a trustworthy, precise memorizer, but as for one just warning, especially if his identity is unknown and he remains invisible, then this person resembles the devils that see the people but the people don?t see them, so caution should be taken, and whoever, seeking the pleasure of Allah, is able to disrupt his website in order to disable the place where he is speaking, then let him do so, I mean, to disrupt his website on the internet, and to bring about the hatred of this website , or to do other actions in order to destroy his acts, then this is from doing good for the worshippers [of Allah].

As for the callers in the West than my sincere advice to them is to fear Allah in that which they say and to give concern to the transmission of the knowledge from its sources, from the books of the Salaf, and to clarify that Islaam is a religion of mercy, compassion, a religion of reparation. The Prophet said: ?Be easy, and do not be harsh, and indeed you have been sent to be easy on the people.? The Prophet the described the religion that is middle course between extreme and lenient. The extreme one is the one, who is obstinate and harsh, and he is zealous to make things difficult upon himself and others, and unconcerned one is heedless and neglectful of the duties of Islaam. The Muslim should be diligent in guiding the people but he should adhere in his way of calling to what Allah directed the seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, and the final message that is directed to all of mankind. Allah says to him: ?Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good exhortation, and invite them in a way that is better.? And he says: ?Say! This is my Way, I call to it upon clarity, I and those who are with me.? So the caller to Allah must be diligent in following the Prophet by using good speech, and gentleness in word, and ease with the person he is talking to, and showing compassion upon the person he is addressing, and that he?s not calling him to gain a benefit from him, rather to save him, and it is from the affairs of the Muslim that he revere all of the Prophets of Allah, and a Muslim?s Imaan is not complete unless he believes in all of the Prophets ?as for speaking about the shortcomings in people this is the foundation of backbiting. The Prophet was asked: ?What is backbiting?? And he said: ?For you to mention about your brother that which he dislikes.? Then the questioner said: ?Even if it is true of him?? He answered: ?If it is true than you have back-bitten him, and if it?s not than you have slandered him.? So you?ve done something graver than that.

So this unknown person, his statements are not considered, and if the scholars have said about a person that he is not taken as a hujjah (a proof), and it is not befitting that he be of those that he narrated from, for example when a person is unknown, and this is of the categories of Jarh with the people of Hadeeth, if it is said that so and so is unknown, then nothing is known about him, he is not deserving that knowledge be taken from him, if he?s a liar then they call him a liar or a fabricator, and he narrates from the trustworthy that which they haven?t said. We ask Allah for guidance.?

Questioner: ?What is the ruling of this act of his using the speech of An-Nawawee as a proof.?

The Sheikh: ?First of all this man is unknown, anonymous, so his statement isn?t considered nor is his narration, then this act of his is impermissible because it is from backbiting. And which the scholars have permitted, and had no problem with mentioning a shortcoming out of fear that his statement would be relied upon, mentioning hadeeths that rulings are not established except by them, but as for da?wah, the books of knowledge, if someone was to say something about them that was not in them than the students of knowledge would discover this, not to mention the scholars. So who is this person who is defaming the callers?? Is he establishing the da?wah or is he hiding, not moving except in the darkness? We should be aware of this person, and as I said it is upon the person who knows him to warn him to repent to Allah.

And as for those whom he talks about, so whoever of them there is something of these shortcomings in them, then the repentance erases its traces, and the Prophet has said: ?The one who repents from sin is like the one who never sinned at all.? And he said: ?Repentance wipes away that which came before it.? When Amr ibn ?Aas came to accept Islaam before the year of the conquering of Makkah, he took the Prophet?s hand so that he could pledge allegiance, he said: ?I want to make a condition.? The Prophet said: ?Make what condition?? He said: ?That Allah expiates my past sins.? The prophet said: ?Don?t you know that Islaam does away that which came before it?? Meaning it cancels it, all of the sins. If the Christian or a Jew or an idol worshipper accepts Islaam, and he has various evil deeds then his accepting Islaam wipes it away. So those whom this person is defaming who have one of these shortcomings then if they have repented then Allah is All-Forgiving, Merciful. Allah says: ?Verily I am All-Forgiving to those who repent.? And the sincere worshipper enters paradise. If he has sins then he is under the will of Allah, if Allah wills he will forgive them, and if he wills he will punish him for his sins. Allah says: ?Allah does not forgive that partners be established with him in worship but He forgives what is less than that for whoever He pleases.? And the Prophet said about the person who says La Ilaha Illallah sincerely in his heart, meaning he performs the deeds that this kalimah La Ilaha Illallah necessitates, Abu Dharr said: ?Even if he commits adultery and steals?? He said: ?Even if he commits adultery and steals.? Abu Dharr said again: ?Even if he commits adultery and steals?? He answered: ?Even if he commits adultery and steals.? Abu Dharr said a third time: ?Even if he commits adultery and steals?? He said: ?Even if he commits adultery and steal in spite of Abu Dharr.?

So if these ones have repented from their sins, the companions that before they accepted Islaam had worshipped idols, from them were those who worshipped Uzza, Laat, and other idols, and when they accepted Islaam it wiped away all their previous deeds except the good ones.  So whoever accepts Islaam and he has good deeds, then they will not be lost, and Allah knows best.?

The questioner: ?Last question O sheikh. When do we label a caller as a Faasiq??

The Sheikh: ?The faasiq is the one who commits the impermissible acts persistently, but if he repents he is not labeled a faasiq. Verily when Allah mentioned those who accused the chaste, innocent, he mentioned the accusers were of the faasiqs except those who repent, if they sincerely repent then it wipes away the fisq, and they return to the attribute of Imaan.? [End of Q&A with Sheikh Luhaydaan]
24-12-2003 @ 3:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Shooraa of al-Athariyyah can confirm that Alum Rock and Hamd House came to try and see Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee on the weekend of our first conference that was held in East London by al-Athariyyah earlier this year. The Shaykh blanked them and did not give them the time of the day. It was clear to both Abu Muhammad (the companion of Shaykh Fawzee) and to Shaykh Fawzee himself that these individuals are people of fitnah and wish to cause trouble. The Shaykh and Abu Muhammad specifically had been speaking to them by phone in the week before our conference to advise them to stop their activities of tafarruq. What happened was that when we advertised our conference, Brixton Mosque tried to counter our activities by organising a conference a week before ours, and then Hamd House and Alum Rock co-operated with Brixton Mosque to organise a conference through the weekdays just before the weekend of our conference in East London. Shaykh Fawzee and Abu Muhammad recognised that these people are causing fitnah and tafarruq, which is why after trying to advise them over the phone in the week before, they did not speak to them and give them any time when they turned up suddenly.

Their arrival at the conference to try and speak to Shaykh Fawzee was witnessed by us and a group of those who were present at the venue that Sunday morning of 13th July 2003. The Shaykh refused to speak to them.

We have come across this advert about an event in North London below which shows that Hamd House and Alum Rock and those with them that came together to attack our brothers at Maktabah Salafiyyah in Birmingham are with the people of hizbiyyah and bid'ah, and they do not have any clarity in their association and friendship. Abu Aaliyah is a Qutbee Hizbee who defends Safar and Salman and works with al-Muntadaa which is a clear Surooree organisation. These people who represent themselves behind the slogan 'Anti-Ghulat' have shown their deviance once more and what they are really upon and who they are really with. Here they participate with the hizbee Qutubee Abu Aaliyah and Abdur-Raheem Green in a series of seminars!

We can be contacted at for more information.

24-12-2003 @ 4:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Sa?dee says in his commentary of this verse: ?((Verily those who love that the crime of illicit acts should be circulated))meaning: horid, detestible affairs, they love that these illicit acts become widespread ((amongst those who believe, they will have a painful torment)) meaning  a painful torment for the heart, and body, and that is because of his debasement of his Muslim brothers, and his love of evil befalling them, and his boldness in [attacking] their honor, so if this is the threat for merely loving that the illicit acts be spread, and finding its delight in his heart, how about that which is worse than that from exposing it and spreading it?!! And that is whether the illicit act has a foundation or not. And all of this is from the Mercy of Allah for His believing worshippers, and protection of their honor, just as he protected their blood and their wealth, and commanded them with what will bring about their unity, and to love for their brother what they love for themselves, and to hate for them what they hate for themselves.?

Sheikhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said: ?His statement: ?Verily those who love that the crime of illicit acts should be circulated amongst those who believe, they will have a painful torment in this world and in the Hereafter.? This is a censure for those who love this, and it could be in the heart only, or with the tongue and limbs, and it is a censure for those who speak or inform about illicit acts loving that they befall the believers either from envy or hatred, or love of illicit acts, and both of them are [from] love of illicit acts and hatred for those who believe, for everyone who loves the act mentions it, for every act that includes liking that illicit acts be circulated amongst those who believe is included in this. Rather his punisment is worse, for indeed Allah promised the painful punishment in this life and the next for simply loving that illicit acts be spread , and this punisment may not be coupled with a statement or an action, so how about if it is coupled with a statement? Rather it is upon a person to hate what Allah hates from illicit acts, accusations of them, and spreading them amongst those who believe, and whoever is pleased with the act of a people will be gathered up with them just like the wife of Lot was gathered with the people of Lot and she did not do their evil act but  since she was pleased with it she was punished along with them.?

أهل الحديث هم أهل النبي وإن
لم يصحبوا نفسه أنفاسه صحبوا

Abul-Hasan Malik Adam Al-Akhdar

This message was edited by al.akhdar on 12-25-03 @ 3:33 AM

24-12-2003 @ 6:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa'e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

Assalam-o-Alayqum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatahu

In a book translated with the title "Words of Advice Regarding Da'wah from the Noble Shaykh and Imaam Abdul 'Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah ta'ala)says on page 92


Chapter 26

To Have a Good Opinion of the Da'ees and How to Advise Them if they are Wrong.

Allaah orders us to avoid suspicion and has informed us that some if it is sin when there is no proof for it and no legal evidence to support it.

It has been established in two authentic narrations, on the authority of Aboo Hurayrah, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said:"Beware of adh-dhann (conjecture, suspicion) for verily it is the most untruthful speech."[Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, Eng trans. 8/58/no. 90] and Muslim [Eng. trans. 4/1361/no. 6214].

However all of this does not prevent one from giving advice to the one who commits and error from amongst the people of knowledge and the daa'ee. when he commits am error in his da'wah, his behaviour or in something that he does.  Rather it is necessary to direct him towards goodness and guide him towards tje truth and in a good manner and not to defame him, have bad suspicion or by a harsh manner as this causes a repulsion of the truth rather than bringing him closer to it.  We can see how Allaah, the Most High, told his two Messengers, alayhimas-salaam, Moosa and Haroon to behave when he sent them to the worst and most disbelieving peson of their time.  Allaah, the Most High, tells them,  "And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition and fear Allaah."[Soorah Taa Haa (20):44]

The words of Imaam Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah ta'ala) put a further nail in the coffin of this methodology that is applied by these fitnah makers.  And if you truly fear Allaah then the above statement of the Noble Imaam (rahimahullaah ta'ala) should speak volumes to you.

Subhaanak Allahumma wa bi Hamdika, Ash Shahadu an Laa ilaaha ilaa anta, Astaghfiruka wa atooboo ilayka

Wassalam-o-Alayqum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatahu

Aboo Bilal Nahim

24-12-2003 @ 6:56 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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ALLAHU AKBAR !!!  Another victory for the Ahl-us-sunnah, and a humiliating defeat for the heretical and filthy ahlil-Bid'ah, the cesspit,that is (May Allah guide them or break their backs).  May Allah reward our noble Brothers of Maktabus Salafiyyah in Birmingham, for bringing this beautiful clarification to us.  AMEEN.

May Allah also reward the Noble Brothers of Darul Hadeeth of Philly (HafidhaUmullah), for bringing this clarification).  (Just a small correction I thought I should make, I thought the original post was made by, I just realised NOW it was actually the Noble Brothers of Darul Hadeeth Philly may Allah protect them from the plots of the evil Khubathaa.  AMEEN.)

This message was edited by ekbal.hussain on 12-31-03 @ 9:54 PM
24-12-2003 @ 11:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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1. The Salafi Is Stern Upon The People Of Bid'ah

Abu Abdillaah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Mufarraj said, "Abu Ja'far Ahmad bin Awnillaah (d. 378H) would show rejection against the People of Innovation and call them to account, showing extreme harshness against them, utterly humiliating them, always seeking to pick out their faults, rushing to damage them, vehement against them, chasing them away whenever he was able to, not allowing them to remain. And every one of them [ahlul-Bid'ah] used to be frightened of him, and would seek to hide and protect himself from him. He [Abu Ja'far Ahmad] would never comprimise with a single one of them, and nor would he allow any of them to remain safe. And if he came across evil and witnessed any deviation from the Sunnah, he would oppose it and disgrace and humiliate its perpetrator, and he would announce the affair of this person and would declare his own disownment of him by mentioning the evil [deviation] of such a person in the various public gatherings, and would incite others against this [deviant] such that he either destroyed him or caused him to abandon his evil and repugnant madhhab and his evil doctrine. And he would never cease to remain upon this habit, making Jihaad therein, seeking the Face of Allaah, up until he met Allaah [i.e. death came to him]"

[Tareekh Dimashq 5/118] And he is the Muhaddith, the Imaam, Ahmad bin Awnillaah bin Hudair Abu Ja'far al-Anduloosee al-Qurtubee (d. 378H)

2. Obligation Of Punishing Those Who Defend And Associate With Ahlul-Bid'ah

Shaykhul-Islaam Ibnut-Taymiyyah (d. 728H) said, "It is obligatory to punish everyone who ascribes himself to them - the people of innovation - or who defends them, or who praises them, or who reveres them, or who reveres their books, or who detests that they should be talked about, or who begins to make excuses for them by saying he does not understand what these words mean or by saying that this person also authored another book and what is similar to these types of excuses, which are not made except by an ignoramous or hypocrite. Rather it is obligatory to punish everyone who knows of their condition and did not assist in repelling their evil, for repelling their evil is one of the greatest obligations."

[Majmoo al-Fataawaa (2/132)]

3. The Salafi Judges A Person By His Companionship

Questions To The Noble Scholar Of Madeenah, Muhammad bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee.

Question: Shaykh, a person mixes with the opposers, is he to be aligned with them?!
Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: Yes, he is to be aligned them.
Question: Does [giving] advice consume a long time?
Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: No, it does not consume [lots of] time, it is in accordance with what a person sees, sometimes it can be in a [single] sitting, sometimes it could be in two sittings, sometimes it could be in three when that person has a shubhah (doubt, misconception), and sometimes it could be with [just] a word. This is in accordance with the situation of the one being advised, and the [nature] of the issue in which the one being advised is in.
Question: This aligning (ilhaaq), O Shaykh, the one who is put alongside with the person that is an innovator, is he to be boycotted [as well]?
Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: How can we not boycott him, put him alongside him, meaning, boycott him!
Question: There is a Salafee person who mixes with an Ikhwaanee, does he take the same ruling?
Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: Yes, put him alongside him.
Question: Whilst looking at the benefits (masaalih) and harms (mafaasid) O Shaykh?
Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee: The benefits that they speak of, and keep revolving around, then the harms that result in the likes of these situations are greater than them (the benefits). For the harm of the likes of this one (i.e. a Salafee who mixes with a Hizbee) is greater upon Ahl us-Sunnah, more severe than the harm of the Hizbiyyeen upon them. Because caution can be taken against a clear Hizbee, as for this one who is between (this) and between (that), he comes to those (the Hizbees) and he comes to those (the Salafees), he is corrupted by them (the Hizbees), and he is not rectified by them (the Salafees), therefore the caution from him, it is obligatory that it be greater.


31-12-2003 @ 11:20 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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If only these Shayateen (listed, ultra-gulaat, un-fair...) would act upon the following narration.

Aboo Khaythamah narrated to us, Ishaaq bin Sulaymaan ar-Raazee narrated to us saying, I heard Hanthalah narrating, from 'Awn bin Abdillaah (that he said), I said to 'Umar bin Abdul Azeez:

It is said: 'Indeed if you are able to become an 'Aalim, then become an 'Aalim, and if you are unable, then become a student, and if you are unable to become a student, then love them, if you are unable to love them, then do not have hatred towards them' so 'Umar bin 'Abdul Azeez replied, 'Subhaan Allaah! Allaah the Mighty and Majestic has even given this one an exit (makhraj)!.

Kitaabul-'Ilm (p8)
Haafidh Abee Khaythamah an-Nasaa'i Rahimahullaah
Maktabatul Ma'aarif (Riyaad) 2001

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