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» Caring for the Lihya(Beard)
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Posted By Topic: Caring for the Lihya(Beard)

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02-11-2003 @ 9:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillah wa salaatu wa salaamu ala arasoolillah, wa ala alihe wa ashabihe ajma'een, wa ba'ad:

Is there anyone who can give some advice on how to help maintain the "health and beauty" of the beard?  I would like some information that will provide me with a source for taking proper care of the beard, typically for afro-american men.  The hair texture varies for us and the type of damage we tend to get is particularly common to us as well.  Like conditions such as pseudo barca-litus, Allahu 'alum if I spelled it correctly.  It is a condition that causes the hair to be ingrown or paradermal(below the skin).  Also breakage is a concern of mine.  I was talking with my sister whom of which is a cosmotologist and her suggestion to me was one I could not consider and that was to cut my beard close to the base of the hair shaft(in order words trim it below the split ends) and allow it to "re-grow".  I have to believe that there is a better and also HALAL alternative.  The condition of my beard is deteriorating at a steady rate.  It is falling out by the locks! I was also told that this could be a vitamin deficiancy.  Either way any nisiha would be OUTSTANDING and greatly appreciated.  Jazakallahu kulli khair ya 'eebaadur Rahmaan!

Min 'Abdillah:

Abu Jameelah Michael Latham as-Sagheer

"Falyahhtharil lathina yukhalifuna 'an amrehe an Tuseebahume fitnatune aw yuseebahume 'athabune aleem" Sura An-Noor-Ayah 63...So Let those who oppose the Messenger's order beware that they will be stricken by some affliction or suffer a painful torment

03-11-2003 @ 3:01 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu Alaikum

Dear ahki Abu Jameelah,

Myself and a few other brothers have found that using olive oil on the beard tends to help strengthen it.  It is good to both consume the olive oil as well as physically applying it to the beard.  Olive oil contains vitamin A,  vitamin C, Calcium and iron which might improve any vitamin deficiancies you may have.  Also, using henna is good for improving the health of the beard.  And with Allaah is the success.

wa Salaam Alaikum

Wa-Salam, Ibrahim Bukhari

03-11-2003 @ 3:20 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Also...   I was informed that using 100% Extra Virgin Olive oil is best because it retains the most nutrients.

Ibrahim Bukhari

03-11-2003 @ 3:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

i used to attend cosmetology school, and while there we learned that in most instances, trimming the split ends is the best method to take care of the damage.  however, with this being the hair of the beard, there are other measures you can take that may help your situation.  my husband has had a lot of the same problems and we have developed some steps that seem to have been helping bi'ithnillaah.  first, try to minimize the trauma (twisting, pulling, etc.) done to your beard as this may weaken your hair.  african american hair tends to be drier and more damage prone than other hair types because the kinkiness prevents the sebum from travelling down the hair shaft to the ends, and for this reason you should try to keep it moisturized as much as possible.  this may not totally prevent the ends splitting, but it may minimize it, inshaa allaah.  try some black seed oil mixed with coconut oil, grapeseed oil, or jojoba oil (taking care to avoid products with mineral oil, alcohol, petroleum, or a lot of chemicals...the purer the better).  you want to try to keep the splitting from getting worse and travelling up the hair shaft because this is when it tends to start falling out.  try to comb and brush your beard several times per day to ensure that the oils will reach the entire hair shaft and to keep the hair from becoming tangled.  if possible, oil your beard well after every wudhu or ghusl (preferrably while your beard is still damp, as the water will make the hair shaft swell and allow more oils inside), and once per day comb with a fine tooth comb to get all the kinks out.  this should also help prevent the curlier hairs from winding so tightly and reentering the skin causing hair bumps, inshaa allaah.  when combing your beard, it may be helpful for you to start at the ends and work your way upward so that you are not pulling the hair, and make sure your beard is well oiled (but not over oiled...a dime-sized amount is plenty) before you comb or brush (while you can comb completely hair, it tends to pull the hair more leading to more breakage).  and finally it may help to keep you beard clean (wash with a mild cleanser once or twice per week) to keep it free of dead skin and when wetting your beard, try to avoid using hot water as this dries the hair out more.  rather, try to make sure that the water is lukewarm so that the hair shaft still swells, but not too much.

as far as the hair falling out in patches, then this can be due to a dietary deficiency, inshaa allaah.  watch your diet to ensure you are eating a wide range of healthy foods, including raw or slightly cooked fruits and vegetables whenever possible.  make sure you are drinking LOTS of water (not distilled water, as it may not contain minerals in which you are deficient and can lead to mineral deficiency, inshaa allaah).  you can read more about the distilled water and its effects on the body here:

it may help to take some black seed and/or a good multivitamin (from a health food store if possible), especially during this month since eating throughout the day is not possible, to help your body retain more nutrients.

i apologize for the length of this post.  inshaa allaah, these things will help your situation. please understand that i am not a doctor and it is not my intention to dispense medical advice.  these are just a few things my family has done with under the supervision of my midwife that seemed to have helped in our case.  i pray that you have the same success.  ameen.

Umm Hussam Nadiyah bint Shyra Idris Harper

03-11-2003 @ 4:32 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Excellent advice sister Umm.Hussam...Jazaakillaahu Khair.  With these tips we will be spending more time in the mirror than or

Are there any tips for getting it to grow more?  My beard is a bit slow at growing on the cheek or if it does grow, it grows in unevenly.  Especially around the temple.  How can I get it to grow below the cheek area?

Aboo Abdillaah

أذا اشتد صيف الحزبيين , وشتاء القطبيين , وخريف السروريين , فاعلم أن الأمة بحاجة إلى ربيع السنة و الدين

03-11-2003 @ 7:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillah walhamdulillah, wa salaatu wa salaamu ala arasoolillah wa ala alihe wa ashabihe ajma'een, wa ba'ad:

Jazakallahu kulli khair.  I am more than happy to have recieved the information that has been presented and I will start this "program" immediately insha Allaah Ta'ala.  For the most part I have tried most of the expensive hair care products and found them to do more harm than good.  At this point I see where I went wrong...CHEMICALS!!!  I will keep it real from now on..real natural, insha Allaah Ta'ala.  My beard hair is not necessarily is moreso thin, straight, and brittle.  The only kinkiness I get is when I don't keep it combed on a daily basis and even when I do comb it, subhanallah, it falls out.  I will follow the advise provided and more than anything make dua'a that it is a benefit.  May Allaah bestow upon the believers the success, aameen, and success is only with Allaah.

Abu Jameelah Michael Latham

"Falyahhtharil lathina yukhalifuna 'an amrehe an Tuseebahume fitnatune aw yuseebahume 'athabune aleem" Sura An-Noor-Ayah 63...So Let those who oppose the Messenger's order beware that they will be stricken by some affliction or suffer a painful torment

04-11-2003 @ 8:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

inshaa allaah, the tips that i have mentioned should help the beard to grow, inshaa allaah.  when hair is in its growth cycle, the best thing to help it grow is to make sure that the follicle is stimulated as much as possible to get the blood to that location.  with hairs on the scalp, regular brushing and massaging are generally beneficial, and i see no reason that the beard would be an exception, inshaa allaah.  gentle massage of that area every evening as well as regular brushing should, inshaa allaah, provide the necessary circulation to that area for hair growth, provided the hair is in its growth cycle.  hair follicles go through three stages, anagen (the growth and longest cycle), catagen (the regression cycle) and telogen (the resting cycle).  most of the hair follicles that a person has will enter the growth cycle at the same time, which is why though your hair may be growing some areas will still lose hair as they are in a different cycle, inshaa allaah.  so inshaa allaah, do not be alarmed if, while massaging and brushing, you see some hairs which fall out, because inshaa allaah, within a few months a new follicle will be formed and start the cycle over again beginning with the anagen (growth) cycle.  a good site for reading hair (biology, diseases of the hair, etc.) is  they have a wealth of good information about hair.  again, i apologize for the length of this message, and i pray you find this information beneficial.  ameen.

Umm Hussam Nadiyah bint Shyra Idris Harper

05-11-2003 @ 12:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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ما شاء الله تبارك الله

It is good to see the brothers caring for their beards and hair as is from the sunnah where the prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم  said in a Hadeeth in Abu Daawud 'Whoever has good hair then let him take good care of it'. While at the same time the prophet taught us not to go beyond bounds in taking too much time with our hair as is known from the companions and the salaf that they would be seen with dishevelled hair from time to time and when asked about it they would respond by saying 'The prophet forbade us from constant combing of the hair'. If it is possible I or another brother/sister can find and translate the very nice discussion on this subject by shaikh Al-Albaani رحمه الله in silsilah and put it up for everyone?s benefit.

و الله أعلم

أبو سلمان النمري طلحة بن وليم

والعصر ان الانسان لفي خسر الا الذين آمنواو عملوا الصالحات و تواصوا بالحق و تواصوا بالصبر

07-11-2003 @ 9:52 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

Inshaa'Allaah the hadeeth and related discussion would be much appreciated.  

JazaakumAllaahu khayr.

08-11-2003 @ 8:41 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillah ar-Rahmaanir Raheem wa salaatu wa salaamu ala arasoolillah, wa ala alihe wa ashabihe ajma'een, wa ba'ad:

wa Alaikumu salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu,

Jazakallahu kulli khairah for the reminder walhamdulillah it is always beneficial to be reminded of what we may have forgotten or are unaware of.  My main concern in posting the topic was mainly due to the fact of wanting to reverse damage as opposed to concentrating on beautification.  Either way I ask Allaah to increase us all in benefit of one another as brothers and sisters in the religion, Aameen.  I trully appreciate the highly beneficial responses to my inquiries, walhamdulillah fi kulli shay.  Please do inform us of the sunnah in regards to how we should approach caring for our appearance.  I say this especially when it comes to our wives since I have heard in lectures and otherwise sisters concerns as well as complaints about the appearance of the husband.  Not to get into a new topic or anything but just to say that it will help in more ways than one to know the position of ahlul sunnah as far as health and beauty in general and specific.  Barakallahu feekum.

Abu Jameelah Michael Latham

"Falyahhtharil lathina yukhalifuna 'an amrehe an Tuseebahume fitnatune aw yuseebahume 'athabune aleem" Sura An-Noor-Ayah 63...So Let those who oppose the Messenger's order beware that they will be stricken by some affliction or suffer a painful torment.

This message was edited by abu.jameelah.m on 11-8-03 @ 8:59 PM

08-11-2003 @ 9:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

That which comes to mind in this topic is the statement of ibn Abbaas that is reported by Ibn Jareer (2/453) where he said 'Indeed I adorn myself for my wife just as she adorns herself for me'.

There is a nice chapter in this regard in the book 'The manners of the scholar and the student of knowledge' which is the explanation of the hadeeth of Jibreel. Translated by abu Talha. Please refer to it.

أبو سلمان النمري طلحة بن وليم

والعصر ان الانسان لفي خسر الا الذين آمنواو عملوا الصالحات و تواصوا بالحق و تواصوا بالصبر

21-02-2004 @ 6:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu Alaikum

How is your beard coming along ahkee?  Have any of the suggestions above helped?  

Remember that it could always be worse!  I once knew a Malaysian who's whole beard (naturally) consisted of no more than 5 or 6 strands of hair (may Allaah reward him for growing them).  Also, I know an Egyptian who's entire beard fell out due to a skin condition.  

May Allaah reward us all for our intentions, ameen.


21-02-2004 @ 8:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asalaamu Ailaykum,

Akhi, I took the sisters advice and started putting virgin olive oil in my lihya, and it works wonders!  I do it about once a week, and it's been great.

Barakallaahu feekum,


21-02-2004 @ 9:22 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Wa Alaikumus Salaam

Actually it was my advice to use the Extra Virgin Olive oil.  Alhamdulillah, I'm glad to hear that it has worked for you!   I use it myself also!

22-02-2004 @ 9:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asalaamu Aialykum, Akhi:

Masha'Allaah!  My bad Akhi.  I hope I didn't offend you.  Anyway, it was great advice...Jazakallaah Khair.

Barakallaahu Feekum,

Daud As-Salafi

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