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» Illustrations of the Harshness of the Salaf Towards Ahl ul-Bid'ah
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Posted By Topic: Illustrations of the Harshness of the Salaf Towards Ahl ul-Bid'ah

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21-10-2003 @ 11:18 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Illustrations of the Harshness of the Salaf
Towards Ahl ul-Bid'ah

A new sect has emerged with the feature of tamyee'. This tamyee' as the Ulamaa have explained is lenience towards ahl ul-bida' and often this is coupled with harshness towards salafees. By this fitnah of Abul-Hasan al-Maribee many people have come out and shown how they are affected by this manhaj of tamyee', if not wholly, then at least partially, or subtely.

Refer to the following articles:

One of the great doubts which indicates their ignorance of al-Manhaj as-Salafee is accusing the Salafees of being harsh, having foul language, and being like the tabloid press when they speak about the Innovators (those whom the scholars have made tabdee' of). These claims come from these people of tamyee and sometimes many of them may even be people concealing hizbiyyah, who mingle among the Salafees. When the Salafees compile the sayings of the scholars on a person and then rightfully describe that person with what he has been described with by the scholars, using severity and harshness, the people of tamyee' and concealed hizbiyyah find fault with the Salafees. It seems that the people of tamyee only come out at times when they wish to attack the Salafees and at other times when the Scholars and the Salafees who follow them are engaged in a war with Ahl ul-Bidah, these people of tamyee remain silent and do not speak or say anything in support of the Scholars and those Salafees who follow them in their warnings from the Innovators. But these people of tamyee come out and speak whenever they find a need to attack the Salafees.

As for the way of the Salaf, then Abu Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d. 449H) - may Allaah have mercy upon him - has explained it, he said:
"And along with that they [the Salaf who have passed before him] unanimously agreed with their saying about the Ahl ul-Bid'ah, that they should be subdued, humiliated and disgraced, banished and driven away. That [one must] keep away from them, from those who associate with them and from those who are intimate with them. And to seek nearness to Allaah by avoiding them and fleeing from them." (Aqeedat us-Salaf wa Ashaabil-Hadeeth).
And here is a taste of what Abu Uthmaan as-Saaboonee has alluded to:

Abu Abdullaah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Mufarraj said,
?Abu Ja?far Ahmad bin Awn illaah (d. 378H) would show rejection against the People and Innovation and call them to account, showing extreme harshness against them, utterly humiliating them, always seek to pick out their faults, rushing to damage them, vehemently oppressive against them, chasing them away whenever he was able to, not allowing them to remain. And every one of them (Ahl ul-Bid?ah) used to be frightened of him, and would seek to hide and protect himself from him. He (Abu Ja?far Ahmad) would never compromise with a single one of them, and nor would he allow any of them to remain safe. And if he came across evil and witnessed any deviation from the Sunnah, he would oppose it and would disgrace and humiliate (its perpetrator), and he would announce the affair of this person and declare his own disownment of him by mentioning the evil of such a one in the various public gatherings, and he would incite others against him such that he either destroyed him or caused him to abandon his evil and repugnant madhhab and his evil doctrine. And he would never cease to remain upon this habit, making Jihaad therein, seeking the Face of Allaah, up until he met Allaah.? (Taareekh Dimashq 5/118). And he is the Muhaddith, Imaam, Ahmad bin Awn illaah bin Hudair Abu Ja?far al-Andalusee al-Qurtubee (d. 378H).
Here are some statements compiled about the speech of the Salaf against the Innovators. These statements were posted on Sahab.Net by the students of knowledge to expose the falsehood of those affected by this tamyee'.

Some poetry by al-Hafidh Abu Tahir bin Muhammad as-Silafee as-Salafee. In this poetry he is warning against the people of bidah and to leave their falsehood and views and opinions, and he mentions specific innovators by name, and he abuses them, curses them and reviles them. He says for example, "The followers of Ibn Kullaab, upon verification, are dogs. They are from the most evil of folk". And he says about Hafs al-Fard that he is "an ape that fabricates lies". And he says "Ja'd, then Jahm, and Ibn Harb are asses (i.e. donkeys). They deserve humiliation, disgrace".

And Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab said, "So if that is the case concerning the one who held belief in Eesaa Ibn Maryam, and yet he is a prophet amongst the Prophets... that he disbelieves, how about those who believe in the Shaytaans, such as that dog, Abu Hudaydah, and Uthmaan who is in al-Waadee, and other dogs in al-Kharaj, and those besides them in all the other lands..." Durar as-Sunniyah 1/77-78.

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said, in his refutation of Alee Ibn al-Mutahhir, "And it is amazing that this Raafidee Donkey who is ahmaru (i.e. more of a donkey) than the intelligible Jews about whom Allaah said, "The example of those who were entrusted with the Tawraat but did not abide by it is like the donkey which carries a huge burden of books..". And the common people are excused for their saying, "The Raafidee is the Donkey of the Jew", and this is because the intelligent of the Jews known that this (i.e. some issue for which he is refuting the Raafidee) is impossible by way of intellect and legislation... then also, this Raafidee Donkey says...", then he mentions some of his sayings. (Minhaaj us-Sunnah 7/290-291)

The saying of Imaam al-Barbaahaaree about the Ahlul-Bidah, "The example of the people of innovations is like the scorpion. They bury their bodies and heads in the sands, and they leave out their tails, so that when they are able they sting. And this is the same as the people of innovation, they are concealed amongst the people, then when they are able, they achieve what they desire". (Tabaqat al-Hanabilah 2/44).

Al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee said, "And if an isnaad of a report is turned around, or he is asked about an illah (defect) pertaining to an athar, he will be become confused, play with his beard, and blows his nose, concealing his hidden ignorance, then he is like a donkey going around its grinding mill" (in al-Kifaayah).

And Shaykh Shams ud-Deen al-Afghaanee (rahimahullaah) said, "And clinging to the doubt of "harshness" (shiddah) is the way of the generality of the those who turn matters cold and who impede matters and who keep cordial with the Ahl ul-Bida'. And these people from ancient times, accuse the people of Tawheed and Sunnah and Hadeeth with harshness, and crudeness, and extremism and evil manners, while they (i.e. those making this claim) are amongst the most severe of people towards the people of Tawheed and the most lenient of them towards Ahl ul-Bid'ah. And how excellent has been stated in refutation of these ones who turn matters cold who cling on to the doubt of harshness: And if harshness was in explaining His Book, And manifesting a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, Then by the praise of Allaah My Lord I am harsh, Bring on the witnesses, then let every witness witness. (Juhood al-Hanafiyyah Fir-Radd 'alal-Qubooriyyah 3/1761)

Shams ud-Deen also quotes the saying of Ibn Baz (rahimahullaah) about al-Kawtharee, "The mujrim (criminal), sinful one (aathim) Muhammad Zaahid al-Kawtharee, that Criminal Great Liar (al-Affaak al-Atheem), may Allaah give him what he deserves". (Juhood al-Hanafiyyah Fir-Radd 'alal-Qubooriyyah 3/1772)

And there is also the saying of Shaykh Muqbil regarding Qaradaawee, "May Allaah sever his lips", and also his book titled "Iskaat al-Qalb al-Aawee", (Silencing the Hounding Dog).

It seems that Shaykh Shams ud-Deen's words are relevant to those people today who find fault with the Salafees when they speak harshly (or even crudely) against those upon whom clear tabdee' and tadleel has been made by the Major Scholars, and at the same time these are the same people who are upon ignorance of the manhaj of the Salaf, they are confused on many issues, and their behaviour is such that they defend the hizbiyyeen and try to cover for them, and are very quick in trying to find fault with the Salafees using the same doubt of "harshness", "evil manners".

This harshness is due to nothing but love and jealousy for the truth. So instead of criticising what sometimes arises from the Salafees of harsh words on account of love and concern for the truth (just like the examples from the Salaf above), the people of tamyee' should either remain silent and if not at least do something better with their tongues. However, what you find instead is that many of these Mumayy'iah, on the other hand, will make every excuse for those who openly revile and slander and defame Ahl us-Sunnah, remaining within their company, aiding them, supporting them.

This message was edited by on 10-21-03 @ 11:24 AM

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