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» GEMS FROM SILSILAH AD-DA'EEFAH- Is it permissible to look at your wifes private parts during intercourse?
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Posted By Topic: GEMS FROM SILSILAH AD-DA'EEFAH- Is it permissible to look at your wifes private parts during intercourse?

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07-08-2003 @ 9:24 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002

From the magnificent book ?Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth ad-Da ?eefah wal Mawdoo?ah wa atharuhaa as-sai fil ummah? by the Noble Imaam, the Mujaddid, the Mujaahid, the Muhaddith Abu Abdur Rahmaan Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah).

Narration No. 195, Page 351

Looking at the ?awrah of ones wife


?When one of you has intercourse with his wife or his slave girl, then let him not look at her private parts. For verily that will cause blindness to be transferred (to the child)!?

Fabricated. Reported by ibn ul-Jawzee in ?al-Mawdoo?aat? (2/271) from the narration of Adee (44/1), from Hishaam bin Khaalid, Baqiyyah narrated to us from ibn Juraij, from Ataa, from ibn Abbaas in marfoo? form.

The Shaikh then discusses the chain.  

The Qaami? ul-Bida?aat then says,


And a correct perspective indicates the falsity of this narration, for the prohibition of looking is with regards to intercourse and is from Tahreem al-Wassail (i.e. something being impermissible due to what it leads to), so when Allaah has permitted for the husband to have sexual intercourse with his wife, is it sensible to think that He would forbid the husband from looking at her private parts?

And this point is supported by the hadeeth of Aishah who said, ?The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) and I used to perform ghusl together from one pot, so he used to be quicker than me, such that I would say, ?Leave some for me! Leave some for me!? ? Reported by the two Shaikhs.

So that which is apparent from the hadeeth is the permissibility of looking and this is supported by a narration from ibn Hibbaan from Sulaymaan bin Musaa that he was asked about a man looking at the private parts of his wife. So he said, ?I asked Ataa and he said, ?I asked Aishah?  and she mentioned this hadeeth, in meaning.?

Al-Haafidh said in ?al-Fath? (1/290)

?And it is text for the permissibility for a man to look at the awrah of his wife and vice versa.?

And when this is clear, then there is no difference between looking during ghusl or intercourse. So the falsity of this narration is established!

Abul Irbaad
Abid Zargar

09-08-2003 @ 11:03 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002
For the sake of completeness below are two more narrations on this topic that The Imaam, may Allaah grant him Firdaus, brings.


Narration No. 196, Page 354

?When one of you has intercourse then let him not look at the private parts. For verily that will cause blindness to be transferred (to the child), and do not speak excessively, for that will cause muteness to be transferred (to the child)?

Fabricated. Reported by ibn ul-Jawzee in ?al-Mawdoo?aat? (2/271).
(The Shaikh then discusses the chain)

Narration No. 197, Page 355

?Do not speak excessively when you have intercourse with your wives, for verily that causes muteness and a stammer (in the child).?

Daeef Jidan (very weak). Reported by ibn Asaakir (5/700).

(The Shaikh then discusses the chain)

Abul Irbaad
Abid Zargar

This message was edited by abu.naasir on 8-9-03 @ 11:11 AM

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