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» Live Salafi Duroos2 Taif Dawrah
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06-08-2003 @ 12:32 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 116
Joined: Sep 2002
Reminder:The Dawrah in Taif has started.
A second room has been opened for this dawrah on Paltalk.
Paltalk(click)Groups(click category)Islaam (click on)Live Salafi Duroos 2
Information provided by the admin of the room.
This is just information on two of the lessons.
Explaining Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah for shaikh A'ayed Ashammari - Live   This is a lesson from Al-Imam Abdulaziz Ibn Baz course lessons  In Ta'if

Who is shaikh A'ayed Ashammari hafidullah? Where does he hafidullah teach in Saudi ?
He teaches in Hai'l  
But now he is in Tai'f  
Just for this course  
who were his hafidullah teachers ?
Shaikh Mohammad Al-Jami, shaikh Rabee Al-midkhaly and shaikh Hammad Al-Ansari .

This lesson was on about 11am British time.

The next lesson will be after al-aser prayer(Saudi time)
with shaikh Mohammad Al-Faifi in explaning a'ayat from the holy qura'an  

For more information Website for the rooms

This message was edited by s.bint.ahmed on 8-6-03 @ 12:57 PM

07-08-2003 @ 12:49 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 116
Joined: Sep 2002

The 2nd week of Imam AbdulAziz Bin Baz Dawrah in Taif will be in the Live Salafi Duroos room on Paltalk from the Saturday 11th Jamad ath Thani /9th August 2003. Inshaallah.

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