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06-08-2003 @ 7:59 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 88
Joined: Oct 2002
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem wa salaat wa salaamu 'ala ar-rasoolillah wa ala alihe wa ashabihee ajma'een:

Is it correct to discuss the affairs of and warn against someone based upon what you have assumed of them because what they have experienced in the way of fitnah?  

Even further is it correct to discuss this persons affairs and character "in a circle" out of his/her presence with other people just because you feel that the person that has "exposed" the individual is thiqah?  

For instance "warning" against a person because of his/her being in financial hardship "too consistantly", "not working hard enough" from what could be assumed from personal opinion and observation, and because it appears that this individual is getting help from the people "too much" whether he asked for the help or not. Keep in mind that none of the people that have taken it upon themselves to give the "warning(s)" actually had the opportunity to walk with, sleep beside, live with daily nor endure any of what the person has experienced first hand regarding the fitnah they are being tried with.  All of the warning(s) and discussions are based on the opinions, criticisms, and objective views of the "outside" individual(s) and not the actual details from the mouth of the person going through the ordeal.  If this is correct behavior please explain in as much detail as possible.  I did not and do not assume that the behavior explained above is correct or incorrect.  Hence I am asking someone to help me understand based upon proofs and actions of as salaafus saliheen, may Allah be pleased with all of them, aameen.

Min 'abdillaah:

Abu Jameelah Michael Latham

NOTE: The above is a true to life scenario of things that I have noticed to take place amongst the people quite often. I have seen first-hand the harm of this.  Please advise myself, my brothers, and my sisters in the deen on this issue.  I do not assume anything because I would rather know then to assume. So please advise.

Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika wa ashahadu an la ilaha ilah anta wastaghfiruka wa atoobu alaike.

"Falyahhtharil lathina yukhalifuna 'an amrehe an Tuseebahume fitnatune aw yuseebahume 'athabune aleem" Sura An-Noor-Ayah 63...So Let those who oppose the Messenger's order beware that they will be stricken by some affliction or suffer a painful torment

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