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06-08-2003 @ 2:52 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 42
Joined: Sep 2002
          As salaamu ?alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh,

Masjid Rahmah Presents (August 8th and 9th, 2003):
                    ?The Importance of Having Good Character Within the Da?watus Salafiyyah?

     On Yaum-ul Jumu?ah (Friday), 10th Day of Jumaada Al-Thani, 1424 AH (8th Of August, 2003 CE), our Brother Abu Hasan Malik Al-Akhdar will be delivering the khutbah, insha Allaah, @ 1:00 PM EST. @ Masjid Rahmah.

     After Salaatul ?Asr, Yaum-ul Jumu?ah (Friday), 10th Day of Jumaada Al-Thani, 1424 AH (8th Of August, 2003 CE), our Brother Adbur-Rahman Al-Afreekee will be speaking, insha Allaah.

     On Yaum-ul Sabt (Saturday), 11th Day of Jumaada Al-Thani, 1424 AH (9th Of August, 2003 CE) after Salaatul Dhuhr through Salaatul ?Ishaa, our following Brothers will be speaking, insha Allaah:
                         Abu Uwais Abdullaah Ahmed
                         Abu Abdur-Razzaq Taahir Wyatt
                           (STUDENT OF UNIVERSITY OF MEDINA)

                         Mustafa George
                           (STUDENT OF UNIVERSITY OF MEDINA)

NOTE: The event will be held @ Masjid Rahmah, bi?ithnillaah.
       The khutbah begins @ 1:00 PM EST.
       Salaatul ?Asr 4:56 PM EST.
       Saalaatul Dhuhr 1:02 PM EST.

Masjid Rahmah
657 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Newark, NJ, 07102


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