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» Record and save paltalk lectures on your pc
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31-07-2003 @ 10:41 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 38
Joined: Jun 2003
As Salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

There is a program called Total Recorder that can be found at that records streaming audio directly from your sound card.  You can then save the audio and specify the format (wav, mp3 and others) as well as the frequency and bitrate that you wish to save it in. I found this software to be very beneficial, especially during the Dawrah of Imaam Muhammad al-ash-Shaykh, rahimahullah, because I am either sleep or at work during the duroos.  What I especially like about it is that it doesn't record when there is no sound stream.  So I can open paltalk, join the room, open total recorder and hit record and go to work, and it records whenever the lecture starts and stops recording when the lecture stops.  You can even schedule it to start and stop.  I highly recommend this product for anyone who has an always on connection (dsl or cable) and who cannot sit and take notes during the lectures.  There is a small fee for it but it's worth it.

Abu Najiyyah Jamal Muhammad
Ayah Islamic Center

"Every soul shall taste death."

This message was edited by Abu.Najiyyah on 7-31-03 @ 10:57 AM

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