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25-07-2003 @ 4:28 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

As.Salaamu alaikum wa.Rahmatullaahi wa.Barakaatuhu

Does anyone know about this Sheikh "As-Shaykh Mahmud Rida Murad"
And As I heared he is from Riyaadh, and as some brothers told me he is a well knows daa'ee, and also he have been to USA many times to conduct Islamic lectures..

If any brothers can give me some information about him that will be benificial, as one of my brothers want know his position and with whome he associates with and like that. Whether we can benifit from him as We should be aware from whome we take the knowledge of the Deen from.

This message was edited by Admin on 8-4-03 @ 8:16 PM

26-07-2003 @ 12:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu Alaikum
To Make the above question specific Mahmoud Murad is visiting Sri-Lanka from 2nd of August for a  lecture tour ogranized here by a organization called Al-Hidaayah foundation.Some salafi sisters and brothers on the usool of TAKE CARE FROM WHOM YOU TAKE YOUR DEEN FROM. ARE URGENTLY REQUESTING ANY INFO mahmoud rida murad.
Anyone who knows about recommendation/warning about him by senior Ulema or a good tullab-ul -ilm pls let us know. If anyone bro/sis knows from where i can get this info fast.


26-07-2003 @ 4:19 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Allah Knows Best

This message was edited by irshadmuhammed on 7-26-03 @ 1:06 PM

26-07-2003 @ 7:05 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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perhaps someone could clarify his relationship with 'adnoon 'ur'oor (the innovator) and his position on him, may Allaah reward you...

Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
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26-07-2003 @ 7:35 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Allah knows best !

26-07-2003 @ 9:08 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Dear brother Irshaad

We and Mahmood Muraad live in same city - Riyaadh.

Please could you share with us all the tazkiyaat you have obtained for Mahmood Murad and the mashaaikh of dawah Salafiyah who have given them.

Jazaakallaahu khairan

Abul Irbaad

26-07-2003 @ 9:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As.Salaamu alaikum wa.Rahmatullaahi wa.Barakaatuhu

Dear brother Abu Arbaad,

Alhamdulillah, nice to get to know a brother like you who live in the same city Riyaadh, where Mahmood Murad lives in.

Actually I dont have a tazkiyyah from a mashaaikh for him, but rather I said as I got it from a brother who P.M. me via and said wot he knows about him and I quote his saying herebelow so that you brothers can check whether It can be taken as a tazkiyyah or not. Plz do advise me brothers so that I can benifit and save my self and my brothers from it. as we brothers in Sri Lanka need information from the brothers who knows him so that we can benifit from the information you give us.

And I still await from the brothers like you who knows knows him and lives with him in the same city, as may be you can tell us about his relationship and position towards 'adnoon 'ur'oor (the innovator).
and we await from the brothers in Saudi Arabia and who are upon this Noble Salafi Dawah, as we are to TAKE CARE FROM WHOME WE TAKE THE KNOWLEDGE FROM.

this is wot I got.

quote :-

Asalamu A3laykum wa Ramatullahee wa Barakatuhu,

As for Shaikh Mahmood Rida Murad, I know this man and his family.

I know his son's better than him as I have only spoken to him on the phone and never in person.  He has written many books and one can take benefit from them.  Alhumdulillah.  I know he is in touch with Shaikh Rabee( may ALLAH preserve him) as well as others.  He sat with Shaikh Albani(Rahimaullahu Ta'a3la) on a number of occassions and even stayed with the Shaikh for periods of time.  He sat with Shaikh Bin Baz but ALLAHU A3lam not as long as he sat with Shaikh Albani.  He kept in contact with the Shaikh over the phone throughout the years.  He says he is Salafee and I accept this from him as he hasn't proven otherwise.  But if you really want to make sure on this, then my advice to you is call Shaikh Rabee(May ALLAH preserve him) as he knows Shaikh Mahmood and who is there better than him in our times to make Jarh wa Ta3deel?  Obviously Shaikh Rabee is the man for this in our age.  So if you want to seek further clarification on Shaikh Mahmood contact Shaikh Rabee.  Inshaa'ALLAHu Tabaraka wa Ta'a3la.

I hope this was of some benefit.  Beeithneellah Ta'a3la.

unquote :-

I am awaiting for a sooner reply from the brothers who are in touch with Shaikh Rabee and other mashaaikh.

jazakallhu khairaan.

Irshad muhammed.

26-07-2003 @ 12:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu alaikum
Brother Irshad.
As the rule goes when something is spoken in public, it should be answered in public.  Brother I sincerely feel that you are too hasty in rushing to give thazkiyah to people without knowledge from the ulema kibaar or their students or well known salafi's from Riyadh.  Your mailing of the thazkiyah of Murad by a brother Kannadi to some brothers has reached me. Brother fear Allah and take care because the thazkiyah given by this brother Al-Kannadi is being copied by brothers in Sri Lanka.

Brother Abu Nasir and my brother Moosa have brought out some matters over which we should take care. Mainly brother Abu Nasir, who lives in Riyadh itself.  
Does any of the well known salafi brothers in Saudi know this brother Abu Abdur Rahman al-Kannadi?


26-07-2003 @ 12:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As.Salaamu alaikum wa.Rahmatullaahi wa.Barakaatuhu

brother Reza,

I never said I have a tazkiyyah from Kibaar or mashaaikh for Mahmud Rida Murad. if anyone understood it in that manner I ask Allah for forgiveness, may Allah forgive me for which i never Intended.

And Also wot forwarded to FEW brothers in Sri lanka was wot I have got from a brother and they knows better why i forwarded it as we were discussing some issues day before yesterday and It was related to it and I dont know how it reached you as It was specificly addressed to few brothers ONLY. and they know wot I intended from it.
and I never said It was an tazkiyyah for Mahmud Rida Murad, rather It was an indication of facts about mahmud Rida Murad. thats All. and I want them to check it ONLY. NOT to promote it or propogate IT.

And If I have mistaken plz forgive me and hope the brothers who I fowarded the said information given by Abdur rahmaan al-Kannadi was just some facts, not an tazkiyyah.

Men are knows by the TRUTH, and TRUTH is now knows by It's MEN.

And thnx for reminding me to Fear Allah, I do.
But people who curculate it As a Tazkiyyah has to Fear Allah as It cannot be circulated as a Tazkiyyah rather Its just some facts of him. which has to be verified whether correct or not which I posted in my third post.

Allah Knows best.

Irshad muhammed.

This message was edited by irshadmuhammed on 7-26-03 @ 1:08 PM

26-07-2003 @ 3:05 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu alaikum
First to clarify your technicality on "english" of your few brothers and so forth, take my words to my meanings.  Brother you have edited your 2nd msg, which was the 3rd msg in the whole thread, so I cannot show you a point to point proof that yr msg is a thazkiyah for a normal person who could have read the mail.  Both of us know that anyone can copy that msg and fly it to whom ever he wants. So please dont go hunting how only you and a few brothers know, what the others dont know. As you have pulled up the fact that there is something that you and only a few brothers know. We should address the crux rather than waste time on side issues. I think that you should fear Allah and put out what you and these few brothers know out to the public.  
Brother, we are brothers to each other, but in public matters either you know or you dont know. If you know you state with facts, if you dont know keep quiet and ask questions.  
Brother if my memory is correct, in your second mail you had mentioned that you have some info from some people of knowledge and you had mentioned something about Shaikh Murad's son and you also stated that he is capable of talking about salafi dawah.  You had mentioned that if anyone needed these infomations they could e-mail you personally. Even this I thought is not islamically ethical, to talk publicly and answer privately, but anyway I e-mailed you immediately.  This is the msg I got in my box.


   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
<>... Deferred: Connection refused by
Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours
Will keep trying until message is 5 days old

anyway brother may Allah reward you with the best of his rewards as you are now clarifying your position.  Personally for me the e-mail discussion with you on Mahmoud Murad is closed.

Abu-Fadhlallah Muhammad Reza

28-07-2003 @ 3:19 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa'laikum salaam warahmatullahi wabrakatuh,

Jazakallahu Khairan for your benifical advice yaa Akhi Reza.
May Allah reward you for your good Intentions. Ameen.

And still we brothers in Sri Lanka await from the brothers in Riyaadh, and myself too tried to contact sheikh rabee on his makhtabah via phone last night many times with brother yahya Simy As-Saylani, but we didn't got him on line. Insha Allah we trying our best to contact him and so and to ask this issue.

Also I dont want to drag this issue here in this forum, as I think this issue was related to the Upcoming visit of Mahmud Reda Murad to Sri Lanka, and thats why in my previous postings I gave my e-mail adresss.

Irshad muhammed.

28-07-2003 @ 7:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

I thought I should share some naseehah I recieved from a brother at troid after asking about the book 'Islaamic Digest of Aqeedah and Fiqh' written by this individual:


Allaah knows best, however, what I can say is that we met him a few years ago in Riyaad.  He gave us about 40 sets of his 'new muslim' book series.  It was 10 miniature sized books on various core issues of Islaam.  In one of the books, he had a section with seerah on the 'Ulamaa, he included here reference to 'Abdul-Khaaliq' as a student of Shaykh Al Albaanee (corrected).  This was in 2001 not 85.  The masjid he was at, he translates the khutbah after to the English speaking people.  This is a known Hizbee stronghold.  We would advise that you stick to the books of the 'Ulamaa and their known tullaab.

This message was edited by MSbN.Ahmad on 8-4-03 @ 11:42 AM

29-07-2003 @ 1:27 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah,

The previous reply is not correct. The note about 'Abdul-Khaaliq' from the book in 2001 is under the note on Imaam al-Albaanee. 'Abdul-Khaaliq is mentioned as a student of al-Albaanee. The section does not refer to 'Abdul-Khaaliq as a scholar. This is an oversight and an error and we apologise for that. I believe I am the one who may have replied from

The booklet is a set of manuals for new-muslims and the includance of 'Abdul-Khaaliq' as a student of al-Albaane, whether true or untrue, left alone is a concern. As a new Muslim might see the books of 'Abdul-Khaaliq to be good since:

A) No note about 'Abdul-Khaaliq's deviance was made.
B) His name was not left out (and could have been, as I am sure not every student of al-Albaanee was stated in the booklet, so why 'Abdul-Khaaliq?)

I hope this clarifies the aforementioned qoute. Perhaps if someone has the contact information of our brother, it can be mentioned to him and perhaps an edit can be suggested.

Barakallaahu Feekum

This message was edited by AbooZakee on 7-29-03 @ 1:44 AM

29-07-2003 @ 12:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Abaa Zakee please check your pms.

In case there is any confusion regarding the mention of 1985, then this is the year one of Abdul Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq's book was published in English, translated and annoted by Mahmood Ridaa Muraad.

This message was edited by MSbN.Ahmad on 7-29-03 @ 2:21 PM

04-08-2003 @ 4:19 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaam 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah,

Also, concerning this masjid where Murad translates, see the thread on Khaalid Yaasin, who was hosted by this masjid.

Topic: Who is Khaalid Yaseen?

06-08-2003 @ 7:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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This is to confirm to the readers that a post that was added to this thread by us was removed. The reason for removal was because the author who sent us the material had reason to believe that following the posts addition, and without him really expecting this, he (and other Salafees in Riyadh) could potentially be harmed due to certain people not liking that certain information be known.

This clarification has been made because some people prematurely believed that the post in question was removed because it was posted in haste. Untrue. It was removed because the brother(s) who were the source of the information had reason to believe that they would be harmed, and thus fulfilling their own request, we removed it.

As for the information included then there were three points: a) his claim that the issue between Shaykh Rabee and Mubtadi' Ar'oor were personal b) his translating the khutbahs of al-Luwayhiq c) his friendship with Adil Kalbaani.

We have made this clarification to remove any confusion that might have arisen. Our suggestion is that all those concerned about this matter should ring up Shaykh Faalih, Shaykh Rabee and Shaykh Sultaan al-Eid from Riyaadh and ask them concerning this matter.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

This message was edited by Admin on 8-6-03 @ 7:59 PM

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