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20-07-2003 @ 4:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 40
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As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah

Bismillah wa Sallatu was Salaamu 'ala Rasoolilah....

Does anyone know the situation with AbdulMaalik Ar Ramadaawnee?????

Abul Haarith Jamaalideen bin Luqmaan bin Abdulwahab Al- Masri

01-08-2003 @ 3:30 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 305
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Assalaamuaalaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu!

A New Warning Against 'Abdul-Maalik Ramadaanee
By al-'Allaamah, al-Mujaahid, Shaykh Faalih Ibn Naafi' al-Harbee


Stated the Shaykh, al-'Allaamah, Faalih Ibn Naafi? al-Harbee - hafidhahullaahu ta?aalaa - in answering a question during a call with him, ?I openly proclaim and I do not hide the fact that ?Abdul-Maalik Ramadaanee is a man who is ignorant of the Salafee manhaj in reality.  Now he is a fitnah, and he has become firmly rooted in it and proceeded along with it.  And unfortunately, he has become bigoted towards those who are known with deviation from the Salafee manhaj from the callers of his country, even if they are upon falsehood.  Due to that, he deceived us for a time since we considered him trustworthy.  He deceived us with a commendation of Ibn Baadees.  And these people have been unveiled now and the praise is for Allaah.  We know them upon their reality.  Despite that he does not wish to retract.  He does not wish to repent and come to guidance.  And he has not returned back to the truth.  He has not freed himself from the falsehood and its people and from the corrupt manaahij.  He has only become firmly rooted in the fitnah and he has persisted upon falsehood unfortunately.  He has persisted upon supporting falsehood and its people.  And it shall become clear to you that he is a trickster and a swindler.  He used to fear the Scholars in the beginning, and it became apparent afterwards that the man was a person of fitnah.  So it is befitting in reality that his fitnah be warned against, and if not then it could become magnified, especially amongst you with regards to the difference (khilaaf) amongst the youth.  And these brothers whose affections have been crushed are from the people of Algeria.

And he is now responsible for a fitnah amongst us here.  However, he is like a scorpion in the sand, meaning he moves along with some of the people without making his true condition apparent.  Rather, it has become apparent, because his fataawaa have reached me during these days where he makes corrupt and false claims about things that he alleges are not from the manhaj of the Salaf.  Yet they are from the manhaj of the Salaf in origin, but he ignorant of these things.  And he has pronounced fataawaa that are extremely evil.  Due to this, it is befitting to be warned and to warn against the individual in truth.  And I suspect that he will be a fitnah spread over the earth.  Unfortunately, after what we used to think of him that he was upon the Salafee manhaj, aiding it and defending it.  However, now he has forsaken its people and reviled them, reviled their Scholars and he has reviled the manhaj itself.  So it is befitting for this individual to have some shame.  And perhaps there have reached you his statements, such as, ?These are the adherents to the manhaj of extremity.?  He speaks in a manner similar to that of al-Ma?ribee, and he calls them, ?people of extremity (ashaabul-iqsaa?).?  This is similar to what al-Mar?ibee says about the Salafiyyeen, that they are ?Haddaadiyyoon, and they are, and they are.? So unfortunately, he resembles their hearts and traverses along with them in a ditch and upon one manhaj.  Due to this it is befitting that this individual be warned against before his affair becomes more serious and before his fitnah becomes widespread.  So it (the fitnah) is now spreading like fire in straw unfortunately.  And we ask Allaah to forgive us and to pardon us.

During those days we used to think that there was goodness in him.  And he used to cover himself to withdraw the one who had suspicion, and he displayed good manners and that he wanted to benefit.  So unfortunately he deceived us for a time.  Afterwards, the man saw himself and that he was speaking, doing actions, giving fataawaa being referred to unfortunately, and with that his reality was uncovered.  He is an insignificant man who possesses resentment in him, and he has with him whatever he has from that which he has made apparent.  And whatever is in his heart has come out upon his tongue, in his tapes and in his fataawaa and in whatever the brothers have heard from him when they went to him.  His vilification of Ahlus-Sunnah and the Scholars of the Salafee manhaj has unveiled his reality?And it is not strange that an ignorant man would go dry before he ripens, so he thinks himself to be something.  There are detailed knowledge based issues, the likes of which he has not comprehended.  And he himself is not upon anything.  And the sound and correct position is that he is a simple-minded and dull-witted person.  He is now a resentful person who spits out ashes and he spits out fitnah and evil.  Due to this it is befitting to beware of him, and it is befitting that this becomes known in Algeria and other than it.? End of Shaykh Faalih?s words.

Taken from: (direct link)

Regarding the Scholarship of al-'Allaamah Faalih al-Harbee: (direct link)

Our da?wah and our ?aqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring.  So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver.  We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our da?wah, nor should he think that  it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted positions or wealth..Shaikh, the Allamah, Muqbil ibn Hadee Al Waa'di'ee (Rahimahullah).

This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 8-1-03 @ 3:34 AM

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