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Posted By Topic: Has anyone heard of this site?

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16-05-2003 @ 2:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 9
Joined: Apr 2003
As-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh~

Barakallahu Feekum to the admin.

This message was edited by Umm.Hussam on 5-16-03 @ 1:38 PM

16-05-2003 @ 9:56 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 43
Joined: Jul 2002
Recommended Web-Sites

We advise all of our Salafi brothers and sisters to stick to sites with have been recommended by ourselves or our brothers at and

We advise that you do not go and try and figure out for yourselves which sites are Salafi from those which are not, because this requires a certain amount of insight and knowledge in the manhaj and also knowledge of the mechanisms employed by the hizbiyeen to hide their true colors of deceit on the web.

Some of the hizbee sites will utilize the Salafi scholars to initially entice people into their 'spider's-web'. Then once the person has become comfortable with that site, then they will lure them to other websites and breeds of people whom they will claim have knowledge. Then slowly but surely these websites spread the disease of hizbiyyah amongst the ranks of the Salafis causing one group of Salafis to hate another over their personal differences or due to their seeking to be famous and seeking to gain mastery over others. And Allaah's Refuge and Aid is sought.

We have seen and experienced this type of deceptive behaviour over the many years of looking into the developments of the internet. So please be careful. The rule and principle to adhere to is two-fold: 1. If you don't know the site, then don't use it, since knowledge is not take from the unknown. 2. Any English-speaking site that is truly Salafi will have recommendations from , and so contact them. Likewise, the brothers can direct you to excellent websites in the Arabic language.

May Allaah protect Salafiyyah from the hizbiyeen.

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