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» Upcoming Duroos, Sharh us Sunnah & Usool us Sunnah
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Posted By Topic: Upcoming Duroos, Sharh us Sunnah & Usool us Sunnah

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15-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 24
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Alhamdulillaah As-Salaatu Was-Salaamu 'Alaa Rasoolillaah - To proceed:
As-Salaamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Masjid Al-Muslimeen presents duroos on Usool Us-Sunnah and Sharh Us-Sunnah with the following Du'at through the internet In sha Allah. These duroos will be teleconferenced by Insight Audio and will run on a digital line which will provide clear communication over the internet to your Masjid, Da'wah Center or Home(for groups only). Currently 37 lines are available and you must reserve your line to link to the duroos. Links will also be available through and Paltak. For more information email

Masjid Al-Muslimeen
A Series of Classes from the Monumental Books

Usool us-Sunnah
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal d. 241h

To be taught by Du?at:
Amjad Rafiq
Hassan As-Somali
Abu Awais Ahmed Ali

Classes to begin Sunday April 27th @5pm Est
And every following Sunday thereafter

Sharh Us Sunnah
Imam Al-Barbarharee d. 319h

to be taught by
Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid As-Salafi
This Weekly Class begins on Saturday May 3rd @11am Est

Teleconferencing by Insight Audio

37 lines available, to reserve yours now
More information coming soon In Sha Allah

This message was edited by on 4-25-03 @ 3:04 AM
18-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 24
Joined: Oct 2002
From: Masjid Al-Muslimeen
      1876 Fulton Street Brooklyn, New York 11233 USA
      bet Ralph & Buffalo Aves Tel 718 771-6062 email:

Bismillah Was Salaatu Was Salaamu 'Alaa Rasullah
As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh
By the permission of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta ?Ala, Masjid Al-Muslimeen in conjunction with our beloved Du?at, BarakAllahu feekum and Insight Audio present the Duroos of Usool Us-Sunnah and Sharh Us-Sunnah.

The Duroos guidelines are as follows:

Insight Audio will be providing the Digital Link via Internet at the cost of 12 cents a minute (US) to your phoneline In sha Allah. A class will average roughly 90 minutes so each class (24 in all for the Usool Us-Sunnah classes, Sharh Us-Sunnah is at teachers discretion) will cost approximately $10.80 (US) per class. The total amount for the Usool Us-Sunnah series is $259.80 (US). Currently only the Usool Us Sunnah class will run thru the digital link. The Sharh Us-Sunnah dars will run on Paltalk (if subscribers would like a Digital Link for the Sharh Us-Sunnah class, please inform us so that we can also arrange a link, the cost will be about the same, In sha Allah).   At this time we?re taking reservations with payment collections and conditions to be established in the coming days. Although there are 37 lines setup for the digital link, Insight Audio will also provide a live feed from their website. Also to help save costs for the Masajid, Da?wah Centers and Groups the link will probably also be on Paltalk. We are hoping to establish a 100% Salafi Digital Network keeping free of having to use third party vendors like Paltalk but we realize the costs for the duroos could be a bit much for some. This price however is the quote we have received from Insight Audio and no additional costs have been added. If the costs are too much for your Masjid, Da'wah Center or Group, contact us anyway to express your interest and we'll see if some costs could be offset for the Digital Link In Sha Allah. To date about 10 lines have been reserved for the Digital Link.

Those subscribers to the Digital Line will access the Dars through an 800 number with a pin code. At this time any listeners from in or outside the US will have to use the 800 number for the Digital Link (this may incur additional charges for callers outside the U.S.). For those groups, in sha Allah the better choice probably would be to use the live feed that will run from or use Paltalk where available. More info will be provided soon concerning the alternative connections to the Duroos. Please be patient with us as we still finalizing arrangements. BarakAllahu feekum.

Akhu fil Islam
Tariq Al-Harith
Duroos Coordinator
Masjid Al-Muslimeen

This message was edited by on 4-18-03 @ 9:14 PM
23-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 24
Joined: Oct 2002
Bismillah Was Salaatu Was Salaamu 'Alaa Rasullah

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh


The first Usool Us-Sunnah dars will debut on Sunday April 27th @5pm Est with Akh Hassan As-Somali

The first Sharh Us-Sunnah dars will debut on Saturday May 3rd @11am Est with Akh Abu Khadeejah

In sha Allah

for more info email:

Akhu fil Islam
Tariq Al-Harith
Masjid Al-Muslimeen
24-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 24
Joined: Oct 2002
Alhamdulillaah Was-Salaatu Was-Salaamu 'Alaa Rasoolillaah - To proceed:
As-Salaamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Just to inform the participants of the classes In sha Allah that the du'at BarakAllahu feekum will use for the Usool Us Sunnah class the Sharh (explanation) of Shaykh Allamah Ahmad ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee hafizahullah. As for the Sharh Us Sunnah class, Akh Abu Khadeejah BarakAllahu feehee will use both the Sharh of Shaykh Allamah Ahmad ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee and that of Shaykh Saleh As-Suhaymee. BarakAllahu feekuma.

Update: Akh Amjad Rafiq has joined the Usool Us Sunnah dars replacing our brother Abu Tasneem Dawud Adib who will unavailable in sha Allah. May Allah aza wa jell reward the du'at for their efforts in helping to convey these Monumental Books to the believers.

Tariq Al-Harith
Masjid Al-Muslimeen

This message was edited by on 4-24-03 @ 9:11 PM

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