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01-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 82
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Let the Community Meeting that was recently held, be a proof against those who plot to work against the Salafees in Toronto.

I am so sick and tired of hizbees and the likes of them backbiting the brothers.  Every attempt was made to reach out to those who had an issue (e.g. personal phone calls, emails, online broadcast, etc.).  Nevertheless, these people had the opportunity to rectify any ?problems?, yet when their time came they conveniently had ?things to do?.

Everyone has their own shortcomings, yet when it comes to manhaj, you CANNOT abandon those who are on the CLEAR haqq.  How can one be so ungrateful to those who spend their time translating articles from the Kibar ?Ulamaa?  Or how about the one who spends his time preparing the PDFs and audio clips for you to access in the comfort of your home?

If you do not associate, aid or sit with the noble brothers at TROID in Toronto, then who are you supporting???

Umm Khadijah Shahidah al-Kanadie

This message was edited by Jilbaab on 4-1-03 @ 11:22 PM

02-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 13
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as salaam alaykum

Jazakallaahu khayraan Umm Khadeejah.

Also, I want to add to the synopsis of the first Salafee Community meeting in Toronto:

1] This is a hujjah against those who claim Salafiyyah while not addressing sincere advise to the brothers of TROID. Which they constantly critize, slander, and backbite the brothers who defend, fight, and humilate the ahlul-Bid'ah!

2] This is also a proof against those claiming 'Salafiyyah' not being sincere. For indeed the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said; "Indeed the religion is sincere advise". And this is the rights of the brothers of TROID! To advise them when they called the community publicly and personnaly for settlement, clarification, and islaah (rectification) with the salafiyeen. But what rights did you give  to the brothers? Is it sincere advise when you warn against them behind their backs? Or collecting sins for yawmul-qiyyaamah of speaking evil about the brothers of the manhajus-salaf by slandering them, warning against them, nor supporting them, nor mentinoning an atom of khayr of the brothers, nor giving their rights as salafees, and nor loving them for what  you love for yourselves.

3] The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said 'Do not envy one another' 'Do not turn away from one another' So sit back and ask yourself 'Is this me?' If you claim to be Truthful, Salafee, Atharee then why not implement the hadeeth above? Are you those whom Allaah refers to 'Oh you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Indeed it is most hateful in the sight of Allaah that you say that which you do not do'

4] And Imaam as-Saaboonee has a chapter titled 'The distinguishing Signs of Ahlul-Bid'ah' where he lists severe hatred for the Ahlul-Hadeeth as one of their major signs. So ponder yaa miskeen!! Your not against troid but rather your against the Da'wah of Allaah! And the da'wah of Ahlul-hadeeth!

So I hope that this will serve as an admonition to those people who whisper in the dark.  May Allaah guide them to the truth. And may Allaah grant success to the clear Salafees in their goals and aspirations of the da'wah.

Aboo Sufyaan Muhammad ibn 'Umar ibn 'Uthmaan al-Oroomee as-Salafee

This message was edited by aboo.sufyaan.M on 4-2-03 @ 6:58 AM

02-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 18
Joined: Nov 2002
The following was sent out by a short while ago, its a bit of long read but it gives a clear picture of what occurred at the meeting.

Maaz Ibn Muhammad al-Qurayshee

Community Meeting - Synopsis of the First Salafee Community Meeting in Toronto

Date: Sunday, Mar. 30th @ 3:00PM

The Introduction:

With the permission of Allaah, the first official community meeting for the Salafees in Toronto was successful in achieving its goal and intended objectives.  The meeting began with a brilliant advice to the Salafees by Aboo Khadeejah from Birmingham, England.  He stressed the importance of the Salafees working together and establishing an organized outlet for the da?wah through the vehicle of the da?wah centre which has become known for its clarity in the various affairs of Salafiyyah.  He also advised everyone about the importance of not backbiting the brothers carrying out the da?wah.

Stated Imaam as-Sijzee - rahimahullaah - in ar-Risaalah (p. 220), ?So it is obligatory to give precedence and nobility to the follower of the athar, even if he is young in age and without noble lineage.?

Stated al-Haafidh al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d.463H) - rahimahullaah - in Sharaf Ashaabul-Hadeeth (p. 49), ?The Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) bequeathed respect and reverence for the Ashaabul-Hadeeth.?

Stated Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (d.241H) - rahimahullaah, ?Whosoever magnifies the Ashaabul-Hadeeth will become magnified in the sight of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam).  And whosoever despises them will fall in the sight of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam).? [1]

The Presentation Began?

Our brother Aboo Ayyoob Ma?roof began to chair the next part of the meeting, in which he reminded everyone present about the statement of Imaam Aboo ?Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d.449) ? rahimahullaah, ?And from the distinguishing signs of Ahlus-Sunnah is their love for the Imaams of the Sunnah, its Scholars, helpers and close allies (awliyaa?); and their hatred for the leaders of innovation who call to the Hellfire and who direct their associates and companions to the home of torment and destruction.  Allaah, the Sublime, has adorned the hearts of Ahlus-Sunnah and lighted their hearts with love for the Scholars of the Sunnah, as a bounty from Him, whose Magnificence is perfect and sublime.?

The attendees were informed of the history of the centre from its meagre beginnings in late 1996 as a place to bring the many new Muslims and the youth who were looking for truth amidst the various da?waat (calls) and firaq (sects) calling to various versions of Islaam in Toronto.  He covered the historical record of the centre weathering the fitan of ?Alee Tameemee and IANA in 96-97, Aboo Muflisah in 98, KBW in 98-99, ?Adnaan ?Ar?oor ash-Shaytaan in 99, Abul-Fitan al-Ma?ribee 2001-2002 and most recently QSS in 2002 along with their kadhdhaab of a president, ?Abdul-Mun?im al-Leebee.  He reminded the brothers and sisters that the centre has always remained the source of clarity for the last seven years.

The Accomplishments:

In covering the accomplishments of the centre, it was mentioned that the brothers ? though they are all volunteers and no one receives a salary from the centre ? have managed to maintain an open da?wah centre 7 days a week, morning, noon and night.  This past summer, the brothers and sisters were able to provide a fully functioning summer school for the children in the community, teaching them basics of ?aqeedah, Arabic, akhlaaq, Qur?aan, hadeeth memorization and much more.  A treasury of literature for Muslims and non-Muslims alike has been provided throughout the years upon the internet as well as in hardcopy form.  TROID Publications has been launched with the release of three books and is currently preparing various new projects to be released throughout the spring and summer seasons of this year, 2003.  The first publication released ? The Creed of the Four Imaams ? has sold out the 3000 copies of the original print, and the second publication ? which was a Salafee response to the horrible events of 9/11 ? sold nearly 2000 copies in its first week of release.  Throughout the years, the da?wah centre has maintained relationships with the Salafee du?aat in North America and the UK and other western and eastern countries.  And perhaps the biggest achievement thus far for centre was the visit of Shaykh Fawzee Ibn ?Abdullaah al-Atharee to Toronto.

The Future Goals:

The last thing that was covered was upcoming projects that the Salafees of Toronto can participate in and hope to see come to fruition.  Undoubtedly, the biggest and most important project for the Salafees here is the building of Masjid as-Salafiyyah which would be the first purely Salafee mosque in Toronto.  Meanwhile, TROID Publications has announced the upcoming releases of two new books: ?Clarification that the Ahlul-Hadeeth are the Saved Sect and Victorious Group? by Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee and ?Exemplary Foundations Concerning the Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allaah? (al-Qawaa?idul-Muthlaa fee Sifaatillaahi wa Asmaa?ihil-Husnaa) by Imaam Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-?Uthaymeen to be out before June.  There shall also be an upcoming venture into children?s books during the summer ? bi idhnillaah.  Local and international Salafees alike are reminded to watch for the launch of which shall come part and parcel with the new re-vamped ?street da?wah? program of the centre.  The editorial staff at the centre is currently formulating workshops on Tawheed and Salafiyyah which will serve as interactive learning tools for Muslims in the West.  The most apparent of the upcoming projects is the Second Annual Salafee Seminar which shall see the visits of Shaykh Muhammad al-Anjaree and other Salafee shuyookh.  The Islaamic summer school will also be in full effect shortly after the seminar.

The Interactive Session:

In the last third of the meeting, the floor was given to any and all Salafees who wished to ask questions, offer comments and suggestions, complain, seek clarification or refute the brothers involved in the running of the centre.  Various questions were taken from the brothers about the progress of Masjid as-Salafiyyah, the da?wah program, praying at the hizbee masaajid throughout the city and more.  The sisters inquired about conflicts in the classes, IANA, claims of harshness against the brothers and other issues of concern.  No question or statement was off-limits and everything put to the brothers was answered.

Where were the Fitnah Mongers?

Strikingly apparent was the absence of those fitnah mongers who love to secretly backbite and actively undermine the efforts of the brothers in Toronto.  Though many of them were invited individually through phone calls and e-mails, this sinister crowd refused to show up and voice their concerns.  We do not refer to the ?asabee hizbees of KBW, nor the Ma?ribites of QSS, but the ignorant youth that run around attending classes at Ikhwaanee masaajid where they believe the teacher to be Salafee merely because he graduated from the university in al-Madeenah, and the foolish sufahaa? who spend time on Paltalk warning new Muslims against the centre, and lastly the emotional buffoons who have boycotted clear Salafees due to a personal problem with one or two people from amongst them.

Said Aboo ?Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d.449H) - rahimahullaah - in al-I?tiqaad (p. 116), ?And the distinguishing signs of innovation upon its people are obvious and manifestly clear.  And the most apparent of their signs and distinguishing marks is their severe enmity towards the carriers of the narrations of the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) and their hatred towards them.?

[1] Refer to Manaaqibul-Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (p. 180) of Ibnul-Jawzee.

02-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 347
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Jazzak Allahu Khairan!

May Allah preserve our brothers at TROID!

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