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» Shaykh Ubayd Al Jabiree: Is it allowed for a muslim to let there Kafir parent know they love them. Paltalk today.
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Posted By Topic: Shaykh Ubayd Al Jabiree: Is it allowed for a muslim to let there Kafir parent know they love them. Paltalk today.

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24-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 61
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As-salaamu Alaikum,

Barakallahu Feek for the additional information brother.
For those of us who are reverts, the topic is definitely
relevant...and maybe difficult for some.

As-salaamu Alaikum
Umm Layla

23-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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..--=ahamdulillaah was. salaatu was. salaamu `alaa rasoolillaah.=--..
wa. ba`ad

The Shaikh was asked:

Is it permissible to make my love known to my parent who is a Kafir or is this from that love which is dispraise worthy?

This is from the natural love and there is nothing wrong for an individual to say to their parent 'Oh my Parent I love you and I love good for you' but do not say 'I love you for the sake of Allaah' because they are not a muslim. So this is from the natural love or the love of affection and compassion and the latter is closer.
So make apparent your love for them but -not for the sake of Allaah- and likewise show them your concern for them and for there guidance.
And encourage them with that which you are able to accept islaam by dealing with (them in)a good manner, showing affection and serving them in that which does not harm your religion

This was taped from Paltalk 23 of March 2003

This message was edited by sayfullaah on 3-23-03 @ 9:32 PM

23-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa alaykumus salaam

this topic may seem straight forward in the sense that the muslim has true love for the muslim and hatered for the kufaar but reverts (speaking from my own experience) still have a connection to our kaafir families, whereby they tell us they love us and then theres silence because we can't say it back because we would be lieing (and Allaah knows best). i can say that through the years i have trained myself not to love my family but i still have deep feelings for them.

may Allaah enable us to give them dawah and cause them to enter the true religion of Islaam. aameen

This message was edited by umm.aboo.yahyaa on 3-23-03 @ 8:33 PM

23-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 61
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As-salaamu Alaikum,

At what time, insha'allah? This is certainly a timely and beneficial lecture, masha'allah.

Umm Layla

This message was edited by Umm.Layla on 3-23-03 @ 8:35 PM

23-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 91
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Translation will follow shortly.

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