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» Iraq Must Not Be Occupied, Says King Fahd
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20-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Iraq Must Not Be Occupied, Says Fahd
Arab News 19 March 2003 / 16 Muharram 1424

JEDDAH, 19 March 2003 ? Saudi Arabia declared yesterday that it will not partake in a US-led war on Iraq under any circumstances and voiced strong opposition to any possible US military occupation of Iraq.

?The Kingdom will under no circumstances take part in the war against Iraq, and its armed forces will not enter an inch of Iraqi territory,? Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd said in an address delivered to the nation.

Crown Prince Abdullah, deputy premier and commander of the National Guard, who gave the televised address on behalf of the king, also warned that the Kingdom will not allow any internal or foreign elements to tamper with the country?s security.

?We expect the war to end the moment UN Security Council Resolution 1441 to disarm (Iraq) of weapons of mass destruction has been implemented,? the king said.

?We categorically refuse that the war affects Iraq?s unity, independence, resources and internal security or Iraq comes under military occupation. We have informed the United States of the clear Saudi position,? he added.

King Fahd warned that if the war goes beyond its declared objectives, the Kingdom will adopt a different position.

?The exceptional circumstances surrounding this crisis during the past 12 years require us not to enter into an uncalculated adventure that could endanger the safety of our country and people.

?But if events take a course different from what we explained, or the war goes beyond its declared objectives, we will then take a different position,? said King Fahd.

King Fahd sought the cooperation of Saudi citizens to protect the Kingdom?s security. ?We have to make joint efforts to foil saboteurs and infiltrators,? he added.

King Fahd warned against the dangerous consequences of war.

This message was edited by Al-Fudayl on 3-20-03 @ 10:05 PM

25-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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May Allaah reward Malik Fahd (hafidhahullaah) for his stance, and also aid him to aid Islaam and the Muslims, and may He protect that land from the evils of the Qa'dee Khariji dogs who operate from within Britain such as al-Faqih and al-Misery who left the lands of the Muslims to seek shelter amongst the Kuffar.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

26-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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26-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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thumma Aameen!!!

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