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» Salafi Masaajid in New York city?
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15-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 17
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Assalaamu alaykum,

Does anyone know of any salafi masaajid in New York city? I am going to be traveling there soon, insha Allah.

Barakallahu feekum
26-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillah Was Salaatu Was Salaamu 'Alaa Rasullahi sallAllahu alaihi wa salaam, amma ba'du:

In New York City (Manhattan) there is the Daarul Hadeeth Wal Athar of Harlem Center which is located at 2131 2nd Avenue between 109th & 110th streets. Phone: 212 876-0217

In Brooklyn: Masjid Al-Muslimeen
             1876 Fulton Street
             between Ralph & Buffalo Avenues
             Brooklyn, New York
             718 771-6062

ahku fil Islam
Tariq Al-Harith

This message was edited by on 4-2-03 @ 4:15 PM

08-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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asslam ualaikum

we apologize that this bayan has come so late, but inshAllah we understand the importance of it especially for those who had come across some previous imformation about this question.

some time ago someone had asked about the salafi masjids or organizations in newyork and the brother tariq harith, barakullahu fehee answered mentioning three institutions: darulhadeeth in harlem, masjid muslimeen in brooklyn and masjid ikwah also in brooklyn.  later it seems masjid ikhwa was taken off the list, which is correct, but we must remember the statement of our Lord "except for those who repent, and correct, and clarify, for verily they are the ones We forgive" in keeping this ayat in mind we felt it neccesary to make the following bayan.

masjid Ikwah located in the brooklyn area has an Imam thats salafee.  althought he doesnt get much involved in duroos nor activities, maybe due to his old age(well over 50) and the size of his family etc.. but walhumdullih we can say without a doubt that the man is salafee because of our prior and current knowlegde of him.  although we do say with all clarity that we feel he should be more involved in teaching his community this deen.  for we have noticed in the past that classes do not take place in this masjid because there is no one qualified to teach, but at the same time we understand the statement of the salaf, that which isnt totally accomplished should not be left completely.  so just for general nasihah, we strongly advise that he take more part in the affairs of those upon this minhaj and keep in touch with those involved in dawah so that those responsible in dawah can arrange to visit the masjid and conduct classes there.

as for the congragation at the masjid (for lack of better words) then they have no clear minhaj!  some are involved in tasawaf, while others hold the views of the ikwan al muslimeen. and then you have your general layman who says, im just a muslim!  there is no doubt that this returns to the lack of eduction in the masjid!!  which without a doubt falls on the shoulders of the Imam.  the Prophet salAllahu alahi wa salam said" all of you are shepherds, and all of you will be responsible over his folk"  so once again we encourage the Imam to be more in touch so that some form of benefical classes can be conducted there.
it is because of this that masjid ikhwa is not considered a salafee masjid.  Shiek Ubaid Al Jaberee was asked a little under a week ago concerning that which makes a masjid salafee and the Shiekh replied that if those responsible over the masjid, the administration etc.. is salafee then the masjid is considered salafee.  he also said, even if the majority of those who take part in the masjids activities and attend the prayer there, if they are salafee then the masjid is also considered salafee because they are the numbers.
in the case of masjid ikhwa, the majority of the place is not salafee.  to be honest the only one that maybe called a clear salafee is the Imam.

thats basically what we wanted to mention.  we felt the strong need to do so just in case someone came across the old posting and would possibly be visiting newyork in the near future.

may Allah bless and guide those who are sincere.
assalam u alikum

10-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaamu alaikum;
Maashaa Allaah, I just have a question for the writer of the post that represents Darul Hadeeth of Harlem.  Have you ever confronted the Imam of Masjid Ikhwa in regards to his not teaching classes, or have you offered to teach some classes?  I have noticed that it has become common place for "us" to point the finger without following the proper protocols.  We should want for our brothers what we want for ourselves.  Our beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him) informed us that this deen is sincere advice.  Unfortunately, ALOT of "us" just use the word salaf, but when it comes to internalizing the this manhaj, the majority fall short.  It is just a superficial thing, isbaal, the beard, etc.  Look at our track record.  The best teacher teaches by example.  This is advice to myself and to my brothers.  THe house is built from the foundation up not from the roof down.
As Salaamu alikum
Abdul Basir Al-Yardi

10-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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assalam u alaikum

in response to the questions posed by abdul basir al yardi.  barakAllahu feekum.  before answering your question i would like to say that, yes, from the deen of Islam and from the way of our salaf is that we adise those who we feel need it.  as the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said:  the religion is pure advise.  and He said (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) the muslim is to a muslim like a mirror.  meaning, just as you would like to know your faults, you want your brother to be informed of his. and Allah said: Verily the believers are brother, so correct that which is between your brothers.  and messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: non of you truely believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.  with all of that in mind we would like to say that that which was written was pure nasehah for Imam Ibrahim with regards to his community.
as for the question posed by the brother, then yes i can honestly say i have advised him through his son.  i mentioned to his son years ago about this problem and when i understood that maybe the Imam himself doesnt have the ability to conduct the classes, i told his son, mahmoud that he should do it.  the Imams son has knowledge of the arabic language and has travelled to eygpt and mashAllah has a nice size amount of books he can teach from.  so without a doubt there should be some religious teachings on a regular course taking place in the masjid.  especially with the times that the ummah is facing present day.  there is no doubt the statement of Waheb bin Kesan as is reported by ibn Abdul Bir in At Temheed that Imam Malik said that Waheb would not leave a sitting except he would say to his companions: verily the later part of this ummah will not be corrected except with that which the earlier part was corrected with.  
in our times we understand from the scholars and the readings that the ummah needs to return back to the correct practice of the religion and that will only take place when the people have the ability to learn the religion.  for one cannot return to something he has no knowledge of.

as for the second part  of the question, which was, had i ever stepped forward to teach in the masjid?  to be honest, if i am one that lives out of the city or possibly in another state then it would almost be impossible for me to do so.  in fact, that responsibilty is more so on those who are around the masjid and have the ability to teach.  but in fact i in the past walhamdullahi, have stepped up and taught there. in fact i did so two summers in a row and i pray that those who attended benefitted inshAllah.  but there was something noticed during that time i taught there, and that is, being that throughout the year the people are not acquianted with regular study, its difficult for them to ajust if someone visits them for a month or two to conducts classes.  which goes back to the original point and that is getting those people regular classes so that they can benefit and we can free ourselves from being asked on the day of judgement : did we fulfill our rights and responsibilities as leaders as i mentioned the hadith of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) ... and all of you will be questioned about your responsibilities.

akee, as for you statement that most of the salafees fall short in implementing that which we call to, then i have to say akee,
one should be cautious about what he says.  unless you have visited most salafee communities around the world and met most of those who ascibe to this beautiful dawah, then i would say, it would be better for you to instead say " many of the people you  have meet" for one must be careful of that which he says as Allah say: And do not say that which you have no knowlegde of, for verily the hearing, seeing and the hearts will be questioned.  also, this statement in general should be left and what is upon you and i is to advise those who we see fault in them so that maybe Allah would show his mercy upon us and our brothers in this dawah al mubarak!we dont want to make statements that the enemies of this dawah grab onto and use against us!
thats what we can offer for now.  jazakAllahu kiran brother for asking the question you did.  and if you happen to have a relationship with the imam, we ask that you also advise him.  and know that in doing so you recieve a great reward, as the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said:  whoever calls to guidance he gets the reward of those who follow him...

wa salam u alaikum wa rahmatullahi

10-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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another point - baarak Allaahu feekum

That if we are asked about someone, and we have information that must be relayed, we must relay it, whether we have advised the individual or not.  Of course, the Deen is naseehah, but if something had prevented us from advising the person, we still must report anything pertinent about him/her that would help people protect themselves.

This might seem strange to some, and they may even say it sounds hypocritical, but let them bring evidence for making advice a condition to mention something about someone.

I say this because this is rarely understood properly.  Practically, if we say as a rule:  "You may not warn against someone until you have advised him," then what would we do when we know of a wife-beater in the masjid, but we do not know how to advise him?  When someone comes to marry their daughter to him, based on this new principle, we MUST remain silent since we have not advised him, even though he is going to wreck another Muslim girl.  This is one example of how this princple is flawed and harmful.

This does not negate the obligation of naseehah between the Muslims, it only clarifies that it is not a condition that must be met before informing others of pertinent information...

In shaa' Allaah, it is understood, and Allaah knows best.

DaarAlHadeethHArlem, could we know your name, based on the advice of our Shaykh 'Ubayd ( )?  May Allaah reward you well!

Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

10-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Darul Hadeeth wa Moosaa, Barak Allahu feekum.  I love the brothers for the sake of Allah ta Ala.  I just felt a compulsion to make that statement based on my minute observance over the years. Alot of us have a problem, and that problem is that we don't really understand what brotherhood means or implies.  I pray that Allah opens up our hearts to this Islaam, the same way that was tread upon by our Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him), his companions, those who came after them and those who came after them and whoever follows them in guidance.  Also I pray that Almighty Allah purify our intentions and complete our Imaan making our statements coincide with what is in our heart and our actions of goodness.  May He forgive our sins and grant us Jannah firdous.  Ameen.
As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Abdul Basir Al-Yardi

16-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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