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13-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002

Wa alaykum us salaam wa rahmatullaah

Akh Moosaa, it would be great if you could get the recording of this tape and put it online, or translate it if you have the time. If not put it online if you can get hold of it for the rest of us.

This is amongst the evil principles of Abul-Fitan al-Ma'ribee, on account of which the Salafees were accused of blameworthy taqleed and mocked, and then Shaykh Rabee was also spoken about by being made the object of that blameworthy taqleed in the view of those Hizbees.


13-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
As-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

Two things:

(1) Today (1424/1/10), the Shaykh dropped a LOVELY tanbeeh about taqleed and the salafee position towards it.  Clarifying that whoever claims that from the usool of as-salafiyyah is that taqleed is haraam on everyone is a KATH-THAAB.  He mentioned how Imaam Ahmad used to make taqleed of Ash-Shaafi'ee when he could not decide for himself in some issues.  He mentioned how the issue of taqleed needs a detailed explanations, that people are of three types: 'aammee, muttabi', and mujtahid, and he showed how and when each category may make taqleed, and when taqleed is haraam on each of them.

I really hope that this lecture can get transcribed and then translated.  I did not tape it however.  AND at the end of the lecture, he destroyed the false idea that "Refutations harden the heart" clarifying that the Qur'aan from beginning to end is full of refutations.  As one example, Allaah mentions the way of the Jews and the Christians in Al-Faatihah, calling it the way of the the ones who have Allaah's Anger upon them, and the way of those who strayed.  And it goes on throughout the whole Qur'aan!  So whoever says that, they are implying that reading the Qur'aan itself will harden one's heart (since it is full of refuations of the mushrikoon, the munaafiqoon, the Jews, Christians, etc.)!

These people only want to shut up Ahlus-Sunnah when we talk about their beloved figureheads of hizbiyyah, they don't seek to preserve the softness of anyone's heart!!!

And its funny - if we were to write a book about the Legislation of Refutations in Islaam using statements and proofs like what the Shaykh Muhammad brought today, those people would be the first to write refutations of that book and criticize it!!!

(2) Sunday night (the 13th of Muharram) is the LAST class for Sh. Muhammad's USOOL AT-TAFSEER class.  It should be a very good one, since he has already finished the book and this sitting is to summarize and highlight all the principles mentioned in the book.  It will be good for all those who attended some classes and missed others.

Remember that this class is in the masjid by At-Toonisee Hospital in 'Azeeziyyah between Maghrib and 'Eshaa'.

Additionally, I have also been informed that the Shaykh Wasee Allaah has begun his classes at the Haram and he is back on his normal schedule.  I hope this information is beneficial to some of you.

May Allaah grant us all success in attaining beneficial knowledge.


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