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» Allahul Musta-aan - Hizbiyyah at its worst
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Posted By Topic: Allahul Musta-aan - Hizbiyyah at its worst

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13-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 6
Joined: Jan 2003
I just look at the site of ssna (an organisation which I thought was no longer existing) and in their links section they
put (ihya turathees), (abdul-qadeer of luton) who are those who have been the greatest oponents to the Salafis. has on its forum takfeeris and jihadees and they can openly post on there, even when they attack and mock Salafis.

Also in their meta tags on ssna (which are for the search engines) look at the deception of these people, they have included the following indexing terms:


Islamic Website Links, Salafi Publications, sp, spubs, salafipublications, troid,

in their meta tags. What this means is that they are using the popularity of these sites to promote themselves, this is a type of deception and hijacking.

May Allah protect the Salafis from this vile hizb. It is disgusting that they say about some of the links they have put up, "These are sites that we trust and feel safe with in terms of their content and methodology, after having investigated the Web for a period of time." is a gathering place for ikhwanis and takferis and qutubis and is an ikwhani website which calls to the manhaj of ikhwan.

I just wanted to post this for the record, to show how people degenerate and deviate. they desire fame, and when they do not get it, then what they are truly upon shows itself. they are just interested in numbers and turning people towards their direction. they could not care less for the Salafi manhaj. these actions prove it.

May Allah protect us all from this evil.

This message was edited by brum_salafee on 3-13-03 @ 1:46 PM

13-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 51
Joined: Oct 2002

I would just like to know where you got the meta tags information from?  I tried looking it up and did not get the same as you.  

I got this:

"quran, qur'aan, quraan, qura'an, sunnah, sunna, sunah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, mohamad, masjid, new york, islam, allah, ahadith, ahadeeth, salafi, salafee, salafiyya, sahabah, sahaba, tabieen, itbal tabieen, mujahid, kabah, mecca, medina, scholar, imaam, arabic, salafeeya, salafi society of north america, shuyookh, saleem hilaalee, hilali, musa nasr, qoosee, halabee, halabi, Shaikh, salafi da'wah, salaah, salaat, namaaz, wudu, doah, supplication, prayers, jesus, marriage, sickness, health, death, life, victory, jannah, nar, hell, heaven, jahanam, muwata, sahih, muslim, bukari, albanee, albani, sheikh, sheik, arabia, jordan, yemen, guyana, senegal, libya, pakistan, india, syria, hindu, morocco, algeria, chechnya, Kosovo, repentance, forgiveness, heart, sin"

13-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 6
Joined: Jan 2003
if you look in the english links section.

this makes it even worse and more deceptive. that in the english links section, they put the meta tags including troid and sp, so that if people search for these terms they are directed to this page on the manhaj site that links instead to and!!

Allahul Musta-aan!

This message was edited by brum_salafee on 3-13-03 @ 6:43 PM

14-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 63
Joined: Sep 2002

Like the poet said

ومهما تكن عند امرىء من خليقة  وإن خالها تخفى على الناس تعلم

And as they said in the past

ما فيك يظهر على فيك

Like the poet said

ستبدي لك الأيام ما كنت جاهلا  ويأتيك بالأخبار من لم تزود

And as they said in the past

إن الطيور على أشكالها تقع

And from those matters which show the reality of an individual is his companionship.

Thats why some of the Salaf admired the words of the poet when he said

عن المرء لا تسأل وسل عن قرينه   فكل قرين بالمقارن يقتدي

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية:
لا عيب على من أظهر مذهب السلف وانتسب إليه واعتزى إليه بل يجب قبول ذلك منه بالاتفاق فإن مذهب السلف لا يكون إلا حقا
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