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10-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 37
Joined: Nov 2002
as-salam alaykum,

Is anyone aware of this story in the Guardian newspaper about imported chicken containing pork and beef DNA?

If so does anyone know if this includes the halaal products such as Tahira etc.,3604,910979,00.html

If the link is not allowed then I apologise in advance and please delete it for me.

10-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 60
Joined: Dec 2002
wa salaamu alaikum,

akhee i recieved this email a few days back.(

27 Feb 2003

Pork in "Halal" Chicken

British Muslims were horrified whilst watching the report on a BBC 1 Programme "The Food Police" aired at 8.30pm on 26 February. The report clearly showed that a large amount of chicken which is labelled "Halal", imported from Holland, contains extracts of pork and beef and has high levels of water content reaching between 30% and 50%. The boxes are labelled in Arabic and English and state that they are slaughtered in accordance with Islamic Shari'a. This chicken is widely distributed to restaurants and Halal food shops. It is imperative that Muslims are made aware of this mislabelling as it is forbidden to consume pork or any of its derivatives.  

Iqbal Sacranie, Secretary General of The Muslim Council of Britain said "We intend to take this matter up with the Trading Standards Agency, Meat Hygiene Service and the Food Standards Agency and urge them to tighten the labelling laws and impose greater control over the production process of Halal foods. This clearly contravenes the Description of Food Act 1990, the Trade Description Act and associated legislation."

Urgent action is required to investigate meats on the market for Muslim consumption. The Muslim Council of Britain requests that organisations verify and authenticate the procedures and practices of processing to ensure an end-product which fulfils Halal criteria and is fit for consumption by Muslims. Individuals should also double check with their Halal food suppliers.  

For further information please contact the spokeman on Halal Meat and Food for the Muslim Council of Britain: Dr Abdul Majid Katme. Telephone 07944 240 622

And if some one could answer the question the brother has posed, JazakAllahu khairan.

This message was edited by abdulbaasit.malik on 3-10-03 @ 8:09 PM

11-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 37
Joined: Nov 2002
as-salam alaykum,

I emailed Tahira and they very quickly responded masha Allaah as follows:

Assalamu Alaikum

We do not import any whole chicken from Holland. Our frozen chicken come all from France.  As for the products of Dutch origin such as chicken burger and luncheon meat, these have full traceability and the chicken used come from a Belgian slaughterhouse which does nothing but hand slaughtered halal chicken and chicken pieces.

We, at Tahira, are always anxious to make sure that the raw material used for our products is halal and that the products are not contaminated during processing by non-halal material. We work with organisations dedicated to ensure the halal authenticity of products and who have inspectors at the slaughterhouses and send inspectors whenever there is a production run at the processing level.

I hope this explanation is satisfactory.

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