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» A Reply to the Lies and Buhtaan of the Majhool Al-Fattaan (Who goes by the name Unlissted)
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Posted By Topic: A Reply to the Lies and Buhtaan of the Majhool Al-Fattaan (Who goes by the name Unlissted)

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05-03-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 29
Joined: Mar 2003
We see that since the beginning of Islaam, Allah has placed upon the earth enemies of this noble and blessed Dawah as a test for those adhering to the Quran and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salafus Saalih.

Allaah Taa?la said:

?Thus have We made for every Prophet an enemy among the Mujrimūn (disbelievers, polytheists, criminals, etc.). But Sufficient is your Lord as a Guide and Helper.?(Al-Furqaan:31)

And Allaah Taa?la said:

?And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shayatin (devils) among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it, so leave them alone with their fabrications.?

So when the people proceed upon the Methodology of the Prophets then likewise they will be met with harm and injury. The more their call resembles the call of the Messengers then the more harm and injustice they will encounter.
The Prophet (sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said:

?The people who are met with the most severe trials/tests are the Prophets then those who are most like them then those who are most like them?..? (As-Saheehah 1:273)

Without a shadow of a doubt, the People of Hadeeth, Ahlus Sunnah, As-Salafiyoon, The Saved sect, the Victorious group are those who cling firmly to the methodology of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu ALaihi wasallam). (Look to Majmoo Fataawa 4:91)

So this should aid us in understanding the statement of Ahmed Ibn Sinaan:
?There is not an innovator in the earth except that he hates the people of hadeeth.? (Sharaf Ashaabil Hadeeth 75)

The enemies of Ahlus Sunnah always look for new methods to fool and misguide the people. Even in our time we have witnessed the inventing of new terminologies to tarnish the image of the salafiyoon such as Haddadiyyah and Muqallidah and their likes.

Ibnul Qayyim said:
?If you were to study/contemplate upon the sayings of the people of falsehood you would find that they have camouflaged these sayings with expressions and they have chosen for them beautiful words which would cause the one who does not have deep understanding to quickly accept them?.? (Badaa?I 2:174)

There are many who have taken up the cause of fighting the clear Salafi Maraakiz and causing dissention amongst them. They have persistently tried to discredit the noble Salafi brothers such as those of Salafipublications and TROID (May Allaah preserve them).  Recently they have added Daarul Hadeeth wal Athar of Philadelphia to the list of those whom they scrutinize.  Walhamdu lillah, we see this as nothing but a tazkiyyah by the Hizbees themselves, and a blessing from Allah azzawajal that we have been categorized with SP and TROID who have been known for their clarity and salafiyyah over the years and not with the other organizations of Hizbiyyah and misguidance.

As Aboo Haatim ar Raazee said:
?A sign of the people of Innovation is speaking ill of the people of Narration.? (Sharh Usool I?tiqaad 2:179)

Even though it is clear while reading their accusations that they have been made by people who are completely unaware of the issues that they are dealing with, we still will answer a few of their accusations/assumptions in accordance with the hadeeth of the Messenger (sallallahu Alaihi wasallam):

?Help your brother, whether he is oppressed or the Oppressor.?  It was said, ?I will help the one who is oppressed, but how do I help the oppressor.?  He said: ?Prevent and avert him from his oppression.?
Imaam Bukhaari and Imaam Muslim

Inshaa Allaah we will shows the lies, contradictions and Jahl of this coward upon falsehood, who goes by the name of unlissted:

1.He stated:
?Unlissted is better known as we are a organization which specializes in akbaar(news)We have narrators from every city in which there is salafeeyah.Which are learned indivisuals salafee and trustworthy.Here at the offices of unlissted we dont write refutations,because were simply not qualified and our names are majhool(unknown)we give information about the affairs of the muslims especially the salafeeyooon.No one at this office is a member to any particular masjid or other organization or dawah center etc for the sake of not being bias and not unfair and also for the sake of concentration of this cause(islam)As we mentioned previously we are majhool and can not be used as a hujjah,Which makes you think well why would they write these things and discount themselves hmmmmmm that's just a waste of time(maybe) We challenge anyone to prove our posts wrong.If so.. apologies is something that any muslim should be able to give.Notice also we dont name people with the names like hizzbeee,kathaab,faasiq,etc unless we have a scholar who has proceeded us in that..........With love the Unlissted staff................?

Wallaahi this shows the ignorance and misguidance of these fools. They state that they specialize in news but they are unknown. Do you not know O' miskeen that the narration of the Majhool is not accepted. And the Majhool ul ?Ayn is not even used for Shawaahid and Mutaba?aat. This again shows your stupidity and lack of understanding of salafiyyah. Rather we say you specialize in Buhtaan and Nameemah.

Look what the Shaykh Allaamah Rabee bin Haadi stated:

We understand that accepting the report of a thiqah (trustworthy person) is from the Deen, however how do we know who is thiqah and who is not? Many people are spreading reports on the authority of someone who is thiqah, but they do not reveal who he is, possibly because they really doubt his reliability.

And some people are passing on reports on the internet saying, "Someone who is thiqah told me," but after further investigation, they confess that they really do not know anything about that person except his name or his nickname from the internet. Since they really do not know them, then it appears that they have only narrated on the authority of unknown people.

So please, dear shaykh, advise the youth about this issue, about passing on reports from unknown people, and about being too easy in declaring someone to be thiqah, may Allaah reward you with every good


A thiqah is a sane, adult Muslim, someone who has upright character and is known for precision in what he narrates. One is known as thiqah either: (1) by way of the positive statements of the trustworthy and reliable Muslims who are well known for their fairness, precision, and trustworthiness in the Religion, or (2) by his position being well-known to all the people, that he is a scholar, he is thiqah, etc., just as the positions of the well-known scholars have become known to everyone.

As for other than this, the person who does not fulfill these conditions, he is not a sane, adult Muslim with upright character, or no one has testified to his trustworthiness, or his position is not well known amongst the people, then he is not a thiqah, may Allaah bless you, even if someone says, "A thiqah told me..."

Even if Ash-Shaafi'ee said, "A thiqah told me..." (without naming him) it would not be accepted from him. For example, Ash-Shaafi'ee says, "A thiqah told me..." then, afterwards, may Allaah bless you, it is found that he was narrating from Ibraaheem ibn Yahyaa Al-Aslamee, one of the least deserving of the people to be called a thiqah, since he was criticized about his Deen, his ability to narrate, everything!

We still have a good opinion of Ash-Shaafi'ee, may Allaah have Mercy on him, and the other imaams who said that they were narrating on the authority of a thiqah and it turns out that others knew he was not thiqah.

So it is binding that the people know who the thiqah is when someone says, "A thiqah told me..." even if he said, "An imaam told me..." it will never be accepted from him until he conveys the name of the person, and that the identity of this thiqah becomes known. Then, if he is well known for his fairness and precision, then his report is accepted. And if he is not known for his fairness and precision, then his narration is not to be accepted.

The students of knowledge must know these kinds of affairs, so they can spread knowledge, knowing how to interact with the reports of the people, the reports that come from thiqah narrators, as well as those that come from other than thiqah narrators.

As for unlissted we hold you to be a liar and carrier of tales and worse than that we doubt your salafiyyah. And know that the salafis will never accept your tales and stories.

?When you bring a scholar or to a town and there's two salafi masjids and you dont bring or even tell the scholar there's another salafi masjid??

A.Shaykh Fawzi himself chose to stay in one place so those that have a problem with this feel free to contact the Shaykh. The Shaykh desired that all the salafis can gather in one place.
b.Have you no shame that you lie so freely. Wallaahi the Shaykh was well aware of the other Masjid.
c.Produce your proof for your baseless claims or better still come and let us discuss the issue in front of the Shaykh himself!

A new victim of more to come.  Unlissted said (under that title heading): ?There are now people warning against iiin org and masjid asunnah anabaweeyah.Who is safe?..........?

a.Again you show us that you ally yourself with the enemies of the salafiyoon those who openly attack the scholars of Ahlus sunnah.
b.Our advice to Masjid us Sunnah and IIIN is to openly free themselves from the likes of you and your Hizb as it is giving them a bad name. As you attack and defend them from the boards of the evil and shameless Hizbis.

As for the rest of the false allegations and nonsense of this individual, then he is too insignificant to be given that much attention, and besides the Scholars have refuted much of that type of opposition to the Salafees anyway. However, it was only befitting that we repel some of his clear lies that people might start believing in, unless they are exposed for what they are. Pure lies. And this is the way of Ahl ul-Ahwaa, they are devoid of any sound manhaj that keeps them firm and stable, and their behaviour and statements tend to emanate from a corrupted aqeedah of al-walaa and al-baraa, and misplaced loyalties and enmities.

Daarul Hadeeth wal Athar of Philadelphia
435 North 60th Street
Philadelphia PA,19151
(215) 471-0913

This message was edited by DaarulHadeeth.Phil on 3-5-03 @ 1:04 PM

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