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» Shaikh Rabee' al-Madkhalee on Abu Khadeejah, Hasan as-Somalee and Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis
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06-07-2010 @ 10:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 451
Joined: Sep 2002

On Friday, the 25th of June 2010 (14 Rajab 1431H), the following question was posed to the Shaykh al-'Allaamah Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee:

"O Shaykh, as you are aware, there are no scholars in Britain, but is there anyone residing there that you advise us with, who can connect us to the people of knowledge?"

The Shaykh, may Allaah preserve him, mentioned: Our brother Hasan as-Somali (who was present in the gathering), Abu Khadeejah and his companion (Abu Hakeem).

The Shaykh also stressed the importance of them keeping ties with the scholars.

May Allaah reward the Shaykh and protect our brothers who are striving to spread the call of the Sunnah in the West.

Alhamdulillaah there were many brothers present when this question was asked, and they heard the answer:

Abu Ishaaq Nadeem (Madinah Graduate),
Hasan as-Somaalee
Awais Haashimi,
Moosa Taweel (Graduate),
Abdul Wali Nelson (Madinah),
Bilaal Hussain (Makkah),
Jameel Finch (Makkah),
Samir Debbazi (Madinah Graduate),
Abdur Rahmaan Jamaikee,
Abdul Mateen (Madinah),
Abu Hammaad Yunus,
and many others.

Your Brother,

Abdul Wali Nelson (Madinah).

12-08-2010 @ 8:55 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aswad Sahih James bin Abdul Alim (USA. Staten Island N.Y)
Posts: 2
Joined: Aug 2009
May Allah bless these two brothers and grant them jannah. these are our brothers so lets benefit from them inshallah.

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