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» Families in Madina in need of unwanted clothes, shoes etc
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29-04-2010 @ 12:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
. Abdulilah Rabah Lahmami (Al Madeenah, S. Arabia)
Posts: 327
Joined: Sep 2002
Families in Madina in need of unwanted clothes, shoes etc

For the Five Pillars umra group that is coming inshAllah as well as anyone who comes to Madina in the future, we are working on a long term project to help the families in need in Madina by collecting any unwanted items (clean but in any condition) e.g. clothes, shoes, household items, toys etc as well as sadaqa and zakat.

If you have any unwanted items please bring them with you to Madina or send them with anyone friends or family and we will arrange to collect them and pass them on inshAllah to families who would greatly appreciate these items.

Also, Markaz Muadh in Slough is also collecting items on a long term basis that will be shipped over inshAllah. For further details and to find out if there is a collection point in your city, please kindly contact Markaz Muadh. Please see their email below:

alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullaah

Markaz Mu'aadh will take on the responsibility to consolidate and send the shipment to Madinah  bi idhnillaahi ta'ala.

So if you want to send any clothes, zakah or sadqah, then please feel free to contact us either by phone, email or post (www.markazmuaadh. com).


With regards to this request then please send us the items as follows;


ıClothes are washed and wrapped
ıShoes are kept separate from clothes (separate bags)
ıBedding, toys, etc in clean state and in separate bags

In addition, Markaz Mu'aadh will be carrying out this activity every quarter inshallah and if you want to support us with the costs or collection of items in your areas, that would be much appreciated.


In order to help this cause on continuous basis we would welcome your regular donations (detail can be found on our website - www.markazmuaadh. com) please.


If you are aware of needy in other parts of the world and have reliable contact there, then we would be more than happy to provide similar service inshallah.


Help us to help others and be generous in your donations for such causes.


BaarakAllaahu feekum


wassalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu


Rehan Qadhi (on behalf of Markaz Muaadh bin Jabal)

www.markazmuaadh. com


please kindly forward this information to others,


jazakallah khair

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