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» Shaykh Abdullah Maree al-Adani in Bombay
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02-04-2010 @ 8:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
abu abdullah muhammad islam (perlis malaysia)
Posts: 32
Joined: Sep 2008
asalam alaykum we just finished up our daurah here in malaysia with shaykh abdullah maree -he has now traveled to bombay
if there are any salafis here who  are in india or bombay and have any contact numbers please contact me
so i can forward the info to shaykh abdullah who should be in bombay for a few days

may allah reward you for your assistance

your brother

abu abdullah muhammad islam

shaykh abdullah maree was in indonesia for 1 month
and was with us here in malaysia for a week
alhamdolilah the shaykh clarified alot of issues here
and deleivered extremely
beneficial lectures

may allah reward him

abu abdullah muhammad islam

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