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Posted By Topic: Convert Takfiris Attempting to Malign SalafiTalk.Net

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24-02-2010 @ 3:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 204
Joined: Jan 2002

There have been a number of pictures circulating around with Takfiri Extremists (they appear to be converts associated with Joseph Cohen) holding up cards and posters with slogans with the "SalafiTalk.Net" website address added to them. Here is an example:

We can't be 100% sure, but this looks like the associate of Joseph Cohen, who is a convert to Islam (formerly a Jew) who is actively promoting the teachings of Abdullah al-Faisal al-Jamaikee (the extremist Takfiri). We've blurred the face  more than what it already was (the face was already slightly blurred).

Please take note of the following (assuming the picture is genuine):

These people are one of two types:

a) Ignorant, deluded Muslims (who are genuine in their Islam), but have been led astray by their sentiments and extremist teachings they have been exposed to, and so out of hatred and resentment they are trying to bring harm upon this website through these deceptive ways and means - due to their knowledge that this site contains much in way of refutation of their extremism and distortion of Islam. One should note that the very first Khawaarij (the revolters) were, despite their great misguidance, truthful people and they considered lying and deception a great evil. Thus, you would never find them lying, out of their awe and fear of Allaah, this is besides their great misguidance and ignorance of the religion. As for these people, their 20th century offspring, then they are the greatest of liars and they make light the matter of lying and deception.

b) Hypocrites (like Abdullah bin Saba') who have accepted Islam outwardly, and are part of a scheme to malign Islam, the Arabs and the Muslims in general, but in particular to malign those who are strongly vocal in refuting extremism and terrorism and the groups of takfir. Because a certain imagery of Islam and the Muslims and of Salafiyyah in particular is required to be maintained for public consumption, and because the vast majority of Muslims reject extremism and terrorism, it is not conducive to have them (and Salafis in particular) being seen and being perceived as strongly condemning and refuting the foundations and pillars and figureheads of this extremist ideology.

The reason why the second has to be considered a possibility and something that is plausible is firstly, history, and secondly, that you have to stop and ask yourself, of what benefit is it and to whose benefit is it that, as a Muslim, or claiming to be one, you go around in the face of the public (or in secret) with slogans like "Re-open Auschwitz", and you are not dumb enough to realize that this only goes to support and strengthen the very thing that you are claiming to be demonstrating against. So either this action occurs from someone deficient in intellect, an idiot, a fool, or someone who knows exactly what they are doing and has a very specific objective in mind.

We ask Allaah to either guide these people, or to make vain their evil plans. Ameen.

Please also see:

Islam, the Sunnah and the Way of the Salaf

24-02-2010 @ 10:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
This is another foto of this person in the same "Salute to Israel protest" using the name of forum.

Foto attached !!!!!!!!!!!

25-02-2010 @ 11:13 AM    Notify Admin about this post
abu abdullahi sulaimon Ilyas (nigeria)
Posts: 20
Joined: Oct 2009

may Allaah aid the people of salafiyyah and make vain the evil plot of the takfiris extremists

the sunnah, the sunnah, the sunnah and beware of innovation and its people

18-03-2010 @ 5:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
Jewish Converts to Islam Promoting Leninism and Anti-Semitism

In this article we will take a brief, illustrated look at the role of Joseph Cohen in the promotion of Anti-Semitism. Joseph Cohen is a former Talmudist turned Muslim who promotes the revolutionary ideology of Lenin in its Qutbi flavour, and currently propagates the teachings of Abdullah al-Faisal al-Jamaikee. We should clarify here that when we use the word "Anti-Semitism" it refers to racial hatred against any one from a Semitic background which includes the Arabs, the Arabs are the largest grouping of Semites. It should not be tolerated that hatred be shown to someone because of their racial origin. But as we will see, Joseph Cohen's particular brand of Anti-Semitism is one that is designed to lead to hatred against all Semites (and non-Semite Muslims) and not just against any one particular faction.........

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