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» how to refute a very common qutbi/surooree allegation?
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Posted By Topic: how to refute a very common qutbi/surooree allegation?

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08-01-2010 @ 12:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdillaah Junaid ibn Abdul Gani (Kashmir, India)
Posts: 24
Joined: Jun 2009
Assalaamualaikum..well actually i live in an area where the number of salafis is very less..rare infact..and i have some contact with some brothers who are upon sound aqeedah..but some out of them are deviated in their manhaj and some are extremist takfiris/qutubis..and recently i got a mail from one of those guys where he talks up emotional issues and gave me a link to a video showing the saudi king presenting a gold neclace or smthn of sorts to barack obama..and that guy basically made takfeer of the king using the pretext of al walaa wal baraa..he also slandered the scholars who are in the kingdom of saudi arabia..i have many times tried refuting these guys explaining to them how sins dont take a person out of islaam..the fitnah of its not permitted to rebel against an even unjust ruler/ far as this video goes..i guess the simple answer would be the presenting of gifts to the kuffar dont necessitate love for them in our hearts and thus definitely dosent necessitate kufr on the basis of al walaa wal baraa...however i need a more comprehensive answer from the students of knowledge out there..may Allaah bless you..i realy need to refute this guy coz he has a lot of influence on many people here and he might lead a lot of the new practicing muslims astray..jazakAllaahu khayr..baarakAllaahu feek

08-01-2010 @ 11:56 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Haaroon Husayn Ahmad ibn Jamal (West Palm Beach, FL USA)
Posts: 141
Joined: Jul 2005
Inshaa-Allaah you can find helpful material at:

"Article: Ibn 'Uthaymeen Concerning the Algerian Affair and additional Guidelines on Terrorism and Revolt"

Lecture: "And whoever does not rule by what Allaah revealed.." - A Death Sentence for the Muslim Rulers?

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