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Topic: Return to the Scholars
Zayd Abu Ubayd
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
In footnote 89 of Beneficial Answers [1] it states: It is appropriate here that we define the correct understanding of those whom it is proper to apply the term scholar to. And this is extremely important due to the fact that many people do not comprehend this issue, they have mixed individuals into the ranks of the scholars that do not belong there. The end result of this is the intellectual disorder that we are living in today. Many people in general, and students of knowledge in particular, have begun to think that everyone who writes a book, verifies a manuscript, gives a khutbah, or delivers a lecture is a scholar. Indeed , those who deserve the term "scholar" be applied to them in these times of ours are few. They are fewer than the few - in fact they are very few. This is because the scholar has special characteristics, many of which cannot be found in a majority of those who ascribe to knowledge today. A scholar is not someone who is prolific or eloquent in his [Islamic] speeches and lectures and so on. A scholar is not someone who authors a book or provides verification and referencing for a book or manuscript. Determining who is a scholar according to these standards is unfortunately the criterion in the minds of many of the youth and common folk today. Al-Haafidh Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbalee [d.795H] - rahimahullaah - said about this: "We have been put to trial by a group of ignoramuses amongst the people who believe that some modern-day individuals that are prolific in speech are more knowledgeable than those who came before them. Among them is he who thinks that a certain individual is more knowledgably than everyone that came in the past, including the Companions and those that succeeded them, due to the large amount of his clarifications and statements." He went on to say: "Many of the latter day people have been affected by this, and so they feel that whoever has a great amount of speech, debates and arguments on issues of the Religion, is more knowledgeable than someone who isn't like this!" I say: This was at the time of Ibn Rajab, rahimahullaah, so what if he were to observe the fake ıscholarsı of our time who fill tapes and books with their speech. The people become deceived by them because of the great amount of books they publish every month.So they think that they are scholars! Ibn Rajab went on to say: "So it is an obligation to believe that not everyone who excels in his display of speech and words on knowledge is more knowledgeable than one who is not like this." [His book Bayaan Fadlu- 'Ilm-is-Salaf 'alaa 'Ilm-il-Khalaf pg 38-40] From the factors that should be used to distinguish who it is proper to apply the term "scholar" to in these times is: seniority in age and that taking knowledge from the senior scholars is a condition for the acquirement of knowledge. This is especially so in these times, since the senior scholar is most likely possesses more knowledge, has a more complete intellect, and is farther removed from the overwhelming desires, and so on. Ibn Masood, radiallaahu anhu, said about this: "The people will not cease to be on good so long as they take knowledge from their elders, and from their trustworthy ones and scholars. So when they take knowledge from their youth and their evil ones, they will be ruined." Al Khateeb Al Baghdaadee [d. 463H] reported in his book Mukhtasar Naseehatu Ahlil-Hadeeth (pg. 93) that Ibn Qutaibah - rahimahullah - was once asked about the meaning of this narration, so he replied: "He means by this to say that the people will not cease to be on good, so long as their scholars are elders and not youths." Then he gives the reason for this interpretation, saying: "This is since an elder has the playfulness, excitability, hastiness and foolhardiness of youth come to an end in him. And he has developed experience and practical knowledge in him. So no misconception (or doubt) enters into his knowledge, nor do desires overtake him, nor does ambition divert him. The Devil does not cause him to slip up as he does for the youth. With elder age comes elevation, respect and awe (on the part of the people). All of these things which the elder is safe from, enter into the youth. So when these things enter him and he issues fatwa, he is ruined and ruins others." [Mukhtasar Naseehatu Ahlil-Hadeeth of Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee, pg. 93] Ibn Abdil-Barr [d.463H] included a chapter in his book Jaami Bayaan-ul-'Ilm wa Fadlihi under the heading: Who has the right to be called a Faqeeh or a Scholar in Reality and not Figuratively? And who is allowed to issue fatwa according to the scholars? So let the student of knowledge and the seeker of truth refer to it, for it is important. And Allaah knows best. [End of quote from footnote 89 of Beneficial Answers] [1] ıBeneficial Answers to Questions on Innovated Methodologies Questions Answered by : Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan", Compiled and Commented on by Jamaal bin Fareehan al-Haarithee, Translation Ismaeel Alarcon,
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
Joined: Jul 2007
as-salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, jazaakAllaahu khayraa akhee. Alhamdulillah, the book was posted at this link on (4th post): كتاب "الأجوبة المفيدة عن أسئلة المناهج الجديدة"..(ملف وورد ) And what's more, alhamdulillaah, Shaykh Jamaal al-Haarithee حفظه الله did reply positively to the thread so insha'Allah, there are no copyright issues downloading this. The footnote quoted above is on page 130-132 on this word file. May Allah make the book benefit the Ummah. Saadiq.