...For the prohibition of revolting is based upon the prevention of greater evil and corruption in the land and the prevention of greater harm to the Muslims in general that almost invariably arises from such revolts. As for when clear, manifest disbelief is observed from the one in authority, then this in and of itself does not warrant revolt and rebellion and fighting without exception - as the people of knowledge have explained. Rather, a further matter is required: Consideration is given to what harm may result from the revolt and fighting - a matter alien to the contemporary Leninist takfiris.
Click [url=http://www.takfiris.com/takfir/articles/zyxuc-the-khariijtes-will-continue-to-appear-and-be-cut-off-each-time-until-the-dajjaal-appears-in-their-later-remnants.cfm]here[/url] to read about the 'Leninist Takfiris'/modern-day kharijites